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Non-validated handling

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Non-validated handling

I was wondering if there was anyway to handle a non-validated signup or if this is handled automatically by Community?

The reason I ask is that I had a new sign up give an email address that was not theirs. Then I received a resonse from the actual email address owner saying that there was nobody by that name there. So I went into the admin and searched the user and founs the account. It was not validated and the only option I say was to validate the account and no action of deleting the account.

So how are these handled?

If they are not automated how do the accounts get deleted?
If they are automated, how many letters, days, etc...before they get deleted?
And is this automation controllable (if automated)?



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Teambldr: Jun 16, 2003, 11:59 AM
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Re: [Teambldr] Non-validated handling In reply to
Well the deletion can be done from the main users page with the check box.

But how can you tell who is registered, who is in the process of getting emails to validate and who has not chose to validate?

If the option to search based upon status was available that would make it easy to take care of.

Just a thought.

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Re: [Teambldr] Non-validated handling In reply to
Havinbg the "Validated" yes or no available to see is a good idea, but I think, if you are going to do that, you NEED to pair it with the date the person was put into the database.... you don't want to delete non-validated accounts only a couple hours or days old!

Big Cartoon DataBase
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Re: [carfac] Non-validated handling In reply to
I agree...but the ability to do it is what I am talking about. Using good common sense is also important as you have stated.

But rather than have hundreds or even thousands of non-validated accounts in the system it would be good to have the ability to search, review and delete if need be.

Just a thought
