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nondeliverable emails?

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nondeliverable emails?
Dear Bobsie or Mark :-) Sorry for bothering again: While using the Email feature I got the impression, that nondeliverable emails (if there is an old emailadress in the database) does not result in a typically 'Nondeliverable mail' return-email. Ist this correct or is possible to configure it ?

And a second question: Is it possible to allow users to submit 2 or more emailadresses during the add site process using theone field (like submitter@domain.net; webmaster@domain.net)

Thanks again from Budapest, Jean

Global Gay Guide Network

[This message has been edited by gayguide (edited June 08, 1999).]
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Re: nondeliverable emails? In reply to
The way I understand email, if a message is not deliverable, then it is up to the host system to bounce the message back to include the reasons why it is not deliverable.

If the domain part of the email address is not valid, then your sendmail program or smtp server should indicate such when an attempt is made to send the mail.

I do not think that there is a way to configure Links (or any other script that I know of) to notify you when mail is undeliverable. It is entirely up to the mail system to do that.
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Re: nondeliverable emails? In reply to
One comment regarding bouncing email using SendMail. The -f flag can be used to bounce undeliverable email to your email address. For example:

$mailprog = '/usr/lib/sendmail -f yourname\@yourdomain.com -t';

Dan Smile