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nph-build.cgi problem

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nph-build.cgi problem
I have tried editting the nph-build.cgi and the links.cfg to add it to where it builds an advertising page also ,but now when I goto build them it doesn't locate the nph-build.cgi ,but it is there can anyone tell what is wrong?

# -------------
# Links
# -------------
# Links Manager
# File: nph-build.cgi
# Description: Builds a set of HTML pages from the template directory. This is a
# non parsed header script, and should display the output directly as it may
# take quite a while to perform. It can also be called from the
# command line or via a cron routine. Read the README for more details.
# Author: Alex Krohn
# Email: alex@gossamer-threads.com
# Web: http://www.gossamer-threads.com/
# Version: 2.0
# (c) 1998 Gossamer Threads Inc.
# This script is not freeware! Please read the README for full details
# on registration and terms of use.
# =====================================================================

# Required Librariers
# --------------------------------------------------------
eval {
($0 =~ m,(.*)/[^/]+,) && unshift (@INC, "$1"); # Get the script location: UNIX /
($0 =~ m,(.*)\\[^\\]+,) && unshift (@INC, "$1"); # Get the script location: Windows \

require "links.cfg"; # Change this to full path to links.cfg if you have problems.
require "$db_lib_path/db_utils.pl";
require "$db_lib_path/links.def";
$build_use_templates ?
require "$db_lib_path/site_html_templates.pl" :
require "$db_lib_path/site_html.pl";
use vars qw(%category %subcategories @links @new_links @cool_links %stats $grand_total $use_html $nph $date $time);
if ($@) {
print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\n";
print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
print "Error including libraries: $@\n";
print "Make sure they exist, permissions are set properly, and paths are set correctly.";
# ========================================================

eval { &main; }; # Trap any fatal errors so the program hopefully
if ($@) { &cgierr("fatal error: $@"); } # never produces that nasty 500 server error page.
exit; # There are only two exit calls in the script, here and in in &cgierr.

sub main {
# --------------------------------------------------------

$use_html = 0;
$ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} and $use_html++;

$use_html and (%in = &parse_form);

# Either build the whole directory, parts of it, or just the new/popular section.
if ($use_html) {
if ($in{'staggered'}) { &build_staggered; }
else { &build_all; }
else { &build_all; }

sub build_staggered {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Builds the directory in steps.
my %in = &parse_form;

&html_print_headers() if ($use_html);
my %steps = ( 1 => 'Updating New and Popular Records and rebuilding URL database',
2 => 'Rebuilding Category Pages',
3 => 'Building Detailed View Pages',
4 => 'Updating Home/New/Cool Pages'
my $step = $in{'step'} | | 1;
my $limit = $in{'limit'} | | 20;
my $offset = $in{'offset'} | | 0;
my $auto = $in{'auto'} | | 0;
my $start = time();
my $date = &get_date;
my $time = &get_time;

my $header = qq~
<title>Rebuilding Directory -- Phase $phase</title>

my $sub_head = qq~

<body bgcolor=#FFFFFF>
<H2><TT>Building Pages</TT></H2>
<P><em>Step: $steps{$step}</em>
Pages built on $date at $time


($step == 1) and do {
print $header;
print qq~<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="2; URL=nph-build.cgi?staggered=1&step=2&auto=$auto">~ if ($auto);
print $sub_head;

my $t1 = time();
print "Backing up database . . .\n";
print "Done (", time - $t1, " s)\n\n";

$t1 = time();
print "Building URL Index . . .\n";
print "Done (", time - $t1, " s)\n\n";

print "Updating New and Popular Records . . .\n";
$t1 = time();
print "Done (", time - $t1, " s)\n\n";

print "Updating ratings .. \n";
$t1 = time();
print "Done (", time - $t1, " s)\n\n";

my $elapsed = time() - $start;
print "------------------------------------------------\n";
print "Step 1 took $elapsed seconds.\n\n";
print qq~</PRE><P><B><font face="Verdana" size=2><a href="nph-build.cgi?staggered=1&step=2&auto=$auto">On to Step 2</A></B></FONT></P>~;
last CASE;

($step == 2) and do {
my @category_list = &category_list; my $i;
print $header;
if ($auto) {
($offset > $#categories) ?
(print qq~<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; URL=nph-build.cgi?staggered=1&step=3&auto=$auto">~) :
(print qq~<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="2; URL=nph-build.cgi?staggered=1&step=2&limit=$limit&offset=~, $offset + $limit, qq~&auto=$auto">~);
print $sub_head;

print "Rebuilding Categories $offset -> ", $offset + $limit - 1, ".\n\n";
for ($i = $offset; $i <= $offset + $limit -1; $i++) {
last unless ($category_list[$i] =~ /\w+/);
%category = ();
%subcategories = ();
@links = ();
@new_links = ();
@cool_links = ();
%stats = ();
$grand_total = 0;
my $t1 = time();

print "** Building Category: $category_list[$i] ... \n";
&build_single_category ($category_list[$i]);
print "** Done (", time - $t1, " s)!\n\n";
$offset = $offset + $limit;

my $elapsed = time() - $start;
print "------------------------------------------------\n";
print "This phase of step 2 took $elapsed seconds.\n\n";
($offset > $#categories) ?
print qq~</PRE><P><B><font face="Verdana" size=2><a href="nph-build.cgi?staggered=1&step=3">Go on to Step 3!</A></B></FONT></P>~ :
print qq~</PRE><P><B><font face="Verdana" size=2><a href="nph-build.cgi?staggered=1&step=2&limit=$limit&offset=$offset&auto=$auto">Next $limit Categories!</A></B></FONT></P>~;
last CASE;

($step == 3) and do {
print $header;
print qq~<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="2; URL=nph-build.cgi?staggered=1&step=4&auto=$auto">~ if ($auto);
print $sub_head;

if ($build_detailed) {
my $t1 = time();
print "Generating detailed view pages . . . \n";
print "** Done (", time - $t1, " s)!\n";
else {
print "Detailed Building is not turned on -- Skipping!\n\n";
my $elapsed = time() - $start;

print "------------------------------------------------\n";
print "Step 3 took $elapsed seconds.\n\n";
print qq~</PRE><P><B><font face="Verdana" size=2><a href="nph-build.cgi?staggered=1&step=4&auto=1">Go on to Step 4!</A></B></FONT></P>~;
last CASE;

($step == 4) and do {
print $header, $sub_head;

my $t1 = time();
print "** Loading Category information . . .\n";
print "** Done (", time - $t1, " s)!\n\n";

$t1 = time();
print "** Loading Summary information . . .\n";
&build_stats (1);
print "** Done (", time - $t1, " s)!\n\n";

$t1 = time();
print "** Creating Home Page . . .\n";
print "** Done (", time - $t1, " s)!\n\n";

$t1 = time();
print "** Creating Advertising Page . . .\n";
print "** Done (", time - $t1, " s)!\n\n";

$t1 = time();
print "** Creating What's New Pages . . .\n";
print "** Done (", time - $t1, " s)!\n\n";

$t1 = time();
print "** Creating What's Cool Page. . .\n";
print "** Done (", time - $t1, " s)!\n\n";

$t1 = time();
print "** Creating Top Rated Page. . .\n";
print "** Done (", time - $t1, " s)!\n\n";

my $elapsed = time() - $start;
print "------------------------------------------------\n";
print qq~Step 4 took $elapsed seconds.\n\n<b><a href="$build_root_url" target="_top">Your site</a> is now up to date!</b>~;
last CASE;

&cgierr("Unkown step: $step.");

sub build_all {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Rebuild the entire directory.

# Determine if we are printing to command line, or to browser.
&html_print_headers() if ($use_html);

my $start = time();
my $date = &get_date;
my $time = &get_time;

# Print HTML Header
$use_html ?
print qq|<html><head><tittle>Links Manager: Building Pages</title></head>
<BASE TARGET="_top">
<BODY BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF><H2><TT>Building Pages</TT></H2>
<PRE>| :
print qq|Building Pages\n|;
print "Pages built on " . $date . " at " . $time . "\n";
print "--------------------------------------------------------\n\n";

# Backup the database.
print "Backing up database . . .\n";
print "Done.\n\n";

# Rebuild URL Index (This file is auto-generated, you will never need to touch it!
print "Building URL Index . . .\n";
print "Done.\n\n";

# Update New and Popular Records..
print "Updating New and Popular Records . . .\n";
print "Done.\n\n";

# Update voting information ..
print "Updating ratings .. \n";
print "Done.\n\n";

# Load Category Information
print "Loading Category Information . . .\n";
print "Done.\n\n";

# Generate some stats for future pages...
print "Gathering Category and Link information . . .\n";
print "Done\n\n";

# Generate detailed view pages.
if ($build_detailed) {
print "Generating detailed view pages . . . \n";
print "Done\n\n";

# Create Home Page
$use_html ?
print qq|Building <A HREF="$build_root_url/$build_index">Home Pages</A> . . .\n| :
print qq|Building Home Page . . .\n|;
print "\tDone\n\n";

# Create Advertising Page
$use_html ?
print Building <A HREF="$build_adver_url/$build_index\">Advertising Page</A> . . .\n| :
print Building Advertising Page . . .\n|;
print "\tDone\n\n";

# Create What's New Page
$use_html ?
print "Building <A HREF=\"$build_new_url/$build_index\">What's New</A> Page . . .\n" :
print "Building What's New Page . . .\n";
print "Done\n\n";

# Create What's Cool Page
$use_html ?
print "Building <A HREF=\"$build_cool_url/$build_index\">What's Cool</A> Page . . .\n" :
print "Building What's Cool Page . . .\n";
print "Done\n\n";

# Create Top Rated Page
$use_html ?
print "Building <A HREF=\"$build_ratings_url/$build_index\">Top Rated</A> Page . . .\n" :
print "Building Top Rated . . .\n";
print "Done\n\n";

# Create Category Pages
print "Building Category Pages . . .\n";
print "Done\n\n";

# We are finished!
print "Pages Built (", time() - $start, " s)!";
print "</PRE></BODY></HTML>" if ($use_html);

sub build_backup {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Backs up important database files.
my $date = &get_date;
if (-e "$db_script_path/backup/$date.links.db") {
print "\tBackup exists for today.. Skipping\n";

# Try to do it the right way..
eval { require File::Copy; };
if (!$@) {
print "\tBacking up links, category and email database (File::Copy) ... \n";
&File::Copy::copy ("$db_script_path/data/links.db", "$db_script_path/backup/$date.links.db") or &cgierr ("Unable to copy links backup. Reason: $!");
&File::Copy::copy ("$db_script_path/data/categories.db", "$db_script_path/backup/$date.category.db") or &cgierr ("Unable to copy category backup. Reason: $!");
&File::Copy::copy ("$db_script_path/data/email.db", "$db_script_path/backup/$date.email.db") or &cgierr ("Unable to copy email backup. Reason: $!");
# Otherwise, the ugly way.
else {
print "\tBacking up links, category and email database (Regular - $@) ... \n";
foreach (qw!links categories email!) {
open (TMP, "$db_script_path/data/$_.db") or &cgierr ("Unable to open $db_script_path/data/$_.db. Reason: $!");
open (TMPOUT, ">$db_script_path/backup/$date.$_.db") or &cgierr ("Unable to open $db_script_path/$date.$_.db. Reason: $!");
while (<TMP> ) {
print TMPOUT;
close TMP;
close TMPOUT;

sub build_url_index {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# This routine builds a quick URL lookup database so the script
# does not have to search the links.db for every hit.

my $time = time();
my @values = ();
my $count = 0;

open (DB, "<$db_file_name") or &cgierr("unable to open database: $db_file_name.\nReason: $!");
open (URL, ">$db_url_name") or &cgierr("unable to open url index: $db_url_name. Reason: $!");
if ($db_use_flock) { flock (URL, 2) or &cgierr ("unable to get exclusive lock. Reason: $!"); }
LINE: while (<DB> ) {
/^#/ and next LINE; # Skip comment Lines.
/^\s*$/ and next LINE; # Skip blank lines.
chomp; # Remove trailing new line.
@values = &split_decode($_);
print URL "$values[$db_key_pos]$db_delim$values[$db_url]\n";
close DB;
close URL;

# Build the count file used to do random links.
open (CNT, ">$db_hits_path/index.count") or &cgierr("unable to open count file: '$db_hits_path/index.count'. Reason: $!");
if ($db_use_flock) { flock (CNT, 2) or &cgierr ("unable to get exclusive lock on $db_hits_path/index.count. Reason: $!"); }
print CNT $count;
close CNT;

sub build_update_ratings {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Updates the ratings of each link.

# Let's collect the ratings.
my ($id, %rating, %votes, @values, $input);
opendir (HITS, $db_rates_path) or &cgierr ("unable to open ratings directory: $db_rates_path. Reason: $!");
while (defined ($id = readdir HITS)) {
next unless ($id =~ /^\d+$/);
open (HIT, "$db_rates_path/$id") or &cgierr ("unable to open rating counter: $db_rates_path/$id. Reason: $!");
my $input = <HIT>;
chomp $input;
($votes{$id}, $rating{$id}) = split /\s/, $input;
close HIT;
closedir HITS;

# Update the links database.
open (DB, "$db_links_name") or &cgierr ("unable to open links database: $db_links_name. Reason: $!");
open (DBTMP, ">$db_links_name.bak") or &cgierr ("unable to open temp links database: $db_links_name.bak. Reason: $!");
LINE: while (<DB> ) {
/^#/ and print OUT and next LINE; # Skip comment Lines.
/^\s*$/ and next LINE; # Skip blank lines.
chomp; # Remove trailing new line.
@values = split /\Q$db_delim\E/;
$id = $values[0];

if (exists $votes{$id}) {
$values[$db_rating] = (($values[$db_rating] * $values[$db_votes]) + $rating{$id}) /
($values[$db_votes] + $votes{$id});
$values[$db_rating] = sprintf ("%.2f", $values[$db_rating]);
$values[$db_votes] = $values[$db_votes] + $votes{$id};
print "\tUpdating rating to $values[$db_rating] for link id $id\n";
print DBTMP &join_encode(&array_to_hash(0, @values));
close DB;
close DBTMP;

if (-s "$db_links_name.bak" > 0) {
if (! rename ("$db_links_name.bak", $db_links_name)) {
print "\tCouldn't rename! Had to copy. Strange: $!\n";
open (DBTMP, ">$db_links_name") or &cgierr ("unable to open links database: $db_links_name. Reason: $!");
open (DB, "$db_links_name.bak") or &cgierr ("unable to open temp links database: $db_links_name.bak. Reason: $!");
while (<DB> ) { print DBTMP; }
close DB;
close DBTMP;
else {
&cgierr ("Error building! Links database is 0 bytes!");

# Delete the ratings.
foreach (keys %votes) {
unlink ("$db_rates_path/$_") or &cgierr ("unable to remove rating: $db_rates_path/$_. Reason: $!");

sub build_update_newpop {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# This routines updates the database, and marks new records new,
# old records old, popular records popular, and unpopular records,
# unpopular.

my ($id, %hits, @values, $days, @popular, $cutoff);

# Let's collect how many hits we've gotten.
opendir (HITS, $db_hits_path) or &cgierr ("unable to open hits directory: $db_hits_path. Reason: $!");
while (defined ($id = readdir HITS)) {
next unless ($id =~ /^\d+$/);
open (HIT, "$db_hits_path/$id") or &cgierr ("unable to open hit counter: $db_hits_path/$id. Reason: $!");
$hits{$id} = int <HIT>;
close HIT;
closedir HITS;

# Now go through the links database and update new links, and
# add the hits.
open (DB, "<$db_file_name") or &cgierr("unable to open database: $db_file_name.\nReason: $!");
if ($db_use_flock) { flock(DB, 1); }
LINE: while (<DB> ) {
/^#/ and next LINE; # Skip comment Lines.
/^\s*$/ and next LINE; # Skip blank lines.
chomp; # Remove trailing new line.
@values = &split_decode($_);
$values[$db_modified] or print "Warning: No date for line: $_. Skipping..\n" and next LINE;

# Calculate days old and then mark new.
$days = &days_old($values[$db_modified], $date);
($days <= $db_new_cutoff) and ($new_records{$values[$db_key_pos]}++);

# Build an array of popular hits.
exists $hits{$id} ?
push (@popular, $values[$db_hits] + $hits{$id}) :
push (@popular, $values[$db_hits]);
close DB;

# Sort the popular list, and set the cutoff mark.
@popular = sort { $b <=> $a } @popular;
($db_popular_cutoff < 1) ?
($cutoff = $popular[int($db_popular_cutoff * $#popular)]) :
($cutoff = $popular[$db_popular_cutoff - 1]);
($cutoff < 2) and ($cutoff = 2);

# Display our cutoffs.
print "\tWhat's New Cutoff: $db_new_cutoff days\n";
print "\tPopular Cutoff: $cutoff hits\n";

# Now update the New and Cool tags on the links.
open (DB, "$db_links_name") or &cgierr ("unable to open links database: $db_links_name. Reason: $!");
open (DBTMP, ">$db_links_name.bak") or &cgierr ("unable to open temp links database: $db_links_name.bak. Reason: $!");
LINE: while (<DB> ) {
/^#/ and print OUT and next LINE; # Skip comment Lines.
/^\s*$/ and next LINE; # Skip blank lines.
chomp; # Remove trailing new line.
@values = split /\Q$db_delim\E/;
$id = $values[0];

# Store the new number of hits.
exists $hits{$id} and ($values[$db_hits] = $values[$db_hits] + $hits{$id});

# Check to see if the record is popular...
if ($values[$db_hits] >= $cutoff) {
print "\tUpdating record: $id, marking as popular ($values[$db_hits]).\n";
$values[$db_ispop] = "Yes";
else {
$values[$db_ispop] = "No";

# Check to see if the record is new...
if ($new_records{$id}) {
print "\tUpdating record: $id, marking as new.\n";
$values[$db_isnew] = "Yes";
else {
$values[$db_isnew] = "No";
print DBTMP &join_encode (&array_to_hash(0, @values));
close DB;
close DBTMP;

if (-s "$db_links_name.bak" > 0) {
if (! rename ("$db_links_name.bak", $db_links_name)) {
print "\tCouldn't rename! Had to copy. Strange: $!\n";
open (DBTMP, ">$db_links_name") or &cgierr ("unable to open links database: $db_links_name. Reason: $!");
open (DB, "$db_links_name.bak") or &cgierr ("unable to open temp links database: $db_links_name.bak. Reason: $!");
while (<DB> ) { print DBTMP; }
close DB;
close DBTMP;
else {
&cgierr ("Error building! Links database is 0 bytes!");

# Finally, clean out the hits directory.
foreach (keys %hits) {
next unless /^\d+$/;
unlink ("$db_hits_path/$_") or &cgierr ("Can't remove hit file: '$db_hits_path/$_'. Reason: $!");

sub build_category_information {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# This routine loads the category information into memory and
# does some grouping.

my ($name, @values, @base, $base,);

open (DB, "<$db_category_name") or &cgierr("unable to open database: $db_category_name. Reason: $!");
LINE: while (<DB> ) {
/^#/ and next LINE; # Skip comment Lines.
/^\s*$/ and next LINE; # Skip blank lines.
@values = &split_decode ($_);
$name = $values[$db_main_category];

# We store the category information in a globally accessable hash %category, indexed by category name.
@{$category{$name}} = @values;

# We also initilize the days_old variable to Jan 1. 1990 so that if
# this category doesn't have any links, we still have a valid date
# for it.
$stats{$name}[1] = "1-Jan-1990";
$stats{$name}[0] = 0;

# We now figure out if this category is a subcategory of something,
# and if so, store it in the hash of arrays %subcategories.
(@base) = split (/\//, $name);
pop @base; $base = join ("/", @base);
if ($base) {
push (@{$subcategories{$base}}, $name);
close DB;

sub build_stats {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# This routine does a lot of the messy work. It builds globally accessible
# arrays of new_links and cool_links. It finds out how many links are in each
# category, and whether a category contains a new/modified link.

my (@values, $category, $cat, @alt_categories, @categorylist, $depth, $i, $cat);
my $staggered_mode = shift &#0124; &#0124; undef;

open (DB, "<$db_file_name") or &cgierr("unable to open database: $db_file_name. Reason: $!");
LINE: while (<DB> ) {
/^#/ and next LINE; # Skip comment Lines.
/^\s*$/ and next LINE; # Skip blank lines.
@values = &split_decode ($_);
$category = $values[$db_category];

# Add the link to the list of links.
push (@{$links{$category}}, @values) if (!$staggered_mode);

# Add the link to the alternate categories as well.
if (defined $db_alt) {
@alt_categories = split(/\Q$db_delim\E/, $values[$db_alt]);
foreach (@alt_categories) {
push (@{$links{$_}}, @values);

# Add the link to the list of new links if it is new.
push (@{$new_links{$category}}, @values) if ($values[$db_isnew] eq "Yes");

# Add the link to the list of cool links if it is popular.
push (@{$cool_links{$category}}, @values) if ($values[$db_ispop] eq "Yes");

# This adds one to the total of each category above the current category.
# We have to caluclate the affect of the link on each alt category as well as the main.
foreach $cat ($category, @alt_categories) {

# Calculate the stats: the number of links and the newest link.
@categorylist = split (/\//, $cat);
$depth = $#categorylist;

# This adds one to the total of each category above the current category,
# and also marks any above categories new, if this link is new.
for $i (0 .. $depth) {
if ((!$stats{$cat}[1]) &#0124; &#0124; &compare_dates($values[$db_modified], $stats{$cat}[1])) {
$stats{$cat}[1] = $values[$db_modified];
pop (@categorylist);
$cat = join("/", @categorylist);
close DB;

# Now we have to sort the links and categories..
if (!$staggered_mode) {
foreach $link ( keys %links ) {
@{$links{$link}} = &build_sorthit (@{$links{$link}});
foreach $cat ( keys %subcategories ) {
@{$subcategories{$cat}} = sort @{$subcategories{$cat}};
$grand_total &#0124; &#0124;= 0;

sub build_detailed_view {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# This routine build a single page for every link.
my (@values, $id, %rec, $count);
if ($build_detail_path =~ m,^$build_root_path/(.*)$,) {
&build_dir ($1);
print "\t";
open (DB, "<$db_file_name") or &cgierr("unable to open database: $db_file_name. Reason: $!");
LINE: while (<DB> ) {
/^#/ and next LINE; # Skip comment Lines.
/^\s*$/ and next LINE; # Skip blank lines.
@values = &split_decode ($_);
$id = $values[$db_key_pos];
%rec = &array_to_hash (0, @values);
$title_linked = &build_linked_title ("$rec{'Category'}/$rec{'Title'}");
open (DETAIL, ">$build_detail_path/$id$build_extension") or &cgierr ("Unable to build detail page: $build_detail_path/$id$build_extension. Reason: $!");
print DETAIL &site_html_detailed (%rec);
close DETAIL;
$use_html ?
print qq~<a href="$build_detail_url/$id$build_extension" target="_blank">$id</a> ~ :
print qq~$id ~;
(++$count % 10) or print "\n\t";
close DB;
print "\n";

sub build_category_pages {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# This routine builds all the category pages. Each category uses
# the same template which is defined in &site_html_category.

my $build_single = shift;

my ($cat, $url, $dir, @related, $relation, $page_num, $next_page, $numlinks);
local ($category, $links, $title_linked, $title, $total, $category_name, $category_name_escaped);
local ($description, $related, $meta_name, $meta_keywords, $header, $footer, $next, $prev);

# Go through each category and build the appropriate page.
CATEGORY: foreach $cat (sort keys %category) {
next CATEGORY if ($cat =~ /^\s*$/); # How'd that get in here? =)
next CATEGORY if ($build_single and ($build_single ne $cat));

$url = "$build_root_url/" . &urlencode($cat) . "/";
$use_html ?
print qq|Building Category: <A HREF="$url" TARGET="_blank">$cat</A>\n| :
print qq|Building Category: $cat\n|;
print "\tSubcategories: " . ($#{$subcategories{$cat}} + 1) . "\n";
print "\tLinks: " . (($#{$links{$cat}}+1) / ($#db_cols+1)) . "\n";

# Let's make sure the directory exists, build it if it doesn't.
$dir = &build_dir ($cat);
print "\tDirectory: $dir\n";
print "\tFilename : $dir/$build_index\n";

# We set up all the variables people can use in &site_html.pl.
($description, $related, $meta_name, $meta_keywords, $header, $footer) = @{$category{$cat}}[2..7];

# Calculate the related entries and put in a <LI> list.
@related = split(/\Q$db_delim\E/, $related); $related = "";
foreach $relation (@related) {
$related .= qq|<li><a href="$build_root_url/|;
$related .= &urlencode($relation);
$related .= qq|/$build_index">|;
$related .= &build_clean($relation);
$related .= "</a></li>";

# Get the header and footer from file if it exists, otherwise assume it is html.
if ($header && (length($header) < 20) && ($header !~ /\s+/) && (-e "$db_header_path/$header")) {
open (HEAD, "<$db_header_path/$header") or &cgierr ("Unable to open header file: $db_header_path/$header. Reason: $!");
$header = "";
while (<HEAD> ) {
$header .= $_;
close HEAD;
if ($footer && (length($footer) < 20) && ($footer !~ /\s+/) && (-e "$db_footer_path/$footer")) {
open (FOOT, "<$db_footer_path/$footer") or &cgierr ("Unable to open footer file: $db_footer_path/$footer. Reason: $!");
$footer = "";
while (<FOOT> ) {
$footer .= $_;
close FOOT;
$title_linked = &build_linked_title ($cat);
$title = &build_unlinked_title ($cat);
$total = ($#{$links{$cat}} + 1) / ($#db_cols + 1);
$category_name = $cat;
$category_name_escaped = &urlencode ($cat);
$category_clean = &build_clean ($cat);

# Store all the category html info in $category.
if ($#{$subcategories{$cat}} >= 0) {
$category = &site_html_print_cat (@{$subcategories{$cat}});
else {
$category = "";

# If we are spanning pages, we grab the first x number of links and build
# the main index page. We set $numlinks to the remaining links, and we remove
# the links from the list.
$numlinks = ($#{$links{$cat}} + 1) / ($#db_cols + 1);
$next = $prev = $links = "";
if (($numlinks > $build_links_per_page) && $build_span_pages) {
$page_num = 2;
$next = $url . "more$page_num$build_extension";
for ($i = 0; $i < $build_links_per_page; $i++) {
%tmp = &array_to_hash ($i, @{$links{$cat}});
$links .= &site_html_link (%tmp);
@{$links{$cat}} = @{$links{$cat}}[(($#db_cols+1)*$build_links_per_page) .. $#{$links{$cat}}];
$numlinks = ($#{$links{$cat}}+1) / ($#db_cols + 1);
# Otherwise we either only have less then x number of links, or we are not
# splitting pages, so let's just build them all.
else {
for ($i = 0; $i < $numlinks; $i++) {
%tmp = &array_to_hash ($i, @{$links{$cat}});
$links .= &site_html_link (%tmp);

# Create the main page.
open (CAT, ">$dir/$build_index") or &cgierr ("unable to open category page: $dir/$build_index. Reason: $!");
print CAT &site_html_category;
close CAT;

# Then we go through the list of links and build on the remaining pages.
$prev = $url if ($build_span_pages);
while ($next && $build_span_pages) {
if ($numlinks > $build_links_per_page) {
$next_page = $page_num+1;
$next = $url . "more$next_page$build_extension";
else {
$next = "";
$links = "";
LINK: for ($i = 0; $i < $build_links_per_page; $i++) {
%tmp = &array_to_hash ($i, @{$links{$cat}});
last LINK if ($tmp{$db_key} eq "");
$links .= &site_html_link (%tmp);
$title_linked = &build_linked_title ("$cat/Page_$page_num/");
$title = &build_unlinked_title ("$cat/Page_$page_num/");

$use_html ?
print qq|\tSubpage : <A HREF="|, $url, qq|more$page_num$build_extension" TARGET="_blank">$dir/more$page_num$build_extension</A>\n| :
print qq|\tSubpage : $dir/more$page_num$build_extension\n|;

open (CAT, ">$dir/more$page_num$build_extension") or &cgierr ("unable to open category page: $dir/index$page_num$build_extension. Reason: $!");
print CAT &site_html_category;
close CAT;

@{$links{$cat}} = @{$links{$cat}}[(($#db_cols+1)*$build_links_per_page) .. $#{$links{$cat}}];
$numlinks = ($#{$links{$cat}}+1) / ($#db_cols + 1);

$prev = $url . "more$page_num$build_extension";
print "\n";

sub build_single_category {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Builds a single category.
my $category = shift;

my ($name, @values, @base, $base,);

# Get category information for this one category.
open (DB, "<$db_category_name") or &cgierr("unable to open database: $db_category_name. Reason: $!");
LINE: while (<DB> ) {
/^#/ and next LINE; # Skip comment Lines.
/^\s*$/ and next LINE; # Skip blank lines.
@values = &split_decode ($_);
$name = $values[$db_main_category];

if ($name eq $category) {
@{$category{$name}} = @values;
$stats{$name}[1] = "1-Jan-1990";
$stats{$name}[0] = 0;
elsif ($name =~ m,^$category/([^/]+),) {
@{$category{$name}} = @values;
push @{$subcategories{$category}}, $name;
$stats{$name}[1] = "1-Jan-1990";
$stats{$name}[0] = 0;
else {
close DB;

# Gather link information for just this one category.
open (DB, "<$db_file_name") or &cgierr("unable to open database: $db_file_name.\nReason: $!");
if ($db_use_flock) { flock(DB, 1); }
LINE: while (<DB> ) {
/^#/ and next LINE; # Skip comment Lines.
/^\s*$/ and next LINE; # Skip blank lines.
chomp; # Remove trailing new line.
@values = &split_decode($_);
$link_cat = $values[$db_category];
next unless ($link_cat =~ /^$category/);

# This link is either in the category, or in a subcategory.
if ($link_cat =~ m,^$category/([^/]+)/*,) {
if ((!$stats{$link_cat}[1]) &#0124; &#0124; &compare_dates($values[$db_modified], $stats{$link_cat}[1])) {
$stats{$link_cat}[1] = $values[$db_modified];
elsif ($link_cat eq $category) {
push (@{$links{$category}}, @values);
else {
&cgierr ("Unkown Category: $link_cat.");
close DB;

# Sort the links.
foreach $link ( keys %links ) {
@{$links{$link}} = &build_sorthit (@{$links{$link}});
foreach $cat ( keys %subcategories ) {
@{$subcategories{$cat}} = sort @{$subcategories{$cat}};

# Now let's build the category page.

sub build_home_page {
# --------------------------------------------------------
my ($subcat, @rootcat);
local ($total);

# Check to see which categories are off of the root.
foreach $subcat (sort keys %category) {
if ($subcat =~ m,^([^/]*)$,) {
push (@rootcat, $subcat);
print "\tSubcategories: "; print $#rootcat+1; print "\n";
print "\tTotal Links: $grand_total\n";
print "\tOpening page: $build_root_path/$build_index\n";

open (HOME, ">$build_root_path/$build_index") or &cgierr ("unable to open home page: $build_root_path/$build_index. Reason: $!");
$category = &site_html_print_cat (@rootcat) if ($#rootcat >= 0);
$total = $grand_total;
print HOME &site_html_home;
close HOME;
print "\tClosing page.\n";

sub build_new_page {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Creates a "What's New" page. Set $build_span_pages to 1 in links.cfg
# and it will create a seperate page for each date.
my (%link_output, $category_clean, $long_date, $category, $date,
$number_links, $main_link_results, $main_total, %span_totals);
local ($total, $link_results, $title_linked);

# Let's build the What's New directory.
if ($build_new_path =~ m,^$build_root_path/(.*)$,) {
&build_dir ($1);

# Now we go through all the new_links (which are organized by category), and
# build the html in array indexed by date then category.
$total = 0;
CATEGORY: foreach $category (sort keys %new_links) {
LINK: for ($i = 0; $i < ($#{$new_links{$category}}+1) / ($#db_cols + 1); $i++) {
%tmp = &array_to_hash ($i, @{$new_links{$category}});
${$link_output{$tmp{'Date'}}}{$category} .= &site_html_link (%tmp) . "\n";

# Then we go through each date, and build the links for that date. If we are spanning
# pages, we will create a seperate page for each date and need to set up a few other
# variables (like title and total). We will also want to reset links_results each time.
DATE: foreach $date (sort { &date_to_unix($b) <=> &date_to_unix($a) } keys %link_output) {
$long_date = &long_date ($date);
if ($build_span_pages) {
$link_results = "";
$total = $span_totals{$date};
$title_linked = &build_linked_title ("New/$date");
else {
$link_results .= "<p><strong>$long_date</strong>\n<blockquote>";
CATEGORY: foreach $category (sort keys %{$link_output{$date}}) {
$category_clean = &build_clean ($category);
$link_results .= qq|<P><A HREF="$build_root_url/$category/$build_index">$category_clean</A>\n|;
$link_results .= ${$link_output{$date}}{$category};

# Crete the new page, and do a bit of HTML work for the main page.
if ($build_span_pages) {
open (NEW, ">$build_new_path/$date$build_extension") or cgierr ("unable to open what's new page: $build_new_path/$build_index. Reason: $!");
$use_html ?
print qq|\tNew Links for <a href="$build_new_url/$date$build_extension" TARGET="_blank">$date</a>: $total\n| :
print qq|\tNew Links for $date: $total\n|;
print NEW &site_html_new;
close NEW;
$main_link_results .= qq|<li><a href="$build_new_url/$date$build_extension">$long_date</a> ($total).|;
$main_total += $total;
else {
$link_results .= "</blockquote>";

if ($build_span_pages) {
$link_results = "<ul>$main_link_results</ul>";
$total = $main_total;
$title_linked = &build_linked_title ("New");

# Build the main What's New page.
open (NEW, ">$build_new_path/$build_index") or cgierr ("unable to open what's new page: $build_new_path/$build_index. Reason: $!");
print "\tTotal New Links: $total\n";
print NEW &site_html_new(@new_links);
close NEW;

sub build_cool_page {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Creates a "What's Cool" page.

local ($total, $percent, $link_results, $title_linked);
my (%link_output, $category_clean);

if ($build_cool_path =~ m,^$build_root_path/(.*)$,) {
&build_dir ($1);

$total = 0;
CATEGORY: foreach $category (sort keys %cool_links) {
LINK: for ($i = 0; $i < ($#{$cool_links{$category}}+1) / ($#db_cols + 1); $i++) {
%tmp = &array_to_hash ($i, @{$cool_links{$category}});
$link_output{$category} .= &site_html_link (%tmp) . "\n";
foreach $category (sort keys %cool_links) {
$category_clean = &build_clean ($category);
$link_results .= qq|<P><A HREF="$build_root_url/$category/$build_index">$category_clean</A>\n|;
$link_results .= $link_output{$category};
$title_linked = &build_linked_title ("Cool");
open (COOL, ">$build_cool_path/$build_index") or cgierr ("unable to open what's cool page: $build_cool_path/$build_index. Reason: $!");
print "\tCool Links: $total\n";
($db_popular_cutoff < 1) ?
($percent = $db_popular_cutoff * 100 . "%") :
($percent = $db_popular_cutoff);
print COOL &site_html_cool(@cool_links);
close COOL;

sub build_rate_page {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Creates a Top 10 ratings page.

my (@values, $id, $votes, $rate, @top_votes, %top_votes, @top_rate, %top_rate);
local ($top_rated, $top_votes);

if ($build_ratings_path =~ m,^$build_root_path/(.*)$,) {
&build_dir ($1);

$total = 0;

open (LINKS, $db_links_name) or &cgierr ("unable to open links database: $db_links_name. Reason: $!");
LINE: while (<LINKS> ) {
/^#/ and next LINE; # Skip comment Lines.
/^\s*$/ and next LINE; # Skip blank lines.
@values = &split_decode ($_);
$id = $values[$db_key_pos];
$votes = $values[$db_votes];
$rate = $values[$db_rating];
next if ($votes < 10);
if (($#top_votes < 9) or ($votes > $top_votes[$#top_votes])) {
push (@{$top_votes{$votes}}, @values);
if ($#top_votes <= 10) {
push (@top_votes, $votes);
@top_votes = sort { $b <=> $a } @top_votes;
else {
splice (@{$top_votes{$#top_votes}}, 0, $#db_cols);
$#{$top_votes{$#top_votes}} or delete $top_votes{$#top_votes};
delete $top_votes{$top_votes[$#top_votes]-$id};
$top_votes[$#top_votes] = $votes;
@top_votes = sort { $b <=> $a } @top_votes;
if (($#top_rate < 9) or ($rate > $top_rate[$#top_rate])) {
push (@{$top_rate{$rate}}, @values);
if ($#top_rate <= 10) {
push (@top_rate, $rate);
@top_rate = sort { $b <=> $a } @top_rate;
else {
splice (@{$top_rate{$#top_rate}}, 0, $#db_cols);
$#{$top_rate{$#top_rate}} or delete $top_rate{$#top_rate};
delete $top_rate{$top_rate[$#top_rate]-$id};
$top_rate[$#top_rate] = $rate;
@top_rate = sort { $b <=> $a } @top_rate;
close LINKS;

$top_rated = ''; $top_votes = '';

foreach (sort { $b <=> $a } @top_votes) {
%link = &array_to_hash ($seen{$_} - 1, @{$top_votes{$_}});
$top_votes .= qq~<tr><td align=center>$link{'Rating'}</td><td align=center>$link{'Votes'}</td><td><a href="$link{'URL'}">$link{'Title'}</a></td></tr>\n~;
foreach (sort { $b <=> $a } @top_rate) {
%link = &array_to_hash ($seen{$_} - 1, @{$top_rate{$_}});
$top_rated .= qq~<tr><td align=center>$link{'Rating'}</td><td align=center>$link{'Votes'}</td><td><a href="$link{'URL'}">$link{'Title'}</a></td></tr>\n~;
open (RATE, ">$build_ratings_path/$build_index") or &cgierr ("unable to open top rated page: $build_ratings_path/$build_index. Reason: $!");
print "\tVote Range: $top_votes[0] .. $top_votes[$#top_votes]\n";
print "\tRate Range: $top_rate[0] .. $top_rate[$#top_rate]\n";
print RATE &site_html_ratings;
close RATE;

sub build_dir {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Verifies that all neccessary directories have been created
# before we create the category file. Takes as input, the category
# to verify, and returns the full directory path.

my $input = shift;
my ($dir, $path) = '';
my @dirs = split /\//, $input;

foreach $dir (@dirs) {
$path .= "/$dir";
&build_check_dir ($build_root_path, $path);
if (! (-e "$build_root_path$path")) {
print "\tMaking Directory ($build_dir_per): '$build_root_path$path' ...";
if (mkdir ("$build_root_path$path", "$build_dir_per")) {;
print "Made. CHMOD ($build_dir_per) ...";
if (chmod ($build_dir_per, "$build_root_path$path")) {;
print "Done.";
else { print "CHMOD ($build_dir_per) failed! Reason: $!."; }
else { print "mkdir failed! Reason: $!."; }
print "\n";
return "$build_root_path$path";

sub build_linked_title {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Returns a string of the current category broken up
# by section, with each part linked to the respective section.

my $input = shift;
my (@dirs, $dir, $output, $path, $last);

@dirs = split (/\//, $input);
$last = &build_clean(pop @dirs);

$output = qq| <A HREF="$build_root_url/">Top</A> :|;
foreach $dir (@dirs) {
$path .= "/$dir";
$dir = &build_clean ($dir);
$output .= qq| <A HREF="$build_root_url$path/">$dir</A> :|;
$output .= " $last";

return $output;

sub build_unlinked_title {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Returns a string of the current category broken up by section.
# Useful for printing in the title.

my $input = shift;
my (@dirs, $dir, $output);

@dirs = split (/\//, $input);

foreach $dir (@dirs) {
$dir = &build_clean ($dir);
$output .= " $dir:";
chop ($output);
return $output;

sub build_check_dir {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Checks the directory before we create it to make sure there
# are no funncy characters in it.

my ($root, $dir) = @_;
my $chrs = quotemeta ("/_-");

if (! -e $root) {
&cgierr ("Root directory: $root does not exist!");
if ($dir !~ m,^[\w\d$chrs]+$,) {
&cgierr ("Invalid characters in category name: $dir. Must contain only letters, numbers, _, / and -.");
return $input;


# -------------
# Links
# -------------
# Links Manager
# File: links.cfg
# Description: Contains all the setup variables.
# Author: Alex Krohn
# Email: alex@gossamer-threads.com
# Web: http://www.gossamer-threads.com/
# Version: 2.0
# (c) 1998 Gossamer Threads Inc.
# This script is not freeware! Please read the README for full details
# on registration and terms of use.
# =====================================================================

# Paths and URL's to Important Stuff
# --------------------------------------------------------
# PATH and URL of Admin CGI directory. No Trailing Slash.
$db_script_path = "/data1/hypermart.net/xxbanditxx/cgi-bin/admin";
$db_dir_url = "http://xxbanditxx.hypermart.net/cgi-bin/admin";

# URL of User CGI directory. No Trailing Slash.
$db_cgi_url = "http://xxbanditxx.hypermart.net/cgi-bin";

# PATH and URL of Pages to be built. No Trailing Slash.
$build_root_path = "/data1/hypermart.net/xxbanditxx/pages";
$build_root_url = "http://xxbanditxx.hypermart.net/pages";

# PATH and URL of Advertising Page. No Trailing slash.
$build_adver_path = "$build_root_path/Adver";
$build_adver_url = "$build_root_url/Adver";

# PATH and URL of What's New page. No Trailing slash.
$build_new_path = "$build_root_path/New";
$build_new_url = "$build_root_url/New";

# PATH and URL of What's Cool page. No Trailing slash.
$build_cool_path = "$build_root_path/Cool";
$build_cool_url = "$build_root_url/Cool";

# PATH and URL of What's Rating page. No Trailing slash.
$build_ratings_path = "$build_root_path/Ratings";
$build_ratings_url = "$build_root_url/Ratings";

# Database Options
# --------------------------------------------------------
# You really need to use flock(). However if your system doesn't support it (Win95),
# then turn this off at your own risk!
$db_use_flock = 1;
# Use Pragma: no-cache to stop browsers from caching output? (0 = cache, 1 = nocache)
$db_nocache = 1;
# Use IIS headers? Set this to 1 if your web server needs the full headers (HTTP/1.0 etc.)
$db_iis = 0;
# Field number of category in category.db
$db_main_category = 1;
# Referers -- which hosts are allowed to add to your database.
@db_referers = ();

# Email Options
# --------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: Be sure to edit the text of the message. It can be found
# in the templates directory: email-add.txt, email-del.txt and
# email-mod.txt respectively.

# Set only ONE of either $db_mail_path which should go to a
# mail program like sendmail, or $db_smtp_server which will use
# a SMTP server. Do not set both at once!

# PATH of sendmail. # SMTP Server
$db_mail_path = '/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject'; $db_smtp_server = '';

# Email address of the administrator. BE SURE TO SET!
$db_admin_email = 'starbase/@freewwweb.com';

# Notify visitors automatically when their links are validated?
$db_email_add = 1;

# Notify visitors automatically when their links are modified?
$db_email_modify = 1;

# Log all outgoing messages? Put the full path to a logfile and make sure it
# exists and is writeable (chmod 666 -rw-rw-rw-). This logfile can get pretty
# big!
$db_mailer_log = '/data1/hypermart.net/xxbanditxx/log/mail/maillog.txt';

# Build Options
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Setting for popular cutoff, can either be a percent (i.e. top 3%), or
# a fixed value (i.e. top 10). Enter 0.03 or 10 respectively.
$db_popular_cutoff = 0.03; # Top 3%
# Number of days a link is considered New.
$db_new_cutoff = 14; # 14 days old.
# Return search results bolded (1 = yes, 0 = no).
$search_bold = 1;
# The name of an index file.
$build_index = "index.html";
# The extension to use for non index files:
$build_extension = ".html";

# Should your add.cgi automatically select what category the user
# is adding his link into?
$db_single_category = 1;

# Directory Permissions. Do NOT put quotes around it. Set to 0777
# for world writeable. If you put this at 0755, you might need a
# script to remove any directories created as they will be owned
# by the web server or user nobody. Better solution might be to
# run the nph-build routine from the command shell.
$build_dir_per = 0777;

# The script can now break up category pages that have more then x
# number of links in it. It will also create next and previous links
# to help navigate. Set this to 1 if you want to break up pages or 0 if
# you want to have only one page per category.
# Setting this to one, will also break up the What's New pages into
# per day sections (not affected by number of links per page).
$build_span_pages = 1;

# Number of links per page.
$build_links_per_page = 10;

# Detailed View: The script can build a single html page per link. This is
# great if you have a review in your database. To enable, you must set
# the directory where all the pages will be stored, the url to that directory
# and set the enable option.
$build_detailed = 0;
$build_detail_path = "$build_root_path/Detailed";
$build_detail_url = "$build_root_url/Detailed";

# Use Templates: instead of editing site_html.pl, you can edit regular html pages
# encoded with special <%links_tags%>. It's not as flexible as site_html.pl, but it
# may be easier.
$build_use_templates = 1;

# Site Title, the default title to use. You should really spend some time customizing
# the directory though!
$build_site_title = 'BanDiTs Resources';

# Date Routines
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Your date format can be whatever you like, as long as the following
# two functions are defined &date_to_unix and &unix_to_date:
# The default is dd-mmm-yyyy.

sub date_to_unix {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# This routine must take your date format and return the time a la UNIX time().
# Some things to be careful about..
# timelocal does not like to be in array context, don't do my($time) = timelocal (..)
# int your values just in case to remove spaces, etc.
# catch the fatal error timelocal will generate if you have a bad date..
# don't forget that the month is indexed from 0!
my $date = shift; my $i;
my %months = map { $_ => $i++ } qw!Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec!;
my ($day, $mon, $year) = split(/-/, $date);

exists $months{$mon} or return undef;
$day = int($day); $year = $year - 1900;

require Time::Local;
my $time = 0;
eval {
$time = &Time::Local::timelocal(0,0,0, $day, $months{$mon}, $year);
if ($@) { die "invalid date format: $date - parsed as (day: $day, month: $months{$mon}, year: $year). Reason: $@"; }
return $time;

sub unix_to_date {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# This routine must take a unix time and return your date format
# A much simpler routine, just make sure your format isn't so complex that
# you can't get it back into unix time.
my $time = shift;
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year, $dweek, $dyear, $tz) = localtime $time;
my @months = qw!Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec!;
$year = $year + 1900;
return "$day-$months[$mon]-$year";

sub long_date {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# This routine is for printing a nicer date format on the what's new page. It should
# take in a date in your current format and return a new one.
my $time = shift;
$time = &date_to_unix ($time);
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year, $dweek, $dyear, $tz) = localtime $time;
my @months = qw!January February March April May June July August September October November December!;
my @days = qw!Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday!;
$year = $year + 1900;
return "$days[$dweek], $months[$mon] $day $year";

# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Extra Paths -- unless you feel the need to rename files, you
# can leave this as is.
# -------------------------------------------------------------
$db_script_url = $db_dir_url . "/admin.cgi"; # Admin script.
$db_header_path = $db_script_path . "/header"; # Place to store header and footers.
$db_footer_path = $db_script_path . "/footer";
$build_search_url = $db_cgi_url . "/search.cgi"; # URL of search script.
$build_add_url = $db_cgi_url . "/add.cgi"; # URL of add script.
$build_modify_url = $db_cgi_url . "/modify.cgi"; # URL of modify script.
$build_jump_url = $db_cgi_url . "/jump.cgi"; # URL of jump script.
$build_email_url = $db_cgi_url . "/subscribe.cgi"; # URL of email update script.
$build_rate_url = $db_cgi_url . "/rate.cgi"; # URL of rate script.
$db_mail_url = $db_dir_url . "/nph-email.cgi"; # URL of admin mass mail script.
$build_css_url = $build_root_url . "/links.css"; # URL to your CSS file.

$db_lib_path = $db_script_path; # PATH of library files.
$db_links_name = "$db_script_path/data/links.db"; # PATH to links database.
$db_category_name = "$db_script_path/data/categories.db"; # PATH to category database.
$db_valid_name = "$db_script_path/data/validate.db"; # PATH to validation database.
$db_modified_name = "$db_script_path/data/modified.db"; # PATH to modification database.
$db_url_name = "$db_script_path/data/url.db"; # PATH to URL lookup database.
$db_email_name = "$db_script_path/data/email.db"; # PATH to email database.
$db_links_id_file_name = "$db_script_path/data/linksid.txt"; # PATH to links counter file.
$db_category_id_file_name = "$db_script_path/data/categoryid.txt"; # PATH to category counter file.
$db_hits_path = "$db_script_path/data/hits"; # PATH to hits directory.
$db_template_path = "$db_script_path/templates"; # PATH to templates.
$db_rates_path = "$db_script_path/data/rates"; # PATH to ratings.
Quote Reply
Re: nph-build.cgi problem In reply to
You have a &build_adver_page call in your nph-build.cgi but you do not have a sub build_adver_page in nph-build.cgi. Without that subroutine, nothing will be built.

I hope this helps.

[This message has been edited by Bobsie (edited July 12, 1999).]
Quote Reply
Re: nph-build.cgi problem In reply to
I have the page template built so what would I put under the sub build adver page?
Quote Reply
Re: nph-build.cgi problem In reply to
Since you are writing this mod, only you can determine what goes in the subroutine. Study the build subroutines for other pages, such as the home page, and see how it is done there. That should give you ideas as to how to do the sub build_adver_page routine.

Just out of curiosity, why are you posting this in this forum? Why not use the Links Modifications forum where the topic fits in?

[This message has been edited by Bobsie (edited July 12, 1999).]
Quote Reply
Re: nph-build.cgi problem In reply to
I'm getting it to work but right now is being left out with # in front of it...Also I forgot about the mods forum I had this one book marked...Thanks For You Help