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Sending e-mails to date range or...

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Sending e-mails to date range or...
I am having a problem with the 2.0 mailer, I have a couple thousand people in my database, but the mailer keeps timing out half way through a mailing. =P

Is there a way that I can mail to listings > "a certain date", or > "an ID number"?

It would be nice if it didn't time out in the first place, but... hehe

Secondly, is there a way for me to export the e-mail database? I poked around a bit and I can't find any way to do it... Plus the email.db size is 0, so I know it isn't there...

Any help would be appreciated!

Rob Bartlett
AAA Internet Publishing, Inc.
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Re: Sending e-mails to date range or... In reply to
Export the database where?

You should have emails in email.db.

You can grab them from links.db using:
my @emails;
open(DB, "</path/to/links.db") || die "Could open links.db : $!";
LINE: while (<DB>) {
(/^\s*$/) and next LINE;
(/^#/) and next LINE;
@data = split /\|/;
push @emails, $data[$db_contact_email] if ($data[$db_contact_email]);
open(DB, "</path/to/email.tmp.db") || die "Could open email.tmp.db : $!";
foreach (@emails) {
print DB "$_\n";