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Non-English Character Sets

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Non-English Character Sets
I working on a project and Links is one of the srious options. A major feature of the project is sections in non-English languagees... even in non-Latin character sets.

Is that possible either through existing Mods etc. or through custom enhancements?

The second, and perhaps greater challenge of the project is: You enter a keyword to search, for instance "GOD", and it should be able to run through the non-English database and also bring up relevant links from there.

Any comments guys?

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Re: Non-English Character Sets In reply to
I have a similair goal. My target encoding is Windows-1251. There was no problem with installing non-English category names mod. So now both sites description and category names appear in Ukrainian language. What
is not working however is a search function.I am almost sure changes to search.cgi needed. However my knowledge of Perl is somehow limited. There is also a language mod that I have not tried.
Thats all so far.

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Re: Non-English Character Sets In reply to
I have been successful with several areas of my website that use different character sets. It isn't as accurate as it should be, no character set definitions in the headers, but the characters work okay.


A user does have to manually switch the font to GB2312, if their browser does not already have this font as default.

Best regards,

Justin W. Hitt

Open Systems Networking, Inc.
START Internet Bookmarks-- http://www.osn.net/start/
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Re: Non-English Character Sets In reply to
Hi Justin,
thank's for the information. However I had troubles with viewing Chinese fonts (I never did this before). My question is: are your visitors able to search the Chinese listings and add them successfuly? If so what modifications did you make (or are you using unmodified version?). The only trouble I have is a search function. At first it did not work at all (AFTER installing language mod by Matthias Berndt http://www.schachbund.de/links/ )
After installing the following code into search.cgi:
# ***** CYRILLIC MOD *******************

if ($buffer eq "") { $buffer = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; }
@pairs = split(/&/, $buffer);
foreach $pair (@pairs) {
($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$FORM{$name} = $value;
# ******** CYRRILIC MOD END***********
the search started to work but it's CaSe SENsitive. The code is not mine, so may be I am missing something? I'd appreciate any help or suggestions.

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Re: Non-English Character Sets In reply to
It seems I found solution for search in Cyrillic without Cace Sensitiv typing.
Step: First I installed a mod from Matthias Bernd to change my Category view to Cyrillic. With with mod there was also search.cgi. Everything was fine, but search was sesitiv to capital letters. Then i searched all Links Discussion and Modification for non-english searching through and found this topic:

Solution: Just add the following lines in your search.cgi just after %in = &parse_form();

$in{'query'} =~s/É/\é/g;
$in{'query'} =~s/Ö/\ö/g;
$in{'query'} =~s/Ó/\ó/g;
and so on. All 33 Character of Russian (or other Cyrillic)languages.

Hopes it will help
