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My Rate.cgi won't work on newer links

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My Rate.cgi won't work on newer links
I have a strange problem, and would really apprecaite any ideas:

For some reason, I discovered today that newer links (about 50% of my directory) won't rate from my directory using the rate CGI except if I rate them a 10. There is no problem changing any of the ratings from my admin, and no problem with my earliest links. (I have my 'what's new' pages from the last month, and none of them will rate- If I give them 1-9, rate.cgi just sits there with no action for over three minutes. Older links rate within 10 seconds no matter what number is chosen)
I admit that I have "abused" by links.db in two ways:
-A while back I tried the URL spider, and ended up adding 10 links. However, because of the amount of discards, an ID gap occurred. My 580th link is link ID 1400. I'm not sure if this might cause any problem.
-I have left the name and email fields blank for all links as I don't do mass mailings. I left the fields so if other submit, I can contact them, but made them optional and don't myself fill them in.

Anyone else have problems with rate CGi or have any ideas on what is happening?
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Re: My Rate.cgi won't work on newer links In reply to
Never mind-
I manually changed the links ID numbers in my links.db so they go from 1-580 with no gaps and the linksid.txt to correspond. Now rate CGI works fine on all links, with all ratings 1-10. Still don't understand why the gaps in numbers made the difference - adding, jumping, etc. worked fine all the time.
But all seems well now.