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strange problem with yahoo mod

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strange problem with yahoo mod
Yahoo mod only works with the (ALL)2 style!
I installed links 2.0 with yahoo mod 2.1 and made all the changes following yahoo mod instructions, and also changed the $description to $category_name in the sub site_html_print_cat routine. I built a fresh category database. However, if I set the category style as (ALL)2, the subcategories were displayed as expected (as a list under the supercategory), if I set the style as (ALL)1, or (subcat1|subcat2)1, I only got commas (like " , ,") under the supercategroy name. I tried this on two different server and got the same results.

I don't know what's wrong with my codes

the codes for the sub are as following
sub site_html_print_cat {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# This routine determines how the list of categories will look.
# We now use a table to split the category name up into two columns.
# For each category you can use the following variables:
# $url : The URL to go to that category
# $category_name : The category name with _ and / removed.
# $category_descriptions{$subcat}: The category description (if any).
# $numlinks : The number of links inside that category (and subcategories).
# $mod : The newest link inside of that category.

my (@subcat) = @_;
my ($url, $numlinks, $mod, $subcat, $category_name, $description, $output, $i);
my ($half) = int (($#subcat+2) / 2);

# Print Header.
$output = qq|<div class="margin"><table width="80%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td class="catlist" valign="top">\n|;

foreach $subcat (sort @subcat) {
($description) = @{$category{$subcat}}[2];
($subcatstyle) = @{$category{$subcat}}[8];

# First let's get the name, number of links, and last modified date...
$url = "$build_root_url/" . &urlencode($subcat) . "/";
if ($subcat =~ m,.*/([^/]+)$,) { $category_name = &build_clean($1); } else { $category_name = &build_clean($subcat); }
$numlinks = $stats{"$subcat"}[0];
$mod = $stats{"$subcat"}[1];

# We check to see if we are half way through, if so we stop this table cell
# and begin a new one (this lets us have category names in two columns).
if ($i == $half) {
$output .= qq|</td><td class="catlist" valign="top">\n|;

# Then we print out the name linked, new if it's new, and popular if its popular.
$output .= qq|<a class="catlist" href="$url">$category_name</a> <font class="catlist">($numlinks)</font> |;
$output .= qq|<small><sup class="new">new</sup></small>| if (&days_old($mod) < $db_new_cutoff);
$output .= qq|<BR>|;

if ($subcatstyle =~ m,^\(([^\)]+)\)(\d)$, && $#{$subcategories{$subcat}} >= 0) {
($subcatstyle, $style) = ($1, $2);
$s = 0;
@subcatsub = split (/\|/, $subcatstyle);
$output .= qq~ ~ if ($style eq "1");
foreach $category_name (@subcatsub) {
foreach (sort @{$subcategories{$subcat}}) {
($subcatstyle eq "ALL" && $#subcatsub == 0) ?
($_ =~ m,.*/([^/]+)$, and $category_name = &build_clean($1)) :
($_ eq "$subcat/$category_name" or next);
if ($style eq "1") {
$length += length($category_name);
($length > $subcat_length) and last;
if ($s > 0) {
$output .= qq~, ~ and $length += 2 if ($style eq "1");
$output .= qq~ ~ if ($style eq "2");
$url = "$build_root_url/" . &urlencode($_) . "/";
$output .= qq~<LI>~ if ($style eq "2");
$output .= qq~<a class="subcat" href="$url">$category_name</a>~;
last if ($subcatstyle ne "ALL" && $#subcatsub > 0);
undef $length;
if ($s < $#{$subcategories{$subcat}}) {
$output .= qq~...~ if ($style eq "1");
$output .= qq~<BR>~;
else { }}

# Don't forget to end the table..
$output .= "</td></tr></table></div>\n";
return $output;

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Re: strange problem with yahoo mod In reply to
Don't forget to add the $subcat_length variable in the links.cfg file, which should look like the following:


$subcat_length = 50;


Eliot Lee
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Re: strange problem with yahoo mod In reply to
Hi, Eliot

It works now!
Thank you so much.


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Re: strange problem with yahoo mod In reply to
You're welcome.


Eliot Lee