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Problem with Enhanced Template mod

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Problem with Enhanced Template mod
I copied the parse routine from the Enhanced Template mod (which has terrible formatting, by the way-- hopefully it doesn't affect the script), but after doing so my parsed scripts just come up as blank pages. Restoring the old Template.pm returns the scripts to working order.

I checked my cut-and-paste job and it's correct, as are the file permissions. So my guess is there's something wrong with the script as posted in the Modifications section. Here's a copy of what I've got, with formatting fixed. I'd appreciate any help in getting this fixed, as I need to include files in my templates.


- Peter


sub parse {
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Parses a template.
my ($self, $template) = @_;
my $begin = $self->{'begin'} || quotemeta('<%');
my $end = $self->{'end'} || quotemeta('%>');
my $root = $self->{'ROOT'};

exists $self->{'templates'}{$root}{$template} or ($self->load_template($template) or return undef);
exists $self->{'vars'} or (&error ('NONAMESPACE') and return undef);
$self->{'parsed'}{$template} = '';

my $temp = $self->{'templates'}{$root}{$template};

# Parse includes, do this first so that the includes can include
# template tags.
$temp =~ s#$begin\s*include\s*(.+?)\s*$end#
if (exists $self->{'inc'}{$root}{$1}) { $self->{'inc'}{$root}{$1}; }
else {
if (open (INC, "${$self}{'ROOT'}/$1"))
$self->{'inc'}{$root}{$1} = join ("", <INC> );
close INC;
"Can't find file: ${$self}{'ROOT'}/$1";

# Now go line by line and strip out the unwanted stuff looking for
# if and ifnot tags.
my @lines = split /\n/, $temp;
$temp = ''; my @go = (1,1); my $depth = 1; my $line = '';

LINE: foreach $line (@lines)
# Init the previous, variable and more strings.
my ($prev, $var, $neg, $more, $orig, $full_comp, $comp, $val) = ('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
my $result = 0;

# Check for if tags.
$line =~ s/((.*?)$begin\s*if(not)?\s+(.+?)(\s+(<|>|lt|gt|eq|==?)\s*(.+?))?$end(.*))/
($orig, $prev, $neg, $var, $full_comp, $comp, $val, $more) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8);

# We've found an if tag, let's set the depth to see whether we are in print mode or not.
if ($prev !~ m,$begin\s*endif\s*$end,og) {
$go[$depth] and ($temp .= $prev);
if (!$full_comp)
if ($neg)
($self->{'vars'}{$var}) ? ($go[++$depth] = 0) : ($go[++$depth] = $go[$depth]) and "";
else {
($self->{'vars'}{$var}) ? ($go[++$depth] = $go[$depth]) : ($go[++$depth] = 0) and "";
$val =~ s,^['"],,; $val =~ s,['"]$,,;
($comp eq 'eq') and ($result = ($self->{'vars'}{$var} eq $val));
($comp eq '=') and ($result = ($self->{'vars'}{$var} == $val));
($comp eq '==') and ($result = ($self->{'vars'}{$var} == $val));
($comp eq 'lt') and ($result = ($self->{'vars'}{$var} lt $val));
($comp eq 'gt') and ($result = ($self->{'vars'}{$var} gt $val));
($comp eq '>') and ($result = ($self->{'vars'}{$var} > $val));
($comp eq '<') and ($result = ($self->{'vars'}{$var} < $val));
if ($neg) {
$result ? ($go[++$depth] = 0) : ($go[++$depth] = $go[$depth]) and "";
$result ? ($go[++$depth] = $go[$depth]) : ($go[++$depth] = 0) and "";
# Oops, there was an endif tag we missed, set the original line back and keep going.
$more = '';
if ($more) {
$line = $more;
redo LINE;

# Check for endif tags.
$line =~ s/(.*?)$begin\s*endif\s*$end(.*)/
($prev, $more) = ($1, $2);
$go[$depth] and ($temp .= $prev);
$go[$depth--] = 1;
if ($more)
$line = $more;
redo LINE;

# Add the content..
$go[$depth] and ($temp .= "$line\n");

# Replace the special variables, we allow code ref mapping.
$temp =~ s/$begin\s*(.+?)\s*$end/
if (exists $self->{'vars'}{$1})
ref ($self->{'vars'}{$1}) eq 'CODE' ?
&{$self->{'vars'}{$1}}($self->{'vars'}) : $self->{'vars'}{$1};
{ "Unkown Tag: $1"; }

$self->{'parsed'}{$template} = $temp;

return $self->{'parsed'}{$template};
Quote Reply
Re: Problem with Enhanced Template mod In reply to
Hello to you...

There are actually several posts about this problem in the forum... but I'm a nice guy and can help you out the best that I can. Smile

Here is the code that I have and it works great:

sub parse {
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Parses a template.
my ($self, $template) = @_;
my $begin = $self->{'begin'} || quotemeta('<%');
my $end = $self->{'end'} || quotemeta('%>');

exists $self->{'templates'}{$template} or ($self->load_template($template) or return undef);
exists $self->{'vars'} or (&error ('NONAMESPACE') and return undef);
$self->{'parsed'}{$template} = '';

my $temp = $self->{'templates'}{$template};

# Parse includes, do this first so that the includes can include
# template tags.
$temp =~ s#$begin\s*include\s*(.+?)\s*$end#
if (exists $self->{'inc'}{$1}) { $self->{'inc'}{$1}; }
else {
if (open (INC, "${$self}{'ROOT'}/$1")) {
$self->{'inc'}{$1} = join ("", <INC> );
close INC;
else {
"Can't find file: ${$self}{'ROOT'}/$1";

# Now go line by line and strip out the unwanted stuff looking for
# if and ifnot tags.
my @lines = split /\n/, $temp;
$temp = ''; my @go = (1,1); my $depth = 1; my $line = '';

LINE: foreach $line (@lines) {
# Init the previous, variable and more strings.
my ($prev, $var, $neg, $more, $orig, $full_comp, $comp, $val) = ('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
my $result = 0;

# Check for if tags.
$line =~ s/((.*?)$begin\s*if(not)?\s+(.+?)(\s+(<|>|lt|gt|eq|=)\s*(.+?))?$end(.*))/
($orig, $prev, $neg, $var, $full_comp, $comp, $val, $more) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8);

# We've found an if tag, let's set the depth to see whether we are in print mode or not.
if ($prev !~ m,$begin\s*endif\s*$end,og) {
$go[$depth] and ($temp .= $prev);
if (!$full_comp) {
if ($neg) { ($self->{'vars'}{$var}) ? ($go[++$depth] = 0) : ($go[++$depth] = $go[$depth]) and ""; }
else { ($self->{'vars'}{$var}) ? ($go[++$depth] = $go[$depth]) : ($go[++$depth] = 0) and ""; }
else {
$val =~ s,^['"],,; $val =~ s,['"]$,,;
($comp eq 'eq') and ($result = ($self->{'vars'}{$var} eq $val));
($comp eq '==') and ($result = ($self->{'vars'}{$var} == $val));
($comp eq 'lt') and ($result = ($self->{'vars'}{$var} lt $val));
($comp eq 'gt') and ($result = ($self->{'vars'}{$var} gt $val));
($comp eq '>') and ($result = ($self->{'vars'}{$var} > $val));
($comp eq '<') and ($result = ($self->{'vars'}{$var} < $val));
if ($neg) { $result ? ($go[++$depth] = 0) : ($go[++$depth] = $go[$depth]) and ""; }
else { $result ? ($go[++$depth] = $go[$depth]) : ($go[++$depth] = 0) and ""; }
else {
# Oops, there was an endif tag we missed, set the original line back and keep going.
$more = ''; $orig;
if ($more) { $line = $more; redo LINE; }

# Check for endif tags.
$line =~ s/(.*?)$begin\s*endif\s*$end(.*)/
($prev, $more) = ($1, $2);
$go[$depth] and ($temp .= $prev);
$go[$depth--] = 1;
if ($more) { $line = $more; redo LINE; }

# Add the content..
$go[$depth] and ($temp .= "$line\n");

# Replace the special variables, we allow code ref mapping.
$temp =~ s/$begin\s*(.+?)\s*$end/
if (exists $self->{'vars'}{$1}) {
ref ($self->{'vars'}{$1}) eq 'CODE' ?
&{$self->{'vars'}{$1}}($self->{'vars'}) : $self->{'vars'}{$1};
else { "Unkown Tag: $1"; }

$self->{'parsed'}{$template} = $temp;

return $self->{'parsed'}{$template};
Hope that this helps! Cool

Jeremy Kerr