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New Remote Hits Mod, I need help, please !!!

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New Remote Hits Mod, I need help, please !!!
Hi Guys !!!

I want to make a mod called "vote.cgi" which is a mod of the "jump.cgi" but I don't have experience whith Perl. The objective is that when the remote user click in pre-definited link like eg: <a href"http://www.fulano.com/cgi-bin/vote.cgi?ID=01">Vote for My Site"</a> then the "vote.cgi" should be open a remote_hit_success.html template instead like they normally do in the same browser window whit a link to refer ID. The hits is count whith the same proccess in the "jump.cgi".

Look this code:


---> eg. ratehome.cgi "I want anything like this, but I think that's could be more simple"

# Required Librariers
# --------------------------------------------------------

eval {
($0 =~ m,(.*)/[^/]+,) && unshift (@INC, "$1"); # Get the script location: UNIX /
($0 =~ m,(.*)\\[^\\]+,) && unshift (@INC, "$1"); # Get the script location: Windows \

require "admin/links.cfg"; # Change this to full path to links.cfg if you have problems.
require "$db_lib_path/db_utils.pl";
require "$db_lib_path/links.def";
$build_use_templates ?
require "$db_lib_path/site_html_templates.pl" :
require "$db_lib_path/site_html.pl";
if ($@) {
print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
print "Error including libraries: $@\n";
print "Make sure they exist, permissions are set properly, and paths are set correctly.";

# ========================================================

eval { &main; }; # Trap any fatal errors so the program hopefully
if ($@) { &cgierr("fatal error: $@"); } # never produces that nasty 500 server error page.
exit; # There are only two exit calls in the script, here and in in &cgierr.

sub main {
# --------------------------------------------------------
local (%in) = &parse_form;

if ($in{'R'}) {
elsif ($in{$db_key} =~ /^\d+$/) {
my (%rec) = &get_record ($in{$db_key});
($rec{$db_key} eq $in{$db_key}) ?
&site_html_rate_form (%rec) :
&site_html_rate_failure ("Unkown Link ID: $in{$db_key}");
else {
print "Location: $build_ratings_url/\n\n";

sub rate_it {
# --------------------------------------------------------
my $id = $in{$db_key};
my $delim = quotemeta($db_delim);
my $time = time();
my $rating = $in{'R'};

# Make sure we have a valid rating.
unless (($rating =~ /^\d\d?/) and ($rating >= 1) and ($rating <= 10)) {
&site_html_rate_failure ("Your rating '$rating' is invalid.");

# Let's get the link information.
my %rec = &get_record ($id);
($rec{$db_key} eq $id) or (&site_html_rate_failure ("Unable to find link with ID '$id'.") and return);

# Increase the rating.

if (open (HIT, "<$db_rates_path/$id")) {
my $input = <HIT>; chomp $input;
($votes, $old_rating) = split /\s/, $input;
chomp ($old_time = <HIT> );
chomp (@IP = <HIT> );
(($time - $old_time) > 21600) and (@IP = ());
foreach $ip (@IP) {
$ip eq $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} and ($visited++ and last);
close HIT;

if (!$visited) {
push (@IP, $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'});
$votes = $votes + 1;
$rating = $rating + $old_rating;
open (HIT, ">$db_rates_path/$id") or &cgierr ("Can't open for output counter file. Reason: $!");
if ($db_use_flock) { flock (HIT, 2) or &cgierr ("Can't get file lock. Reason: $!"); }
local $" = "\n";
print HIT "$votes $rating\n$time\n@IP";
close HIT;
&home_site_html_rating_form_success($id, $url, $title, $votes, $rating);
else {
&site_html_rate_failure ("Sorry, you've already rated for this resource once recently.");
else {
open (HIT, ">$db_rates_path/$id") or &cgierr ("Can't increment counter file '$db_rates_path/$id'. Reason: $!");
print HIT "1 $rating\n$time\n$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}";
close HIT;
&home_site_html_rating_form_success($id, $url, $title, $votes, $rating);


"Probally this script is a mod of the jump.cgi"

What is necessary ???

Anyone have an easy way to do this?


Marco Aurélio
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Re: New Remote Hits Mod, I need help, please !!! In reply to
If you want an external hit counter program, then using jump.cgi would be better than rate.cgi.

Also, please try to limit the number of duplicate Topics. We understand that this may be urgent to you, but the more Topics you post, the less willing we are to help you.



Eliot Lee....
Former Handle: Eliot
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Re: New Remote Hits Mod, I need help, please !!! In reply to
Ok Eliot,

Could be possible to make a copy of jump.cgi and rename it to vote.cgi then increase a condition that when receive a click it redirect to a hit_page_success.html template. I need only this!


Marco Aurélio
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Re: New Remote Hits Mod, I need help, please !!! In reply to
I answered your Reply to the Topic that I referred to.


Eliot Lee....
Former Handle: Eliot
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Re: New Remote Hits Mod, I need help, please !!! In reply to
YEAH !!!

Now my Remote Hit Mod is working !!!

Thanks a lot Eliot !!!

Best Regards,

Marco Aurélio
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Re: New Remote Hits Mod, I need help, please !!! In reply to
Good...you're welcome. And it is not really your Mod, since LadyDragon and DogTags worked on this modification.



Eliot Lee....
Former Handle: Eliot
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