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AltaVista search
I have gotten several emails about this mod this week, but I was not the origional creator, however, I have fixed several bugs in it... if you see any more, drop me a line... you are going to have to customize this to fit your site b/c i don't have time to write instructions.....

In Reply To:
sub altavista {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Search Altavista
my %in = &parse_form;
use LWP::Simple;
# Boolean Options
if ($in{'bool'} eq 'and') {$bool = '+AND';}
elsif ($in{'bool'} eq 'or') {$bool = '+OR';}
else {$bool = '';}
if (!$in{'query'}) { &site_html_search_failure ("Please enter one or more keywords.") and return; }

# Define Variables
my $page = ($in{'page'} * 10) || 0;
my $pageXX = $page - 10;
my $query = $in{'query'};
my $query_q = &urlencode($query);
my $url = "http://www.altavista.com/cgi-bin/query?q=$query_q$bool&text=yes&stq=$pageXX";
my $results = get ($url);
my $FONT = 'font face="verdana, arial" size="2"';
my $FONT_SMALL = 'font face="verdana, arial" size="1"';
$results or &site_html_search_failure ("There are no results available!") and return;

# If we see this, then we couldn't get a match.
if ($results =~ /AltaVista found no document matching your query./) {
&site_html_search_failure ("No matching AltaVista links!") and return;
else {
if ($results =~ /([^>\s]+) pages found./) { $link_hits2 = $1; }
else { &site_html_search_failure ("Can't parse AltaVista results!") and return; }
if ($link_hits2) {
while ($results =~ m#<b>#sog) {
$results =~ s/<b>//gie;
$results =~ s/<\/b>//gie;
while ($results =~ m#<EM>#sog) {
$results =~ s/<EM>//gie;
$results =~ s/<\/EM>//gie;
while ($results =~ m#<a href="([^"]+)">\n([^<]+)</a></dt>\n<dd>([^<]+)</dd>\n
<font color="\#808080">URL:([^\n]+)\n#sog) {
($url, $title, $description, $url2) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
$url2 =~ s/\s//gie;
if ($in{'nosum'} eq '1') {
$link_results2 .= qq~<li><$FONT><a href="$url">$title</a></font>
else {
$link_results2 .= qq~<li><$FONT><a href="$url">$title</a>
\n<$FONT_SMALL><b>URL:</b> <font color="#808080">http://$url2</font></font>\n
<$FONT_SMALL><a href="http://www.magicdirectory.com/cgi-bin/translate.cgi?url=$url">translate it</a></font>
$span2 = &next_hits($page, $link_hits2, 10);
# Bold Search Terms
@search_terms = split (/\s/, $in{'query'});
if (($in{'bold'} == 0) or (!$in{'bold'})) {
foreach $term (@search_terms) {
$link_results2 =~ s,(<[^>]+>)|(\Q$term\E),defined($1) ? $1 : "<STRONG>$2</STRONG>",gie;
if ($in{'search'} eq "both") {
(I quoted it for easier use!)

- Jonathan

http://www.magicdirectory.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi?query=david blaine

http://www.magicdirectory.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi?query=david blaine&search=theweb

http://www.magicdirectory.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi?query=david blaine&search=both

Re: AltaVista search In reply to
Can you tell me what codes you use in your search_results.html because I get no results when I use this code.

This is what I am using

<%if link_results2%>

Also, could you post the &logsearch subroutine, I get an unknown error.



The sub I was using was working great until today and AltaVista must have made some kind of change in their site.

Re: AltaVista search In reply to
Here is the altavista sub that I am using. Like I mentioned before, it was working up until today. Can someone be so kind to take a look at it and tell what I can do to get it to work.

sub altavista {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Search Altavista

my %in = &parse_form;
use LWP::Simple;
my $query = $in{'query'};
my $query_q = &urlencode($query);
my $page = ($in{'nh'} * 10) || 0;
my $pageXX = $page - 10;
my $url = "http://www.altavista.com/cgi-bin/query?q=$query_q&text=yes&stq=$pageXX";
my $results = get ($url);
#$results or &site_html_search_failure ({ error => "No Results Available.", %in }) and return;
if (!$in{'query'}) { return ("Please enter one or more keywords."); }

# If we see this, then we couldn't get a match.
my $none = quotemeta ("AltaVista found no document matching your query.");
if ($results =~ m/$none/) {
else {
if ($results =~ /([^>\s]+) pages found./) { $link_hits2 = $1; }
else {return;
my $FONT = 'font face="verdana, arial" size="2"';
my $FONT_SMALL = 'font face="verdana, arial" size="1"';
if ($link_hits2) {
while ($results =~ m#<dl><dt>\n<b>(\d+)\.\s*</b>\n<a href="([^"]+)">\n<b>([^<]+)</b></a></dt>\n<dd>([^<]*)</dd>\n
<b>URL:</b> <font color="\#808080">([^<]+)</font>\n
<font color="\#808080">\n([^<]+\n[^<]+)</font>#sog) {
($count, $url, $title, $description, $url2, $last) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);$url2 =~ s,/$,,;
$last =~ s,\n,,;$last =~ s,\s\s+, ,;
$link_results2 .= qq~<p>\n<$FONT_SMALL><b>$count.</b></font> <$FONT><a href="$url">$title</a>
\n<$FONT_SMALL><b>URL:</b> <font color="#808080">http://$url2</font></font>\n~;
$next2 = &next_hits($page, $link_hits2, 10);
if ($in{'search'} eq "both") {
#$link_results2 = $link_results2;
#$link_hits2 = $link_hits2;
#$next2 = $next2;

Thank you


Re: AltaVista search In reply to
this is the code that I'm using and it works fine!

In Reply To:
sub altavista {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Search Altavista
my %in = &parse_form;
use LWP::Simple;
# Boolean Options
if ($in{'bool'} eq 'and') {$bool = '+AND';}
elsif ($in{'bool'} eq 'or') {$bool = '+OR';}
else {$bool = '';}
if (!$in{'query'}) { &site_html_search_failure ("Please enter one or more keywords.") and exit; }

# Define Variables
my $page = ($in{'nh'} * 10) || 0;
my $pageXX = $page - 10;
my $query = $in{'query'};
my $query_q = &urlencode($query);
my $url = "http://www.altavista.com/cgi-bin/query?q=$query_q$bool&text=yes&stq=$pageXX";
my $results = get ($url);
my $FONT = 'font face="verdana, arial" size="2"';
my $FONT_SMALL = 'font face="verdana, arial" size="1"';
$results or &site_html_search_failure ("There are no results available!") and exit;

# If we see this, then we couldn't get a match.
if ($results =~ /AltaVista found no document matching your query./) {
&site_html_search_failure ("No matching AltaVista links!") and exit;
else {
if ($results =~ /([^>\s]+) pages found./) { $link_hits2 = $1; }
else { &site_html_search_failure ("Can't parse AltaVista results!") and exit; }
if ($link_hits2) {
while ($results =~ m#<b>#sog) {
$results =~ s/<b>//gie;
$results =~ s/<\/b>//gie;
while ($results =~ m#<EM>#sog) {
$results =~ s/<EM>//gie;
$results =~ s/<\/EM>//gie;
while ($results =~ m#<a href="([^"]+)">\n([^<]+)</a></dt>\n<dd>([^<]+)</dd>\n
<font color="\#808080">URL:([^\n]+)\n#sog) {
($url, $title, $description, $url2) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
$url2 =~ s/\s//gie;
if ($in{'nosum'} eq '1') {
$link_results2 .= qq~<li><$FONT><a href="$url">$title</a></font>
else {
$link_results2 .= qq~<li><$FONT><a href="$url">$title</a>
\n<$FONT_SMALL><b>URL:</b> <font color="#808080">http://$url2</font></font>\n
<$FONT_SMALL><a href="http://www.magicdirectory.com/cgi-bin/translate.cgi?url=$url">translate it</a></font>
$next2 = &next_hits($page, $link_hits2, 10);
# Bold Search Terms
@search_terms = split (/\s/, $in{'query'});
if (($in{'bold'} == 0) or (!$in{'bold'})) {
foreach $term (@search_terms) {
$link_results2 =~ s,(<[^>]+>)|(\Q$term\E),defined($1) ? $1 : "<STRONG>$2</STRONG>",gie;
if ($in{'search'} eq "both") {

Yes I appologize, you have to use
<%if next2%>
<%if link_results2%>

that way you can display both search results a lot easier...

I only have 3 other things in my sub routine that wasn't there before....

the log search mod ( you can find it in the resource center ), the bool mod ( its in the above routine ) and the hide summarries mod.

you shouldn't have to change anything else ( assuming that you already installed it before ) accept the template...

- Jonathan

Re: AltaVista search In reply to
Boy Jonathan, I can't find any mods that use the &logsearch routine in the resource center. I just deleted the line with &logsearch and tried your altavista mod but I get no results. I get the spanning results <1 2 3 4 5 6 7...Next> and I get the number of results but something is preventing the actual results from displaying.

Arghhh! Any help would be appreciated.


Re: AltaVista search LITTLE FIX In reply to
Johnhesch (and to all :)

The code is ok. you just need to add a little fix.
in the line :

while ($results =~ m#<a href="([^"]+)">\n([^<]+)</a></dt>\n<dd>([^<]+)</dd>\n<font color="\#808080">URL:([^\n]+)\n#sog) {

There are a missing BR tag </dd>\n HERE <font color=....

Code is :
while ($results =~ m#<a href="([^"]+)">\n([^<]+)</a></dt>\n<dd>([^<]+)</dd>\n[br]<font color="\#808080">URL:([^\n]+)\n#sog) {

Replace [br] for <TAG> cause Forum don't show it !! :D

I works for me...
http://www.ingresando.com << Check it here :)

Other Fixes I have made to the original Mod can be found here : http://gossamer-threads.com/perl/forum/showthreaded.pl?Cat=&Board=L2Cust&Number=81644&page=&view=&sb=&vc=1#Post81644

Carlos A. Sepúlveda.

Carlos Ariel Sepúlveda - Argentina
Re: AltaVista search LITTLE FIX In reply to
Ok, were on a roll, I at least get some results now. BUT, here is the mess I get.

BookMarks - AlterNex Search Mais de 830.000 páginas indexadas! --> BookMarks® 96-99. --> --> fim do nao tem mais banner --> Clique AQUI para mais informações. --> Busca na... URL: http://www.bookmarks.com.br/ translate it
Open Directory - Bookmarks about dmoz | feedback. the entire directory. only in Bookmarks. Top: Bookmarks (74,624) [ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O ... URL: http://dmoz.org/Bookmarks/ translate it
MyBookmarks.com - Access your bookmarks online anytime, anywhere MyBookmarks - access your bookmarks anytime, anywhere. Free productivity tool for business, student or personal use ... URL: http://www.mybookmarks.com/ translate it
Chico High School Library Helpful Bookmarks Blue Ribbon & Distinguished. Biographies: People's Lives. Discovering Biography: More About People's Lives. Discovering Authors:

Re: AltaVista search LITTLE FIX In reply to
Well... now you have to cuztomize the way the results are displayed.
You need to change the code between

$link_results2 .= qq~ AND ~;

to meet your site.
Here you need to use the variables of the altavista mod to display your results.

<b><a href="$url">$title</a></b><p>
$description <p>
<font color="#999999" size="2">URL: http://$url2 </font>

(Replace the <p> with BR tag :)

Does this fix your problem ?

Carlos A. Sepúlveda.
http://www.ingresando.com <<< Check it! :D

Carlos Ariel Sepúlveda - Argentina
Re: AltaVista search LITTLE FIX In reply to
Works great! Thanks so much Carlos and Jonathan.


Re: AltaVista search LITTLE FIX In reply to
Thanks cas! I didn't understand why it wouldn't work! If any one has any more problems let me know! Also with very little changes you can get altavista news!

- Jonathan

Re: AltaVista search LITTLE FIX In reply to
heres my log search if you want it::::::

sub logsearch {
# --------------------------------------------------------
$in{'query'} =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;

# If search term is null then return.
if (!$in{'query'}) {
open (KEYWORDS,"search_log.txt") or &cgierr("error in search. cannot open keyword file");
@lines = <KEYWORDS>;
open (KEYWORDS, ">search_log.txt") or &cgierr("error in search. cannot open keyword file");

foreach $line (@lines) {
($log_query, $log_query_calls) = split(/\|/,$line);
if ("$in{'query'}" eq $log_query) {
print KEYWORDS ("$log_query|$log_query_calls\n");
else { print KEYWORDS $line; }
if ($addnew == 0) { print KEYWORDS ("$in{'query'}|1\n"); }
close (KEYWORDS);


- Jonathan

Re: AltaVista search In reply to
I dont understand why but I have foloowed all the directions that is posted here and I still cant get the results to show up. Is there anything thats not posted here that I need to know about? Also is it working for everbody else?

Re: AltaVista search LITTLE FIX In reply to
Thanks for posting the solution to the missing Altavista search results. The only thing I am missing in Jonathan's code is that the Altavista links are not numbered like in the "original" code. I played with the $count-tag without result, has anyone a clue how to display numbered links?

Re: AltaVista search LITTLE FIX In reply to
I use lycos-style results. In my site_html_search_results I have:

$p = $in{'page'} || 1;
$start = $p * 10;
$start = $start - 9;

and then below it I have:

start => $start,

and in the actual template I create an ol list...

<ol start="<%start%>">

This also assumes you use the origional link_results I provided in the altavista sub routine...

- Jonathan

Re: AltaVista search LITTLE FIX In reply to
this is the second time within few months that av has changed and the script no longer work.
could someone please post the whole code as i'm not able to follow your instruction

Re: AltaVista search LITTLE FIX In reply to
First copy this routine....

sub altavista {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Search Altavista
my %in = &parse_form;
use LWP::Simple;
# Boolean Options
if ($in{'bool'} eq 'and') {$bool = '+AND';}
elsif ($in{'bool'} eq 'or') {$bool = '+OR';}
else {$bool = '';}
if (!$in{'query'}) { &site_html_search_failure ("Please enter one or more keywords.") and exit; }

# Define Variables
my $page = ($in{'page'} * 10) || 0;
my $pageXX = $page - 10;
my $query = $in{'query'};
my $query_q = &urlencode($query);
my $url = "http://www.altavista.com/cgi-bin/query?q=$query_q$bool&text=yes&stq=$pageXX";
my $results = get ($url);
my $FONT = 'font face="verdana, arial" size="2"';
my $FONT_SMALL = 'font face="verdana, arial" size="1"';
$results or &site_html_search_failure ("There are no results available!") and exit;

# If we see this, then we couldn't get a match.
if ($results =~ /AltaVista found no document matching your query./) {
&site_html_search_failure ("No matching AltaVista links!") and exit;
else {
if ($results =~ /([^>\s]+) pages found./) { $link_hits2 = $1; }
else { &site_html_search_failure ("Can't parse AltaVista results!") and exit; }
if ($link_hits2) {
while ($results =~ m#<b>#sog) {
$results =~ s/<b>//gie;
$results =~ s/<\/b>//gie;
while ($results =~ m#<EM>#sog) {
$results =~ s/<EM>//gie;
$results =~ s/<\/EM>//gie;
while ($results =~ m#<a href="([^"]+)">\n([^<]+)</a></dt>\n<dd>([^<]+)</dd>\n
< br ><font color="\#808080">URL:([^\n]+)\n#sog) {
($url, $title, $description, $url2) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
$url2 =~ s/\s//gie;
if ($in{'nosum'} eq '1') {
$link_results2 .= qq~<li><$FONT><a href="$url">$title</a></font>
else {
$link_results2 .= qq~<li><$FONT><a href="$url">$title</a>
\n<$FONT_SMALL><b>URL:</b> <font color="#808080">http://$url2</font></font>\n
<$FONT_SMALL><a href="http://www.magicdirectory.com/cgi-bin/translate.cgi?url=$url">translate it</a></font>
$span2 = &next_hits($page, $link_hits2, 10);
# Bold Search Terms
@search_terms = split (/\s/, $in{'query'});
if (($in{'bold'} == 0) or (!$in{'bold'})) {
foreach $term (@search_terms) {
$link_results2 =~ s,(<[^>]+>)|(\Q$term\E),defined($1) ? $1 : "<STRONG>$2</STRONG>",gie;
if ($in{'search'} eq "both") {

then delete the spaces in the red < br > (this forum doesn't allow you to view <br > commands...)

next make sure you have this in your template

<%if link_results2%>

If you want to log your searches use the routine I supplied above, otherwise delete &logsearch in sub altavista

If you want to use an ol number list to number your links you can do what I said above

For another numbered list you can either edit the search string to find the actual numbers before the links, or you can create a counter scalar (variable) that counts the links... I suggest you use my method...

Hope this helps,

- Jonathan
Re: AltaVista search LITTLE FIX In reply to
the original av script is no longer working. i get blank results. i only use it as a backup, when results fails.
did anyone find a fix for it.
i know it has been fixed by reza few months ago and now it's not working. your explnation on how to get results for both dir and av. what changes needed for av script?

Re: AltaVista search NUMBER FIX In reply to
Well... I have again modified a little the code :)

To show the new altavista style results (numbered!!) you need to .. (In The original Mod)

if ($link_hits2) {
while ($results =~ m#<dl><dt>\n<b>(\d+)\.\s*</b>\n<a href="([^"]+)">\n<b>([^<]+)</b></a></dt>\n<dd>([^<]*)</dd>\n
<b>URL:</b> <font color="\#808080">([^<]+)</font>\n
<font color="\#808080">\n([^<]+\n[^<]+)</font>#sog) {
($count, $url, $title, $description, $url2, $last) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);$url2 =~ s,/$,,;
$last =~ s,\n,,;$last =~ s,\s\s+, ,;
$link_results2 .= qq~ ### Here the code to show results ###

if ($link_hits2) {
while ($results =~ m#<b>#sog) {
$results =~ s/<b>//gie;
$results =~ s/<\/b>//gie;
while ($results =~ m#<EM>#sog) {
$results =~ s/<EM>//gie;
$results =~ s/<\/EM>//gie;
while ($results =~ m#(\d+)\.\s*\n<a href="([^"]+)">\n([^<]+)</a></dt>\n<dd>([^<]+)</dd>\n<#br#><font color="\#808080">URL:([^\n]+)\n#sog) {
($count, $url, $title, $description, $url2) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
$url2 =~ s/\s//gie;
$link_results2 .= qq~ ### Here the code to show results, REMEMBER TO USE : $count, $url, $title, $description, $url2

Oh! Change the <#br#> with a BR Tag! :P
That's ALL ...
Any problems? :)

Carlos A. Sepúlveda.

Carlos Ariel Sepúlveda - Argentina
Re: AltaVista search NUMBER FIX In reply to
This is the original script guy, at least it works the same way. The old script will not and cannot work b/c AltaVista changed they way their site looks, yes even in text mod.

If you use this script you can still use it has a backup search.

Thanks Carlos, you did an extra step I was hoping I wasn't going to have to go back and redo...

I apologize for not making it the same as the other altavista script, I just forgot that it was different on my site...

- Jonathan
Re: AltaVista search NUMBER FIX In reply to
In Reply To:
First copy this routine
sub altavista {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Search Altavista
my %in = &parse_form;
use LWP::Simple;
# Boolean Options
if ($in{'bool'} eq 'and') {$bool = '+AND';}
elsif ($in{'bool'} eq 'or') {$bool = '+OR';}
else {$bool = '';}
if (!$in{'query'}) { &site_html_search_failure ("Please enter one or more keywords.") and exit; }

# Define Variables
my $page = ($in{'page'} * 10) || 0;
my $pageXX = $page - 10;
my $query = $in{'query'};
my $query_q = &urlencode($query);
my $url = "http://www.altavista.com/cgi-bin/query?q=$query_q$bool&text=yes&stq=$pageXX";
my $results = get ($url);
my $FONT = 'font face="verdana, arial" size="2"';
my $FONT_SMALL = 'font face="verdana, arial" size="1"';
$results or &site_html_search_failure ("There are no results available!") and exit;

# If we see this, then we couldn't get a match.
if ($results =~ /AltaVista found no document matching your query./) {
&site_html_search_failure ("No matching AltaVista links!") and exit;
else {
if ($results =~ /([^>\s]+) pages found./) { $link_hits2 = $1; }
else { &site_html_search_failure ("Can't parse AltaVista results!") and exit; }
if ($link_hits2) {
while ($results =~ m#<b>#sog) {
$results =~ s/<b>//gie;
$results =~ s/<\/b>//gie;
while ($results =~ m#<EM>#sog) {
$results =~ s/<EM>//gie;
$results =~ s/<\/EM>//gie;
while ($results =~ m#<a href="([^"]+)">\n([^<]+)</a></dt>\n<dd>([^<]+)</dd>\n< br ><font
color="\#808080">URL:([^\n]+)\n#sog) {
($url, $title, $description, $url2) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
$url2 =~ s/\s//gie;
if ($in{'nosum'} eq '1') {
$link_results2 .= qq~<li><$FONT><a href="$url">$title</a></font>
else {
$link_results2 .= qq~<li><$FONT><a href="$url">$title</a>
\n<$FONT_SMALL><b>URL:</b> <font color="#808080">http://$url2</font></font>\n
<$FONT_SMALL><a href="http://www.magicdirectory.com/cgi-bin/translate.cgi?url=$url">translate it</a></font>
$span2 = &next_hits($page, $link_hits2, 10);
# Bold Search Terms
@search_terms = split (/\s/, $in{'query'});
if (($in{'bold'} == 0) or (!$in{'bold'})) {
foreach $term (@search_terms) {
$link_results2 =~ s,(<[^>]+>)|(\Q$term\E),defined($1) ? $1 : "<STRONG>$2</STRONG>",gie;
if ($in{'search'} eq "both") {
copy this routine to where? you said this is altvista.cgi
but it's missing #!/usr/bin/perl and in either case it's not working by itself. i feel like i do not understand english even though i been studying english for 24 years.
i need a copy of the new altavista.cgi and i do not see it anywhere here. could someone post the whole code. thanks

Re: AltaVista search NUMBER FIX In reply to
Ok, I have put together FULL INSTRUCTIONS for the mod plus the addition to USE A TEMPLATE for your links:


- Jonathan
Re: AltaVista search NUMBER FIX In reply to
The routine above is a subroutine you have to copy and paste into search.cgi.

Re: AltaVista search NUMBER FIX In reply to
now i see what you did. there is no need for altavista.cgi
you just added a sub to search.cgi and implemented templates.
this is great but i like to use altavista.cgi without adding a sub to search.cgi, since i'm switching to linksql very soon. did anyone manage to make any modifications to the original altavista.cgi to make it work alone

Hats off to Jonathan for the step by step altavista fix. I am now back in business. Thanks Jonathan

Here is his excellent instrucions:

Re: AltaVista search In reply to
Thank for the mods...it's work perfectly for me...and Sir, can I use this mod to other search engine ?? ...

> >