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A little brainstorming for a mod, any suggestions?

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A little brainstorming for a mod, any suggestions?
Okay...let's see if people follow me on this one. I have changed the links database into a "member" database, and using the altcategories mod setup a service that allows people to sign up for an account, and list which live concert bootlegs they have for a specific band, Counting Crows (well over 300 shows bootlegged). Now, it's all working quite flawlessly (although now I can't rebuild via the web, but I can via telnet so not a huge deal...dunno why that is but whatever).

So...this database allows people to find a specific show they want, and then allows to them see which members have them, whether the member trades, B&Ps, or is unavailable or either, what country they are, how reputable a trader, etc.. and then lets them email a given user.

Now, another popular method of trading during the broadband revolution is via public ftp servers. What I'd like to do is allow people to setup an account as a special "FTP account" allong with their normal bootleg lists. Basically these ftp accounts would allow for people to select from the huge list of shows I've listed (via the altcategory mod), the main category they'd add to would be FTP_Servers. The thing is, is that these accounts would have different fields then that of a normal user (ftp server address, port #, etc...)

Then on a build it would basically list the accounts differently, under it's own title (similar to "Related Categories")

I assume I'd need a new links.def file called ftps.def, and a new ftps.db and ftps.txt file.

Any idea on how this could be implemented? How large of a mod would it be? It's not overly complicated, basically just setting up two different types of links, intead of just one....

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Re: [dj1s] A little brainstorming for a mod, any suggestions? In reply to
you know if you hadn't mentioned bootegging I would have been glad to help you come up with some sort of solution.

Links 2.0 moderator
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Re: [PerlFreak] A little brainstorming for a mod, any suggestions? In reply to
LoL....bootlegging has a bad conotation. It's not like we're selling anything. Lots of bands have huge followings, and lots of bands, Counting Crows being one of them, support the taping of their shows. The site doesn't allow for selling of shows, it's just a resource so people can get live material "for love of the band"

We're not going into movie theaters, taping movies, burning them to VCD and selling them. Bands ALLOW this to happen. Dave Matthews Band even sells taper seats. They allow people to setup large rigs...this is fact. Facts most people don't know or choose to ignore because "bootlegs" have this bad connotation.

So before you think what is being done is wrong, do some research.

I'm still interested in any thoughts on a mod of this type. What is being done here is not illegal in any way. The band supports it, and even released a couple official bootlegs last year.
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Re: [dj1s] A little brainstorming for a mod, any suggestions? In reply to
So before you think what is being done is wrong, do some research.
Okay, here you go:

Accoding to Meriam-Webster:
Main Entry: bootleg
Date: 1900
transitive senses
1 a : to carry (alcoholic liquor) on one's person illegally b : to manufacture, sell, or transport for sale (alcoholic liquor) illegally
2 a : to produce, reproduce, or distribute illicitly or without authorization b : SMUGGLE
intransitive senses
1 : to engage in bootlegging
2 : to run a bootleg play in football
- boot·leg·ger noun


If "bootlegging" does not accurately describe the process your site uses, then consider changing your teminology. :-)

Links 2.0 moderator
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Re: [PerlFreak] A little brainstorming for a mod, any suggestions? In reply to
Well...as I've said before, it's just a term that is used. It's fine by the band and because they have a very large very dedicated fan base they like to trade and tape live shows. There is no harm in that, especially since the band is fine with it, even saying for people to take out their recorders, and that "this is your show, do whatever you want with it".

So, can we get past this, is there a way this can be done?

That's all I ask. Just if anyone has an idea on how to make 2 different types of links. That's all.
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Re: [dj1s] A little brainstorming for a mod, any suggestions? In reply to
Giving some more offtopic, PerlFreak, I think dj1s is right. Metallica for example agrees with bootlegging their shows: they support that in their official site and even in their official, members-only, monthly mag. As long as you TRADE them, it's fine with it. They just don't want copies of the original recordings (ie. masters) to be sold, but bootlegs are fine.

Thus, I assume Metallica is NOT the only band allowing this. Is just another way to spread their fame worldwide for "free".

We should move out from here anyway ;)

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webcamworld: Sep 21, 2001, 2:17 AM
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Re: [dj1s] A little brainstorming for a mod, any suggestions? In reply to
Well you could go the way of creating a new def file and use a seperate add.cgi script to use different add templates to only show host/username/pass etc....

Then create a new category called FTP_Sites or whatever and then just add that as the related category so it takes visitors to the pae with all the ftp resources.

In the new add template just pass the Category in as a hidden field <input type="text" name="Category" value="FTP_Sites">

Hope that helps a little.

FWIW: Don't be too harsh on Junko.....you said yourself the word bootlegging has stigma attached to it, and it was you that mentioned it in your first post.

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RedRum: Sep 21, 2001, 6:18 AM
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Re: [RedRum] A little brainstorming for a mod, any suggestions? In reply to
sorry for butting in but what's "FWIW" ???

openoffice + gimp + sketch ... Smile
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Re: [QooQ] A little brainstorming for a mod, any suggestions? In reply to
*For what it's worth*

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Re: [RedRum] A little brainstorming for a mod, any suggestions? In reply to
DOH --- dah ... Smile

hey hey,now you're making fun of me what's "ROTFLMAO" ???

openoffice + gimp + sketch ... Smile