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Search score

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Search score
In the last version <%score%> was available in the search.cgi to rank the links.

It doesn't seem to be available now. I can't even figure out what to use to access it, since the line from the old search.cgi where the query was built was removed and moved elsewhere.

How to I find the score of a particular link in a search?

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Re: Search score In reply to
The score is no longer available unfortunately. You could get to it by editing DBSQL.pm sub query_index:

while (my $array = $search->fetchrow_arrayref) {
shift @$array;
push (@results, $array);

and comment out the shift statement. Then the output of db->query will be an array of records, but the first element of each will be the score. This makes it difficult to use array_to_hash as you have to shift off the score first.

I'm not sure of an elegant way to preserve the score, but I'll take a look.


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Re: Search score In reply to
Ok... if score isn't preserved, then why do we weight searches?

That was a GREAT feature, being able to give keywords more weight, and less to user-entered fields.

Ranking by score is one of the best features!

Since this is in a search, which is doing processing anyway, there should be a way to calculate the score for each link.

I noticed the routines got a lot more complex, and complicated in this last beta, but relevancy is a really important feature that shouldn't be phased out!! Smile

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Re: Search score In reply to
Results are returned sorted by score, you just can't view the score. The most relevant ones are still returned first though.


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Re: Search score In reply to
Well, I certainly don't have an answer for that, however, here is a workaround.

First update sub query_index:
while (my $array = $search->fetchrow_arrayref) {
my $temp = shift @$array;
push @$array, $temp;
push (@results, $array);
return \@results;

Then, update array_to_hash as follows

sub array_to_hash { --------------------------------------------------------
# Converts an array ref to a hash ref.
my ($self, $array_r) = @_;
(ref $array_r eq 'ARRAY') or return $self->error ('BADARGS', 'array_to_hash', $array_r);
my $i = 0;
my %tmp = map { ( $self->{'db_cols'}[$i] | | 'SCORE' ) => ${$array_r}[$i++] } @$array_r;
return \%tmp;

i believe <%SCORE%> will (hopefully) then be available. This is my hack though..., that I'm using till an elegant solution comes up Wink

[This message has been edited by kitsune (edited December 01, 1999).]