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Graphic layout and design

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Graphic layout and design
I'm working on adding in a lot of features to links (basically SQL add ons).

The links get pretty cluttered, which is why I'm looking at putting them on the detail pages for the most part.

One good layout example is what IMDB.COM is using to show the information about the movies and personalities.

There is a standard sidebar with all the options, with the ones that apply to this particular option "linked".

This leads to a basic layout design of a left side bar (jumps/options), a right sidebar (advertising or other features), and the link information in the middle, with a header and footer file on the whole page.

It seems to work reasonably well, with enough area for everything.

But, what sort of link options would be cool to have on the sidebar?

I can see this taking a lot of cpu, which means the link record (or another table) has to be updated with all the various options, and enabled when that option is filled in by the admin or the user.

For example. If there are options such as:

status history

The ratings/reviews/status history would be "on" by default (a user would be able to add to them there) but the hours and staffing would be un-active unless they were filled in in the master record.

hours and staffing would not apply to a picture site, but might to a store or shop location.

Each of these options is really just an external script that does something, and then outputs it's own, or a standard template. Many of my options are specific to my site (a non-links site) but I'm wondering what sort of options you'd want to see, if you could have them.

If you don't know what I mean, take a look at IMDB.com and search for something like Lethal Weapon Smile You'll see options available and not available on the side, that are enabled by a database back end. As the data is added, the link for that entry becomes available.

Before anyone jumps on it -- this could dynamically be done in PHP, and actually probably done quite well, since it's a pure look up. I wonder which has better performance for this, PHP or perl? Many sites are begining to work out the integration problems, and using "static/dynamic" pages (such as a home page) in PHP, but the back end site generation and searching in perl.

There is a whole bunch of cool things that can be added this way, and the database can become really, really large, without cluttering up the links themselves by using this sort of translation table to keep track of what options are available for which links.

I need 2 or 3 more of me to do all this ! Smile but I'm having fun with my work for the first time in 15 years, so I'm not really complaining Smile

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Re: Graphic layout and design In reply to
i'm looking at..


this is going to be similar to what i am going to be doing with my site..

MyMovies.. i have built something similiar where LinkIDs are store in a field inside of the user database.. it is similiar to the links 2.0 version of mylinks except it saves the data on the database so the user will never lose it on a cookie..

User Comments.. i've already implemented this into my detailed pages.. i show the last three comments on the page with an all reviews button which goes to review.cgi..

Message Boards.. i plan on implementing this after getting forum.cgi where i want it to be.. this is simply creating a kind of board that doesn't exist unless there is a post.. it is based on link ids and if there is not one post in the database linked to that link id.. then there are no posts.. if there is it will display it using the links information as the name of the board..

all the things on the left.. i am planning on making my pages more like amazon.com pages.. they have Buying Info, system requirements, editorial reviews, customer reviews.. etc.. i am going to have pretty much the main detailed page built in static html to sum up most of the things like in the imdb one.. then individual dynamic pages one of reviews.. one of pdamania review.. one of discussion.. and one with a few screenshots of the product.. these won't require much processing.. they are rather simple retrieving from databases and pasting them into templates.. on each of these pages it keeps a similar top part with information and one picture of the product.. then the bottom part changes..

also.. i am going to make my urls different.. for instance..


to make it more attractive and easy to remember for the people who own the links..

i am going to have something quite similar to imdb.com's shopping cart thingy.. i will have a shopping cart script selling for an affiliate..

anyways.. that was the ideas i had for myself on my site.. i won't develop my site much until summer though..

Jerry Su
url pdamania.com
email email@jerrysu.com