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Update of dmoz -getting error

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Update of dmoz -getting error
Hi all,

I am trying to update my directory but I am getting the following error using the code below. Anyone have any ideas as the defs directory is exactly in the correct place despite what the error message says.

perl /home/virtual/site4/fst/var/www/cgi-bin/linkssql/admin/np
h-import.cgi --import RDF --source=/home/virtual/site4/fst/var/www/cgi-bin/News.part
destination=/home/virtual/site4/fst/var/www/cgi-bin/linkssql/admin/defs --create-mi
ssing-categories --create-columns --rdf-category="Top/News" --rdf-user="Admin" --rdf
-add-date="2002-05-23" --rdf-update
Content-type: text/html

<p><font face='Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica' size=2>A fatal error has occured:</font></p><
blockquote><pre>GT::SQL (16466): Wrong argument passed to this subroutine. Usage: Th
e defs directory '' does not exist, or is not a directory. at /home/virtual/site4/fs
t/var/www/cgi-bin/linkssql/admin/Links/Import/RDFS2.pm line 69.
</pre></blockquote><p><font face='Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica' size=2>Please enable debug
ging in setup for more details.</font></p>
Can't read $DBI::errstr, last handle unknown or destroyed at /home/virtual/site4/fst
/var/www/cgi-bin/linkssql/admin/Links.pm line 444.
<PRE><B>Stack Trace</B>
Links (16466): Links::environment called at /home/virtual/site4/fst/var/www/cgi-bin/
linkssql/admin/Links.pm line 418 with no arguments.
Links (16466): Links::fatal called at (eval 1) line 82 with arguments
(GT::SQL (16466): Wrong argument passed to this subroutine. Usage: The defs direc
tory '' does not exist, or is not a directory. at /home/virtual/site4/fst/var/www/cg
i-bin/linkssql/admin/Links/Import/RDFS2.pm line 69.
Links (16466): GT::Base::error called at /home/virtual/site4/fst/var/www/cgi-bin/lin
kssql/admin/GT/SQL.pm line 129 with arguments
(GT::SQL=HASH(0x83efe7c), BADARGS, FATAL, The defs directory '' does not exist, o
r is not a directory.).
Links (16466): GT::SQL::new called at /home/virtual/site4/fst/var/www/cgi-bin/linkss
ql/admin/Links/Import/RDFS2.pm line 69 with arguments
(GT::SQL, def_path, [undef], subclass, 0).
Links (16466): Links::Import::RDFS2::import called at /home/virtual/site4/fst/var/ww
w/cgi-bin/linkssql/admin/nph-import.cgi line 229 with arguments
(HASH(0x81d5984), CODE(0x83bff6c), CODE(0x83c0014), CODE(0x83bfeb8)).
Links (16466): main::do_import called at /home/virtual/site4/fst/var/www/cgi-bin/lin
kssql/admin/nph-import.cgi line 143 with arguments
(rdf_destination, [undef], rdf_add_date, 2002-05-23, rdf_category, Top/News, help
, [undef], straight_import, [undef], error_file, [undef], data_integrity, [undef], s
ource, /home/virtual/site4/fst/var/www/cgi-bin/News.part, create_missing_categories,
1, with_gzip, [undef], clear_tables, [undef], create_columns, 1, destination, [unde
f], rdf_user, Admin, transfer, RDFS2, rdf_update, 1).
Links (16466): main::main called at /home/virtual/site4/fst/var/www/cgi-bin/linkssql
/admin/nph-import.cgi line 28 with no arguments.

<B>System Information</B>
Perl Version: 5.006
Links SQL Version: 2.1.0
DBI.pm Version: 1.14
Persistant Env: mod_perl (0) SpeedyCGI (0)
GT::SQL::error = GT::SQL (16466): Wrong argument passed to this subroutine. Usage: T
he defs directory '' does not exist, or is not a directory. at /home/virtual/site4/f
st/var/www/cgi-bin/linkssql/admin/Links/Import/RDFS2.pm line 69.

@INC =

destination => /home/virtual/site4/fst/var/www/cgi-bin/linkssql/admin/defs

BASH_ENV => /home/admin/.bashrc
GT_TMPDIR => /home/virtual/site4/fst/var/www/cgi-bin/linkssql/admin/tmp
HISTSIZE => 1000
HOME => /root
HOSTTYPE => i386
INPUTRC => /etc/inputrc
LANG => en_US
LESSOPEN => |/usr/bin/lesspipe.sh %s
LOGNAME => admin
LS_COLORS => no=00:fi=00:di=01;34:ln=01;36:pi=40;33:so=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01
MACHTYPE => i386-redhat-linux-gnu
MAIL => /var/spool/mail/admin
OLDPWD => /home/virtual/site24/fst/var/www/cgi-bin/content
OSTYPE => linux-gnu
PATH => /usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/home/admin/bin
PWD => /home/virtual/site4/fst/var/www/cgi-bin
SHELL => /bin/bash
SHLVL => 2
SSH_TTY => /dev/ttyp0
TERM => xterm
USER => admin
_ => /usr/bin/perl
</PRE>GT::SQL (16466): Wrong argument passed to this subroutine. Usage: The defs dir
ectory '' does not exist, or is not a directory. at /home/virtual/site4/fst/var/www/
cgi-bin/linkssql/admin/Links/Import/RDFS2.pm line 69.
Quote Reply
Re: [fulcan] Update of dmoz -getting error In reply to
destination is missing -- :)
Quote Reply
Re: [Paul] Update of dmoz -getting error In reply to
No the destination is there.
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Re: [fulcan] Update of dmoz -getting error In reply to

Ignore my post. I have to learn to read.
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Re: [fulcan] Update of dmoz -getting error In reply to
Just so people know, he was missing the -- part in front of destination, i.e --description= (for future readers of this post)


Andy (mod)
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