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Editors review link

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Editors review link
Okay, I've made a table called editors_review, I plan on allowing editors to review the software that we store on our server (demos, patches, freeware, shareware (no pirated or warez), anyway, I've made the table, and it shows up in the admin link area for the link I want to modify. Then in the details template, I put <%if editors_review%><a href="<%db_cgi_url%>/jump.cgi?ID=<%ID%>&view=editors_review">Editors Review</a><%endif%> But it just takes me to an error page saying Ooops unknown file requested. Where did I go wrong?
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Re: [aph] Editors review link In reply to
Can anyone help me with this. Is this possible to do? It seems like I would be calling a detailed page from a detailed page, which I dont think works, but maybe someone can confirm where Im going wrong or if it's just not possible to do this.
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Re: [aph] Editors review link In reply to
It depends exactly what it is that you're wanting to do. Personally, if I was doing this I think I would copy Review.pm to EditorReview.pm and copy review.cgi to editorreview.cgi and point editorreview.cgi to EditorReview.pm rather than Review.pm. Then you would need to do a lot of editing to both these new files to end up with what you want - i.e. pointing to your new table.

If you are just going to use the Review functionality that is already built in and only allow editors to review rather than everyone, it will be much easier - but then you wouldn't need a new table so I'm guessing that this isn't what you're aiming for.

It is definitely possible - it just depend how you want it to work and how good your perl is :-)
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Re: [afinlr] Editors review link In reply to
When I add 2 new columns to my links database, one called filesize, and one called filesizm, then I put

<%if filesize%><%filesize%><%filesizem%><%endif%>

This produces 11.4MB assuming that was what was entered in the form.

So I dont understand why Glinks is bringing up a page that says, Oops file not found. Their is an edreview (I changed the name of it since the first post), column in the links table that can only be filled out by the administrator, because I dont have it on the include_form for users when they add a link.

Maybe I can just use the regular review system and somehow highlight in bold red if it's an editors review, so that peole know an editor wrote it and not another user. But I'd much rather see another page be created with the editors review on it, just like the details page is created now only with the content of the edreview content of the links table.
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Re: [aph] Editors review link In reply to
Might it be easier to create a way of making Glinks, build not only a detailed page, but an extra editors page for each detailed page that has something in the links table in the column edreview? It's been way too long since i've played with cgi to know how to do this. But it seems that it would be a matter of finding the right spot in whatever file builds the detailed page and put a simple clause of if in links table, link ID if it has something in edreview column then create another detailed page named fullname/Editors_review of Title.

Of course it's probably easier to think of this than to actually do it.