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index.html and Detailed directory

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index.html and Detailed directory

Currently, the Detailed directory has no index.html so in case the indexes is not turned off, if a curious visitor just types http://mysite.com/Detailed (presuming that's where the Detailed directory is) he would get 1,2,3,4.....html listed... That's ugly.

Isn't it possible to have an index.html (not manually placed but generated by Links) which has alphateically arranged (by <%Title%>) list of all the 1,2,.....nnnn.html's there in the Detailed directory .. spanning pages (so that number listed on index.html of Detailed directory is in line with site mh). This would also probably increase the indexing possibilty by SE (though i am not a SEO expert).

Any possibility of having the above so that with every build, the above is also updated.....

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Re: [anup123] index.html and Detailed directory In reply to
You would need a global to build the list but I don't think that bit would be too complicated. Getting the static index page might be a bit more complicated - I assume that you could use Pagebuilder to do this.
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Re: [afinlr] index.html and Detailed directory In reply to
I am not clear as to why Detailed was left without an index.html page when all others like Cool/Popular/New etc all have a index.html there. Should have been there by default i feel....
