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General Question
I've set up a MySQL database where I enter various information about sites that are submitted to my directory, like whether the domain is banned in Google and various other criteria. I've written a simple PHP script to retrieve the information from the database before I make a decision on listing or rejecting the site, but as it stands now, I have to copy the root of the domain and paste it into my form. What I'd like to do is modify the GT script where when you click on the "view" link, the root of the site submitted gets passed to my form and either a second page opens with the info on the site, or both pages open in a frame.

My questions are:

1. Is there a way to strip out the root of the the domain in <%URL%> and pass it to my script?
2. Can an onClick function be added to the validate page to integrate the domain info lookup function?
3. It this even doable, and is it too ambitious for someone with very limited php experience.

Thanks in advance.