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"Foreign characters" in directory and file names

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"Foreign characters" in directory and file names
This puzzles me ...

It seems to be generally accepted in the GT forums that 'non-english' characters, eg: Éßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ, cannot be used in the names of directories and files.

Nevertheless, I have used these characters in a testbed directory using flatfile Links. Provided they are url-encoded, there is no detectable problem building under FreeBSD.

Also I notice that the Open Directory uses them -- check out http://dmoz.org/...f5es_de_Professores/

Should I not be using them, even if they seem to work in practice.
Is there something I don't know about?
Is this OS-dependent (eg: OK under Unix, not OK under Windows)?

By the way, the urlencode sub is
sub urlencode {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Escapes a string to make it suitable for printing as a URL.
my($toencode) = shift;
$toencode =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9_\-.])/uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))/eg;
$toencode =~ s/\%2F/\//g;
return $toencode;

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YoYoYoYo: Oct 12, 2001, 1:19 AM
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Re: [YoYoYoYo] "Foreign characters" in directory and file names In reply to

No, it's not recommended as different o/s have different limits on what are valid characters in directory names.

DMoz doesn't use them, they URL escape them. If you look at the source, you'll see the URL is:


It just happens IE make it transparent.


Gossamer Threads Inc.
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Re: [Alex] "Foreign characters" in directory and file names In reply to
> they URL escape them ...

Does that mean they use something like sub urlencode?

Is there any reason why we cannot also urlencode directory names if our OS does not object?

We are using ID numbers for directory names because just two of the category names contain non-english characters. Is there a way of using build_directory_field conditionally? That is, use the category name unless there is a string in build_directory_field.

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Re: [YoYoYoYo] "Foreign characters" in directory and file names In reply to

Yes, that's how build_directory_field works by default. If it is blank, it will fall back to the old method.


Gossamer Threads Inc.
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Re: [Alex] "Foreign characters" in directory and file names In reply to
So it does.