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In Luna, How can I put a box that spans over contents and rightsidebar

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In Luna, How can I put a box that spans over contents and rightsidebar
I am so puzzled trying to create a box (div) in luna templates above the CONTENTS and RIGHTSIDEBAR together - not in in the spots of include_contentwrapper_top.html, include_contentheader.html, or include_content_top.html, rather the box should span above the middle part (content) and the rightsidebar togther, and its upper border on the same level as the leftsidebar (when leftside, content, and rightside are all activated)...
In other word, something like pushing down the content section (the middle section) and the rightsidebar and putting above them a box!!!
(means a box that spans above #icwrapper (or #contentwrapper) and #rightsidebar together).

Thanks much in advance...

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Re: [Mark2] In Luna, How can I put a box that spans over contents and rightsidebar In reply to
I was able to do the upper block; however, now looking to put a box that spans below the "rightsidebar" and "content" ONLY...(regardless of leftsidebar).
rightsidebar or content can push the box down if data long data exist in the them ....
Any idea????
Thanks much
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Re: [Mark2] In Luna, How can I put a box that spans over contents and rightsidebar In reply to
Going to need a screenshot or a mock up to see what you're trying to do exactly.

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Re: [brewt] In Luna, How can I put a box that spans over contents and rightsidebar In reply to
Hi Adrian,
Here is the home page that I am trying to design:
If you look at the box below the content and right sides "Here sawawawsis your Header!" it spans across both areas; however, it always starts from the end of the writting of the left handside (the begining of the purple color).
What I am trying to do is to have this box starts at the end of the blue section (in the righthandside) and/or the end of the shading of the contents (when rightside blue section is long or when the contents are long, either one pushes the box down independent from the leftside) (something like the top bar "put simple menu items add, modify...").

Take a look at the old home page of allnewspapers.com
http://www.allnewspapers.com/ to see what I mean.
and here are some coloring that I use to tell what section is what:

#wrapper {
background: brown;

#icwrapper {
background: green;

#contentwrapper {
width: 100%;
float: left;
position: relative;

#content {

#leftsidebar {

#rightsidebar {

background-color: #ccccff;

#ocwrapper {
/* background colour of left sidebar */
border-left: 162px solid purple;
/* background colour of right sidebar */
border-right: 338px solid black;
background: darkgrey;

#contentAndRightSideBottom {
background-color: white;
width: 814px;
float: left;
margin: 10px 0px 0px 10px;
/* ie/mac fix \*/
/*display: block; */
position: relative;

Thanks much in advance...