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Permissions are driving me nuts

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Permissions are driving me nuts
I have been over the default.cfg file over and over. I have read the readme file 2x and the permissions file at www.jpdeni.com/dbman. I spent 3 hours just trying different permutations to get it to work.

This is what I want dbman to do but it is not doing it. As the administrator, I am creating the users and all I want them to be able to do is have access to view and modify their record--not delete or add to their record. I have created a user called nick with password nick at www.siand.com/ORRA/dbman/db.cgi. Nick has permissions to view and modify his record.
When Nick logs in, he can view all the records but he cannot modify his own with
Below are the set permissions and fields

# Wait until this file finishes loading and then save it to your hard drive as default.cfg.
# After you have saved the file, use the "back" button on your browser to build the next file.
# ----------------------
# DBMan
# ----------------------
# Database Administrator
# File: default.cfg
# Description: This is the setup file that contains the database definition,
# and most of the options required to set the program up.
# Author: Alex Krohn
# Email: alex@gossamer-threads.com
# Web: http://www.gossamer-threads.com/
# Version: 2.04
# Copyright 1997 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# This program is being distributed as shareware. It may be used and
# modified free of charge for personal, academic, government or non-profit
# use, so long as this copyright notice and the header above remain intact.
# Any commercial use should be registered. Please also send me an email,
# and let me know where you are using this script. By using this program
# you agree to indemnify Gossamer Threads Inc. from any liability.
# Selling the code for this program without prior written consent is
# expressly forbidden. Obtain permission before redistributing this
# program over the Internet or in any other medium. In all cases
# copyright and header must remain intact.
# Please check the README file for full details on registration.
# =====================================================================
# File and URL's
# --------------------------------------------------------
# URL of the directory dbman resides in. No Trailing Slash Please.
$db_dir_url = "http://www.siand.com/ORRA/dbman";
# URL of dbman.
$db_script_url = $db_dir_url . "/db.cgi";
# Full Path and File name of the database file.
$db_file_name = $db_script_path . "/default.db";
# Full path and file name of the counter file.
$db_id_file_name = $db_script_path . "/default.count";
# Full path and file name of the authorization directory.
$auth_dir = $db_script_path . "/auth";
# Full path and file name of the password file.
$auth_pw_file = $db_script_path . "/default.pass";
# Full path and file name of the log file.
$auth_log_file = $db_script_path . "/default.log";
# Full path and file name of the html routines.
require $db_script_path . "/html.pl";

# Database Definition
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Definition of your database. Format is
# field_name => ['position', 'field_type', 'form-length', 'maxlength', 'not_null', 'default', 'valid_expr']

%db_def = (
'Secret ID Number' => [ 0, 'alpha', 20, 255, 1, '', ''],
'User ID' => [ 1, 'alpha', 20, 255, 1, '', ''],
'Active Member' => [ 2, 'alpha', 20, 255, 1, '', ''],
'Associate Member' => [ 3, 'alpha', 20, 255, 0, '', ''],
'Member Name' => [ 4, 'alpha', 20, 255, 1, '', ''],
'Contact Person' => [ 5, 'alpha', 20, 255, 1, '', ''],
'Certified Rug Appraiser' => [ 7, 'alpha', 20, 255, 0, '', ''],
'800 Number' => [ 7, 'alpha', 20, 255, 0, '', ''],
'Phone: Voice' => [ 8, 'alpha', 20, 255, 1, '', ''],
'Phone: Fax' => [ 9, 'alpha', 20, 255, 1, '', ''],
'Email Address' => [10, 'alpha', 20, 255, 0, '', '.+@.+..+'],
'Store Website' => [11, 'alpha', 20, 255, 0, 'http://', '^http://'],
'ORRA Website' => [12, 'alpha', 20, 255, 0, 'http://', '^http://'],
'Address 1' => [13, 'alpha', 20, 255, 1, '', ''],
'Address 2' => [14, 'alpha', 20, 255, 1, '', ''],
'City' => [15, 'alpha', 20, 255, 1, '', ''],
'State' => [16, 'alpha', 20, 255, 1, 'USE 2 letter abbrev.', ''],
'Zip' => [17, 'alpha', 20, 255, 1, '', ''],
'Country' => [18, 'alpha', 20, 255, 1, '', ''],
'Services:Retailer' => [19, 'alpha', 0, 21, 0, '', ''],
'Services:Cleaner' => [20, 'alpha', 0, 15, 0, '', ''],
'Services:Repairer' => [21, 'alpha', 0, 16, 0, '', ''],
'Summary of Store' => [22, 'alpha', 40x5, 1000, 0, '', ''],
'Special Notes' => [23, 'alpha', 40x5, 1000, 0, '', '']

# The column name for the database key. Can be any column, but it must be unique!
# You can't have two records with the same key value!
$db_key = 'Secret ID Number';
# Track the key? Should DBMan keep a counter of the next key to use? This isn't
# neccessary if you can guarantee that your entry in the key field will be unique
# (i.e. a userid).
$db_key_track = 0; #counting starts at Zero
# Database delimeter.
$db_delim = ' '; #tab is between the spaces here
# Use file locking (1 = Yes, 0 = No). Should be used, but won't work on Win95.
$db_use_flock = 1;
# Auto generate the html forms (1 = Yes, 0 = No).
$db_auto_generate = 0;
# Display Benchmarking Information (1 = Yes, 0 = No).
# use Benchmark; # Uncomment this line if benchmarking is used.
$db_benchmark = 0;
# Display Debugging Information (1 = Yes, 0 = No).
$db_debug = 0;

# Select fields. Field name => 'comma seperated list of drop down options'.
%db_select_fields = (


# Radio fields. Field name => comma seperated list of radio buttons.
%db_radio_fields = (


# Checkbox fields. Field name => Checkbox value.
%db_checkbox_fields = (
'Services:Retailer' => 'Store Sells Retail OR',
'Services:Cleaner' => 'Store Cleans OR',
'Services:Repairer' => 'Store Repairs OR'

# Default maximum number of hits returned in a search.
$db_max_hits = 10;
# Bold search results (1 = Yes, 0 = No).
$db_bold = 1;
# Regular and title fonts used in auto_generation and html.pl.
$font = 'font face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size="2"';
$font_title = 'font face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size="4"';

# Authorization Options
# --------------------------------------------------------
# No Authentication? (1 = "there is no authentication", 0 = "there is authentication")
# If you choose no authentication, then set the permissions of what
# people can do with: @auth_default_permissions below.
$auth_no_authentication = 0;

# The amount of time in seconds that user files are kept in the
# auth directory before the program removes them. 2-6 hours is
# probably a good value.
$auth_time = 21600; # 6 hours (in seconds)

# Enable (1) or disable (0) logging.
$auth_logging = 1;

# Allow a default user? This means you can specify a user via the URL
# and skip the logon process. Use this to allow people to search without
# logging on, but require log in if they want to add/modify/remove etc.
# (1 = "yes", 0 = "no")
$auth_allow_default = 1;

# Default permissions used if there is no authentication, or for a default
# user. (View, Add, Delete, Modify, Admin), 1 = enable, 0 = disable.
@auth_default_permissions = (1,0,0,0,0);

# Allow people to sign up for their own userid/passwords? They will
# recieve default permissions.
$auth_signup = 1;

# Permissions a new signup should get.
@auth_signup_permissions = (1,1,0,1,0);
# Registered users: can modify/delete _only_ own records. For this to make
# sense you should set default off or to 1,0,0,0.
$auth_modify_own = 1;

# Registered users: can view _only_ own records. For this to make sense
# you should turn off default permissions.
$auth_view_own = 0;

# Auth user field. This is the field position in the database used for storing
# the userid who owns the record. Set to -1 if not used.
$auth_user_field = 0;

# URL to send user if they chose log off. Leave blank and the script will return to
# the logon prompt (although this only makes sense if you are using authentication).
$auth_logoff = "http://www.orrainc.com";

# ===========================================================================
# Build up some variables from your definitions. Internal use only.
foreach (sort { $db_def{$a}[0] <=> $db_def{$b}[0] } keys %db_def) {
push (@db_cols, $_);
$db_sort{$_} = $db_def{$_}[1];
$db_form_len{$_} = $db_def{$_}[2];
$db_lengths{$_} = $db_def{$_}[3];
$db_not_null{$_} = $db_def{$_}[4];
$db_defaults{$_} = $db_def{$_}[5];
$db_valid_types{$_} = $db_def{$_}[6];
($_ eq $db_key) and $db_key_pos = $db_def{$_}[0];

Quote Reply
Re: Permissions are driving me nuts In reply to

Change @auth_signup_permissions = (1,1,0,1,0);

to the following:

@auth_signup_permissions = (0,0,0,1,0);

By allowing users to VIEW which is first value,
they can see all records. You should set VIEW
to 0. Also, you have set it up for users to
ADD a record, which is the second value. It
should be set to 0.

Change $auth_modify_own = 1;

to the following

$auth_modify_own = 1,0,0,0;

Change $auth_user_field = 0;

to the following:

$auth_user_field = 1;

You should use the Userid field for the authorized user
to modify their own records.

Hope this helps.


Eliot Lee
Founder and Editor
Anthro TECH, L.L.C
Coconino Community College
Web Technology
Quote Reply
Re: Permissions are driving me nuts In reply to
But I do want any default user or known user to be able to view/search the records. So I should set @auth_signup_permissions to at least
@auth_signup_permissions = (1,0,0,1,0);

What is the difference between
$auth_modify_own = 1;
$auth_modify_own = 1,0,0,0;?

Why should I set the
$auth_user_field = 0;
$auth_user_field = 1;
when array counting starts at zero and not 1?

Quote Reply
Re: Permissions are driving me nuts In reply to
If you set the @auth_signup_permissions to VIEW, your users will be able to view all records! I thought I made this clear. Wink I thought you stated in your original message that all you want your users to do is view and modify their own records when they login, right? Smile

By setting the VIEW permission to 1 in the @auth_signup_permissions, you are allowing your users to view ALL records when they login.

The best thing to do for modify_own variable is to set it to the default permissions of 1,0,0,0. I don't exactly know the difference between the two settings, but I have used the default permission of 1,0,0,0 and it works
for me.

You should set the $auth_user_field variable to 1 because that is the field number for your Userid field.

Hope this helps.



Eliot Lee
Founder and Editor
Anthro TECH, L.L.C
Coconino Community College
Web Technology

[This message has been edited by Eliot (edited September 19, 1999).]
Quote Reply
Re: Permissions are driving me nuts In reply to
I have done what you said and I still cannot
modify any records. I am probably missing
a piece of the pie.

Let's say we have a very simple database
with two fields "user_id" and "name"
and it looks like

I put them in default.db just like this
with delimeter ","

If I set
$auth_user_field = 0;

then if I modify under userid for "1" dave should come up. But it does not. As long as I set $auth_view_own = 0; then I can search under userid =1 and it does come up. Why?

Does the userid assigned in default.pass by the crypt function have to be the same as the userid in my database?
Quote Reply
Re: Permissions are driving me nuts In reply to
Yes. The userid in the .pass has to match the Userid field in the forms. BTW: The userid is NOT encrypted in the .pass file, ONLY the password.


Eliot Lee
Founder and Editor
Anthro TECH, L.L.C
Coconino Community College
Web Technology