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Fwd Record Mod + multiple_select_field = Error(s)

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Fwd Record Mod + multiple_select_field = Error(s)
I'm using the Foward Record (in HTML w/ Images) Mod to send E-Mail from DBMan. I'd like to use the build_multiple_select_field sub-routine so I can select multiple recipient address from a drop-down list. It only works when I select one e-mail address. In order to send to multiple addresses, the email addresses need to be separated by a comma (eg. email@hisdomain.com, email@herdomain.com). How can I tweak the code so that when multiple email addresses are selected, its formatted in said way so the Fwd Record Mod understands it?

Note: As always, my files, in their current state, can be found at http://members.xoom.com/SharpMetal/db_pl.txt, http://members.xoom.com/SharpMetal/html_pl.txt, and http://members.xoom.com/...etal/default_cfg.txt
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Re: Fwd Record Mod + multiple_select_field = Error(s) In reply to
Do you have the URL for the mod?

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Re: Fwd Record Mod + multiple_select_field = Error(s) In reply to
The URL for the Foward Record (in HTML w/ Images) Mod is
The URL for for the thread where found the multiple_select_field sub is

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Re: Fwd Record Mod + multiple_select_field = Error(s) In reply to
If you're using a select list, there shouldn't be any problem with the format of the email addresses, so I would delete

unless ($in{'to_email'} =~ /.+\@.+\..+/) { $message = "The recipient's email address is not in the correct format.<BR>"; }

Replace it with

$in{'to_email'} =~ s/~~/,/g;

That should give you a list of the email addresses, with commas between them.

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Re: Fwd Record Mod + multiple_select_field = Error(s) In reply to
Thank you, JPD. It works! There seems to be one more problem to overcome though. When checking the mail w/ Netscape Messenger, it comes up as HTML code. When I check it in webmail, like Hotmail, it comes up as the color table w/ data filled in as it should. Is this a known problem with the code? I haven't found any threads in the forum addressing this particular problem.

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Re: Fwd Record Mod + multiple_select_field = Error(s) In reply to
I don't know anything about it. Even though the mod has my name on it, the particular features that deal with sending html code were written by someone else. I've never tried the mod.
