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Again - Alphabetical Listings

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Again - Alphabetical Listings
This seems to be something no one has worked out.

I would like the "list all" to take a field and list/sort alphabetically.

Has anyone figured this one out?? Would love to hear about it!

Also - Is there anyone using MySQL version? Is it available somewhere?? and is it hard to upgrade to MySQL??


[This message has been edited by FLThiak (edited October 14, 1999).]
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Re: Again - Alphabetical Listings In reply to
I already wrote codes for alphabetically listing awhile back. But here it goes again:


1) Add the following codes to the elsif statements in the sub main routine in the db.cgi file:

elsif ($in{'browse_cat'}) { if ($per_view) { &html_browse_cat; } else { &html_unauth; } }

2) Add the following codes to the top of a new sub-routine called sub html_browse_cat before the &html_print_headers; codes. This sub-routine can be a duplicate of sub html_home.

for ($i = 0; $i <= $#db_cols; $i++) {
if ($db_cols[$i] eq "FieldName") {
$fieldnum = $i; $found = 1;
if (!$found) {
&cgierr("No FieldName field defined");
open (DB, "<$db_file_name") or &cgierr("unable to open $db_file_name. Reason: $!");
if ($db_use_flock) {
flock(DB, 1);
LINE: while (<DB> ) {
next if /^#/;
next if /^\s*$/;
$line = $_;
chomp ($line);
@fields = &split_decode ($line);
if ($fields[1] eq "Yes") {
@values = split (/\Q$db_delim\E/o, $fields[$fieldnum]);
foreach $value (@values) {
if (!(grep $_ eq $value, @selectfields)) {
push (@selectfields, $value);
close DB;

Replace FieldName with the name of the field that you would like to alphabetically list.

Then in the middle of the HTML codes in the sub-routine where you want the list to appear, use the following codes:

foreach $field (sort @selectfields) {
if ($sfield eq "") {
print qq| |;
if ($sfield = &urlencode($field)) {
print qq|<$font><a href="$db_script_link_url&view_records=1&ID=*&sb=0&so=ascend&FieldName=$sfield">
$field</a>:</font> <$smfont>(<font color="ff0000">$count{$field}</font> )</font><BR>|;
print qq|

Change FieldName to the name of the field that you are listing.

3) To add a link to this listing, use the following:

<A HREF="$db_script_link_url&browse_cat=1">Browse Categories</a>

BTW: About the MySQL, one of my clients has purchased the SQL version and I am using MySQL on my server. To be perfectly, it is a pain to upgrade and also most if not all the mods written for the Standard DBMAN version will NOT work.


Eliot Lee
Founder and Editor
Anthro TECH, L.L.C
Coconino Community College
Web Technology
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Re: Again - Alphabetical Listings In reply to

In step 2 when you say, "Then in the middle of the HTML codes in the sub-routine where you want the list to appear, use the following codes"... What file/subroutine are you talking about? What would be a typical place to put this particular code?

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Re: Again - Alphabetical Listings In reply to
What I meant was that in the middle of the new sub-routine after the header and intro text and before the footer and bottom of the file, you add the codes that I gave!

Like the following:

My Database: Browse Categories

foreach $field (sort @selectfields) {
if ($sfield eq "") {
print qq| |;
if ($sfield = &urlencode($field)) {
print qq|<$font><a href="$db_script_link_url&view_records=1&ID=*&sb=0&so=ascend&FieldName=$sfield">
$field</a>:</font> <$smfont>(<font color="ff0000">$count{$field}</font> )</font><BR>|;
print qq|

Footer Stuff

Hope this makes sense!



Eliot Lee
Founder and Editor
Anthro TECH, L.L.C
Coconino Community College
Web Technology
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Re: Again - Alphabetical Listings In reply to

Sorry, it's not really clear. I'll try to explain where I am losing you.

You say I should add this "in the middle of the new sub-routine after the header and intro text and before the footer and bottom of the file" -- but the only new sub-routine that your instructions specified (html_browse_cat) didn't contain any HTML at all!

So should I create another new subroutine somewhere? If so, where, and in what file? And what do I need to call it? And what other places in the code do I need assure are calling it?

If I don't need to create another new subroutine, what file should I be looking at? In what existing subroutine is a good place to put this HTML code?

The response for the bonehead would be: "search for [[text string]] in file ____. After that, insert the following code." That would work for me. Smile
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Re: Again - Alphabetical Listings In reply to
YES...You create a NEW sub-routine. Read Step 2 more carefully:

sub html_browse_cat {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Browse Categories.

for ($i = 0; $i <= $#db_cols; $i++) {
if ($db_cols[$i] eq "FieldName") {
$fieldnum = $i; $found = 1;
if (!$found) {
&cgierr("No FieldName field defined");
open (DB, "<$db_file_name") or &cgierr("unable to open $db_file_name. Reason: $!");
if ($db_use_flock) {
flock(DB, 1);
LINE: while (<DB> ) {
next if /^#/;
next if /^\s*$/;
$line = $_;
chomp ($line);
@fields = &split_decode ($line);
if ($fields[25] eq "Yes") {
@values = split (/\Q$db_delim\E/o, $fields[$fieldnum]);
foreach $value (@values) {
if (!(grep $_ eq $value, @selectfields)) {
push (@selectfields, $value);
close DB;
print qq|
<title>$html_title: Browse Categories</title>

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

|; &html_top_header; print qq|

<table border=0 bgcolor="#FFFFFF" cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 width="80%" align=center valign=top>
<A HREF="$db_script_link_url">$html_title</a> : Browse Categories
<b>List of Categories:</b>
foreach $field (sort @selectfields) {
$sfield = &urlencode($field);
print qq|<$font><a href="$db_script_link_url&vr=1&ID=*&FieldName=$sfield&sb=1&so=descend">$field</a>:</font> <$smfont>(<font color="ff0000">$count{$field}</font> )</font><BR>|;
print qq|
|; &html_footer; print qq|
|; &html_bottom_footer; print qq|

Replace FieldName with the name of the field that you are listing.

I REALLY hope this helps.



Eliot Lee
Founder and Editor
Anthro TECH, L.L.C
Coconino Community College
Web Technology

[This message has been edited by Eliot (edited October 16, 1999).]
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Re: Again - Alphabetical Listings In reply to
The original question was just about sorting the records in the "List All" link alphabetically.

To do that, add


to the "List All" link, replacing the # with the number of the field you want to sort by.

I have no experience with the SQL version of DBMan, but you can get it directly from Alex.


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Re: Again - Alphabetical Listings In reply to
I did everything above and it's not really what i was asking (as JP just wrote)..

what i was looking for was to sort a specified field alphabetically e.g fieldname 'last name' - i want to list all the names in the database by last name alphabetically.

..and then have links - [A][C] etc. on the top of the list and by clicking on the letter will list all names starting with A and all names starting with B etc.. basically it will search for all last names starting with the letter A or B or C ..

JP - could you go into more detail on your last post? thx

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Re: Again - Alphabetical Listings In reply to
Having the list of all names sorted alphabetically is not the same as creating links that will give you the names that begin with a certain letter.

If you want to return all the records in the database and have them sorted by a certain field, do this:

If your "Last Name" field is field 4 in your .cfg file, add


to the "List All" link, as follows:

print qq!| <A HREF="$db_script_link_url&view_records=1&$db_key=*&sb=4">List All</A> ! if ($per_view);

If you want to create links that will return only names that begin with a certain letter, that's a little more involved, but not too hard. A couple of questions first. Do you want these links to be on a static html page, or do you want the links to appear on a page within DBMan -- like the home page? Also, what is the actual *exact* name of the field you want to search by?


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Re: Again - Alphabetical Listings In reply to
the name of the field is 'company' and the field # is 11.

i don't really understand what you mean my 'static html page' - do you mean like Links that builds html pages?

I think it would be best to just have it within dbman as part of 'list all' - when the user clicks on 'list all' it will list all companies starting with [A] and i've already inserted the row [A][C][D] etc. in html_view_success below Your search returned 7 matches- these letters will be linked to search company names starting with the letter they click.

does this make sense?

here is an example: cgi.jobs.com/cgi-bin/employer?zoneid=-1&letter=A


[This message has been edited by FLThiak (edited October 17, 1999).]
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Re: Again - Alphabetical Listings In reply to
Do you mean that you want to have the "next pages" appear as

<<prev A B C D E F G next>>

instead of

<<prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 next>>

If that's what you want, I can't help you. I don't know.

i don't really understand what you mean my 'static html page'

Some folks use an .html file to create predefined search links to DBMan for default users to use. I was just wondering if you were one of those folks.

I went to the page you suggested. I think you should know that it doesn't show anything for those using Netscape browsers. You're probably missing a closing </table> tag somewhere.

Here's what I can give you and you can see if it's what you want.

I can give you the code to print out the alphabetical links and do a search for companies that begin with each letter. I don't see how it can be part of the "List All" function, though.


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Re: Again - Alphabetical Listings In reply to
I can post it here. It's not that hard, really, and I've done it before. (The coding is a little ugly, 'cause I wrote it about a year ago and I've learned a lot since then. I'll try to clean it up as I go.)

On the page where you want to print out the links to do the searches, add

print qq|<P><CENTER>|;
$i = 65;
while ( $i < 91 ) {
print qq| <A HREF="$db_script_link_url&company=%5E|;
print chr($i);
print qq|&re=on&view_records=1">[|;
print chr($i);
print qq|]</a>\n|;
print qq|</CENTER></P>|;

This will print out the letters in a row, with brackets around them, each one having a link that will perform a search on the company field for records that start with the letter.

Be sure to watch out for the print qq| and |; syntax. It's hard to tell you exactly what to do, because I don't know what you already have in your script.


[This message has been edited by JPDeni (edited October 18, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by JPDeni (edited May 07, 2000).]
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Re: Again - Alphabetical Listings In reply to
I got it and its working fine.

There was one problem - I just cut and past the code into my script and when I ran it just floooded my browser -- realized you missed '$i++;'.

Thanks, this is what I wanted!


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Re: Again - Alphabetical Listings In reply to
Sorry 'bout that. I'm glad you were able to find my mistake! Smile


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Re: Again - Alphabetical Listings In reply to
The example i gave you is not my site - just thought it would help explain what I was talking about.
cgi.jobs.com/cgi-bin/employer?zoneid=-1&letter=C - click on the link and then change the '..letter=C' in the address field to D and it should work.

Do you mean that you want to have the "next pages" appear as
<<prev A B C D E F G next>>
This is exactly what I wanted.

I can give you the code to print out the alphabetical links and do a search for companies that begin with each letter.

could you post the code? or email it to me - flthiak_asianart@wlink.com.np ?

Thanks JPD!

[This message has been edited by FLThiak (edited October 18, 1999).]
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Re: Again - Alphabetical Listings In reply to
So where does the $i++; go?
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Re: Again - Alphabetical Listings In reply to
Sorry 'bout that. I'll put it in the code.


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Re: Again - Alphabetical Listings In reply to

This is exactly what I was looking for in my other thread. No, it doesn't fix the prev/next part you and Lee were talking about in the long display, but this little code above, makes my life, and that of my alumni A LOT better.
Thx again.
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Re: Again - Alphabetical Listings In reply to
You're welcome. Smile

I guess my memory isn't too good right now. What problem were you having with the prev/next part in the long display?


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Re: Again - Alphabetical Listings In reply to
Continued in http://www.gossamer-threads.com/...m12/HTML/002829.html , so as to not flood FLThiak's inbox. Thx.