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Link and Display

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Link and Display
I have a website contains lyrics. I like to use DBman as my data base which will stored all lyrics. My question is that I am using HTML pages which displaying all artist names and song titles.
1. How can I hyperlink to the each lyrics I've saved in DBman from HTML pages. Let says in my HTML page, under "Creed" song title "Are you read" if our visitor clicked on "Are you read" it should display lyrics.
2. Is there any way it can created hyperlink automatically?
3. In search, when I searched "creed", it shows whole pages of lyrics. How can I display result by just showing artist name and song title only with hyperlinked
I've tested DBman and works really good but I can't use it.
Please help me out. Thank you in advance.

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Re: Link and Display In reply to
1) You can perhaps use SSI to do what you want with this.
Or use a custom search form and have it display only the song titles.

3) You may want to consider using the short/long mod which will just display the information you want and then they can click on the song title to get to the lyrics.

Please check out the FAQ noted below as it will provide you with many ideas for your database.

Unoffical DBMan FAQ
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Re: Link and Display In reply to
Thank you LoisC
Thank you for the respond. I did tried short/long mod form and follow the directions but now it dosen't show(display) anything. When I add a new lyrics using add form, it says added in succesfully but when I tried to view the item it dosen't show. It must be the conf below.

# Below is where you define what you want to appear for each record in the "short" display.
# You can make this whatever you want, and display as many fields as you would like.
# Choose which of the fields you would like for users to click on to reach the full display
# of records and use that field name in place of "Title" below.
# Be sure that you use <a href="$long_url"> for the link to your full record display.

# <-- Start of short display formatting -- >

print qq|
<a href="$long_url">$rec{'Title'}</a>


# if you want to display your fields in columns, use the following format:
# print qq|
# $rec{'Field'}</td>
# <td>$rec{'Field'}</td>
# <td>$rec{'Field'}</td>
# <td>$rec{'Field'}|;

# Add or remove columns as needed. Be sure you add the $long_url link to one of your fields

I have a very little knowledge of CGI,Pearl. Please teach me more specific what to look for or what to replace with which code... Thank you very much in advance.

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Re: Link and Display In reply to
Hello Kimmer, it is difficult to assist in identifying the problems you're having when there is just a snippet from the original file provided. Have you changed the following portion of the snippet to reflect the actual name of your song title field?

<a href="$long_url">$rec{'Title'}</a>

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Re: Link and Display In reply to
Thank you Karen!!!
hello. I am writing to thank you for the advice. I realized after a long time that the code is case sensitive. When i typed in <a href="$long_url">$rec{'Title'}</a> it did not work properly but when I typed in <a href="$long_url">$rec{'TITLE'}</a> it worked, because that is how i configured my html.pl .Now I tried the second options in the original file provided short/long mod and it said

# if you want to display your fields in columns, use the following format:
# print qq|
# $rec{'Field'}</td>
# <td>$rec{'Field'}</td>
# <td>$rec{'Field'}</td>
# <td>$rec{'Field'}|;

the result showed like this

Aaliyah Aaliyah 4 Page Letter
Aaliyah Aaliyah Journey To The Past
Aaliyah Aaliyah Ladies In Da House

... But I would like for it to show these results in a table. How can I add html codes to create a table/tr/td's ?
Wow!! I am learning a lot!!
Please help!
Thank you very much for your time

PS: By the way... how did you highlight the word "Title" in red??? I tried everything but I couldn't get it to be red. I guess I'm pretty dumb huh? =)

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Re: Link and Display In reply to
Hello Kimmer, the way short/long display works provides that each record is within a row of a table. The TABLE, TR, and first TD is already in the scripting, you complete the rest of the TD's as you would like them to appear. For example:

You do not use an opening TR or TD, the script will do that>>>
<p><$font><font size="2"><b>$rec{'TITLE'}</b></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">  $rec{'ARTIST'}</font></TD></TR>
<TR><TD COLSPAN=2><font size="-1"><a href="$long_url">CLICK HERE to view Full Lyrics</font></a>|;
<<<You would not place a closing /TD nor /TR - the script will do that.

In Reply To:
PS: By the way... how did you highlight the word "Title" in red???
If you use [square brackets] to enclose the word red or /red, the text between the tags is changed to that color. For example (red)red text would be here if I used brackets instead of parenthesis(/red).
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Re: Link and Display In reply to
Thank you very very much Karen!
It surely working.
You are GREAT!!!


Huh!!! now I can highlighted =)

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Re: Link and Display In reply to
Hello! It's me again.
Now, I am having another problems. If you go to http://dooballoh.com and click the "Lyrics" link, you will be directed to the Lyrics page. (It's my website by the way...)
In that page you'll see the Artist and song titles. Each title is hyperlinked to the txt files. If I use the same pages and hyperlink to the new lyrics in the DBman data base, do I have to copy and paste all that path way to that data??? They are so many of them, and there must be the way I can go around right? I have tried configured short/long mod html.pl file, but it keep giving me a error sign.
Please give me an advise what to do. I've got stuck at this point. How do I configure html.pl the way it looks in my website? Oh! I did looked in the JPDeni's website and that's the where I got stuck with. Please help me...
