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I have to go away

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I have to go away
Hi all.

I got a private email message today from someone at the forum, asking about me. I decided to respond on the list for everyone.

I am not well. I have a health problem that has plagued me in the past and it has returned. In all likelihood it will require surgery, but that will be months down the road.

This is not life-threatening, but it is painful and annoying.

I found that coming to the forum was becoming more and more stressful for me and, in fact, caused my physical problems to be even more annoying. (I'm not saying that being at the forum is what made me sick. But it did cause the symptoms to make themselves known.)

I did not post to the forum before primarily because I really can't handle a lot of people sending me "get well" cards and messages. I know that you mean well, but these messages really just add to my stress level.

I did tell Alex that I was leaving and I asked him to replace me as moderator of the forums.

In addition to the health thing, I just think it's time for me to move on. I have given the forum the lion's share of my time for close to three years and, frankly, I'm tired. There are numerous things that I want to do, but I've not been able to do them because of the time I spent on the forum. As selfish as it may seem, I would like to spend some time doing things I want to do.

I have enjoyed much of the time I spent here in the past. I've had some fun with some folks and I've been pleased to get to know many of you. But now it's time for me to go.

I will keep my DBMan site up and the mods will stay where they are. I think the mods have been pretty well debugged by now, but if you find an error in a mod, please send me mail from the site and I'll see if I can fix it. I cannot write new mods or modifications to the mods that now exist.

I never know how things I write are going to come across. I hope you will understand that I am really just saying "It's been fun, but now it's time for me to move on."

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I have given the forum the lion's share of my time for close to three years and, frankly, I'm tired. There are numerous things that I want to do, but I've not been able to do them because of the time I spent on the forum. As selfish as it may seem, I would like to spend some time doing things I want to do.
We'll all miss you, but no one can blame you for feeling that way. Hundreds -- maybe thousands -- of DBMan users have become very spoiled by how much of your time and energy you have given in these forums, and I certainly applaud you for all you have provided.

I'd rather see you go simply because you wanted to go, rather than your health necessitating it... Best of luck, and thanks for everything!


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Vous n'avez pas à vous justifier de la raison de votre départ.

Il ne m'est pas arrivé souvent de poser des questions car je trouvais les solutions à mes problèmes concernant dbman en cherchant le mot clé jpdenis.

Madame, sans que vous en ayez eu connaissance, vous m'avez aidé énormément par vos interventions nombreuses et pertinentes.

Trouvez par ce courrier l'expression de ma gratitude la plus profonde et la plus sincère.

Que vos nouveaux centres d'intérêts vous procurent une joie seraine et que votre santé s'améliore.

Je ne peux que respecter votre choix mais vous me manquerez pour vos connaissances, votre pédagogie, votre gentillesse et votre générosité.

Encore merci. Prenez soin de vous après avoir pris soin de nous.

Vianney Bolzinger

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C'était très doux!

Das war sehr süss!

Danke JPDeni.


Michael DeLong
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Re: I have to go away In reply to
it's a sad, sad day

By the way let's all respect of what JPD says:
"I did not post to the forum before primarily because I really can't handle a lot of people sending me "get well" cards and messages. I know that you mean well, but these messages really just add to my stress level."

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LyricZ http://www.e-lyricz.com
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We'll all miss you terribly.

The "footprints" you leave will be very hard to fill.

I am saddened to hear that your health problem has been exacerbated, and I sincerely hope you make a full 110% recovery.

Please, if at all possible, pop into the forums from time to time, just to see how we are doing.

And on behalf of all the DBMan users around the world, thank you JPDeni, for your invaluable contribution to this forum and the immeasurable support you have provided to DBMan users over the past three years.

JPDeni, you will be missed.

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Thank you for being there for us. We will miss you.

Have a great journey from here on out. Hope you'll find your next harbor soon.
