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Dirty Word MOD

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Dirty Word MOD
Hi All.

I've been working with the Dirty Word MOD.
And I've got it working very good.

However, I would like to add it to another script I have.

I tried adding the entire section to the cgi file I was working with. (I just cut it from both the 'cfg' file, and the 'cgi' file.)

I then changed the [$col] to [$msg].
msg is the field name for my other scripts form field.

Well, needless to say... it wasn't that easy... and it doesn't work.

Could anybody explain what all I need to do to add this cool feature to another cgi script?

As Always, Thanks!

John B. Abela
Owner, 4CM

Presently working on:

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Re: Dirty Word MOD In reply to
Hi Eliot!

Thanks for the help!

I did as you stated.
I got two errors, fixed one.
I posted the other one at:
http://www.gossamer-threads.com/...um8/HTML/001033.html because I've tried all I could think of!

Again, Thanks! Eliot!

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Re: Dirty Word MOD In reply to
I have implemented a similar Block Bad Words Mod in my add.cgi script in LINKS. Here is what I have done:

1) Add the following array in the configuration section of your script:

# Dirty Word Censor
@dirty_words = ('badword1','badword2','badword3');

2) Then I added the following codes in your script where you have users add information (add these codes above the "success" call):

$bwords = $in{'Field'};
foreach $bwords (@dirty_words) {
if ($in{'Field'} =~ /$bwords/i) {
&site_html_add_failure (qq| <font face="Verdana" size="2">Your entry has been rejected due to use of the following bad words: <b><font color="ff0000">$bwords</font></b>.</font><br>|);

Replace Field with your field name or variable.

If you have multiple fields, copy the codes above for each field. Sorry that I do not have to clean up the codes and put the fields into [col] or a hash.


Eliot Lee
Anthro TECH,L.L.C
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Re: Dirty Word MOD In reply to
Hi Eliot.

I know this is going to be way off-topic... but I've tried what you suggested, and even spent little while trying to get it working.

I just don't seem to understand this good enough yet! (guess I need to get me a good cgi book!)

Well, here is the complete script that I'm trying to add the 'dirty word' mod into.

# Oneliner
# Copyright (c) Stefan Pettersson 2000
# You may not redistribute this script, but it's free to use.
# Version History:
# v0.9 2000-01-26 - Initial public beta version.
# For further information see:
# http://www.stefan-pettersson.nu/scripts/

# Filename to write the messages to. This file is then included by a HTML page.
$filename = '/export/www/humbee/humbee/oneliner/oneliners_incl.html';

# How many message should be displayed at once
$number_of_rows = 8;

# How the date and time will be displayed
$dateformat = '[monthnameshort] [day], [hour0]:[min0] [ampm]';

# Names of weekdays
@daynames = qw(Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday);

# Names of months
@monthnames = qw(January February March April May June July August September October November December);

# Background color of the entered messages, specified in hex as in HTML
$bgcolor = '#000000';

# Font tag to use for date
$font_date = '<font face="tahoma, verdana, arial, geneva" size=1 color="#4FE59D">';

# Font tag to use for the actual message
$font_msg = '<font face="tahoma, verdana, arial, geneva" size=1 color="#EFEF80">';

# Font tag to use for the nickname
$font_who = '<font face="tahoma, verdana, arial, geneva" size=1 color="#EF80EF">';

# You do not need to modify anything below this line.



if ($in{'who'} ne "" && $in{'msg'} ne "") {

if (-e $filename) {
open(FILE, $filename) &#0124; &#0124; die $!;
@lines = <FILE>;

open(F, ">$filename") &#0124; &#0124; die &PrintErrorPage("Can't write to file '$filename'\n");
print F '<tr bgcolor="' . $bgcolor . '">';
print F '<td align=left nowrap>' . $font_date . &GetDateString . '</font></td>';
print F '<td align=left nowrap>'.$font_msg . $in{'msg'} . '</font></td>';
print F '<td align=right nowrap>'.$font_who . $in{'who'} . '</font></td>';
print F "</tr>\n";

for ($i = 0; $i < $number_of_rows - 1; $i++) {
print F $lines[$i];


print "Location: $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}\n\n";



sub GetDateString {
my $formatstring = $dateformat;
my %datestr;
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year, $weekday) = localtime($^T);

$datestr{'sec'} = $sec;
$datestr{'sec0'} = sprintf("%02d", $sec);

$datestr{'min'} = $min;
$datestr{'min0'} = sprintf("%02d", $min);

$datestr{'hour24'} = $hour;
$datestr{'hour240'} = sprintf("%02d", $hour);

$datestr{'ampm'} = ($hour > 12) ? 'pm' : 'am';

$hour -= 12 if $hour > 12;
$hour = 12 if ($hour == 0);

$datestr{'hour'} = $hour;
$datestr{'hour0'} = sprintf("%02d", $hour);

$datestr{'day'} = $day;
$datestr{'day0'} = sprintf("%02d", $day);

$datestr{'dayname'} = $daynames[$weekday];
$datestr{'daynameshort'} = substr($daynames[$weekday], 0, 3);

$datestr{'month'} = $month + 1;
$datestr{'month0'} = sprintf("%02d", $month + 1);
$datestr{'monthname'} = $monthnames[$month];
$datestr{'monthnameshort'} = substr($monthnames[$month], 0, 3);

$datestr{'year'} = 1900 + $year;
$datestr{'shortyear'} = sprintf("%02d", $year % 100);

while ($formatstring =~ /\[([^\]]+)\]/) {
my $tag = $1;
$formatstring =~ s/\[$tag\]/$datestr{$tag}/;

return $formatstring;


sub ReadParse {
my $buf, @pairs;

if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'GET') {
@pairs = split(/&/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'});
} elsif ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'POST') {
read(STDIN, $buf, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
@pairs = split(/&/, $buf);

foreach (@pairs) {
local($key, $val) = split(/=/);

$key =~ tr/+/ /;
$val =~ tr/+/ /;

$key =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$val =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;

# Strip dangerous characters, removes HTML and SSI for example
$val =~ s/<([^>]|\n)*>//g; # Strip SSI and HTML

$in{$key} = $val;


sub PrintErrorPage {
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

print "<html><head><title>Script error!</title></head><body>";
print "<b>Script error!</b><p>\n";
print $_[0];
print "</body></html>";

And here is the .shtml file:

<table cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 border=0 bgcolor="#303030"><tr><td>
<table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0 bgcolor="#000000">
<form action="../oneliner.cgi" method=POST>
<tr bgcolor="#1a1a1a">
<td colspan=3 align=center>
<font face="tahoma, verdana, arial, geneva" size=1>
<b>Oneliners</b> - Created By: <a href="http://www.stefan-pettersson.nu/scripts/" target="_blank">Stefan</a>!
<!--#include virtual="oneliners_incl.html"-->
<tr bgcolor="#1a1a1a">
<td colspan=3 valign="middle">
<font face="tahoma, verdana, arial, geneva" size=1>
msg: <input type="text" name="msg" maxlength=120 size=30 style="font-family:tahoma,verdana;font-size:10px">
who: <input type="text" name="who" maxlength=10 size=7 style="font-family:tahoma,verdana;font-size:10px">
<input type="submit" value="leave msg" style="font-family:tahoma,verdana;font-size:10px">

If you wouldn't mind spending a few seconds pointing out what I need to do.. it would definatly be a leason in cgi for me! (and a big yeehaa! too!)

Quote Reply
Re: Dirty Word MOD In reply to
Yea...This is WAY OFF Topic and you should really post Threads like this in the Perl/CGI Forum. And it is not a cgi book you need, BUT a Perl book. Perl is the foundation of CGI scripts. Learn Perl first!

From the codes you posted, you have not even tried putting the codes I posted. Okay, here we go again..are you paying attention??????????

1) Put the following codes in the top section of your script where all the configuration variables are located:

# Dirty Word Censor
@dirty_words = ('badword1','badword2','badword3');

2) Create a sub-routine called sub submit_success. It should look like the following:

sub submit_success
# Submits data

open(DB, ">$filename") or die &PrintErrorPage("Can't write to file '$filename'\n");
print DB '<tr bgcolor="' . $bgcolor . '">';
print DB '<td align=left nowrap>' . $font_date . &GetDateString . '</font></td>';
print DB '<td align=left nowrap>'.$font_msg . $in{'msg'} . '</font></td>';
print DB '<td align=right nowrap>'.$font_who . $in{'who'} . '</font></td>';
print DB "</tr>\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < $number_of_rows - 1; $i++) {
print DB $lines[$i];


3) Create a new sub-routine called sub submit_error and it should look like the following:

sub submit_error {
# Error Message

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print qq|
<title>Submission Error</title>
<body bgcolor="ffffff">
Submission Error
You have posted inappropriate language in one of the fields. Use your back button in your browser to fill out the form again.

4) Then change the following codes:

if ($in{'who'} ne "" && $in{'msg'} ne "") {

if (-e $filename) {
open(FILE, $filename) | | die $!;
@lines = <FILE>;

open(F, ">$filename") | | die &PrintErrorPage("Can't write to file '$filename'\n");
print F '<tr bgcolor="' . $bgcolor . '">';
print F '<td align=left nowrap>' . $font_date . &GetDateString . '</font></td>';
print F '<td align=left nowrap>'.$font_msg . $in{'msg'} . '</font></td>';
print F '<td align=right nowrap>'.$font_who . $in{'who'} . '</font></td>';
print F "</tr>\n";

for ($i = 0; $i < $number_of_rows - 1; $i++) {
print F $lines[$i];


print "Location: $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}\n\n";


to the FOLLOWING codes:

$bwords = $in{'who'};
$bwords2 = $in{'msg'};
foreach $bwords (@dirty_words) {
if ($in{'who'} =~ / $bwords/i) {
foreach $bwords2 (@dirty_words) {
if ($in{'msg'} =~ / $bwords2/i) {
if ($in{'who'} ne "" && $in{'msg'} ne "") {

if (-e $filename) {
open(FILE, $filename) | | die $!;
@lines = <FILE>;

5) Create another sub-routine, called sub thank_you:

sub thank_you {
# Error Message

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print qq|
<title>Thank you!</title>
<body bgcolor="ffffff">
Thank you!
Thank you for submitting your message.

Hope this works and helps.

If not, please post further messages in the Perl/CGI Forum (and reference this Thread in your new Thread).


Eliot Lee
Anthro TECH,L.L.C
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