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Deny Reload/Refresh

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Deny Reload/Refresh
I have several users of my DB that insist on hitting Reload/Refresh at the Add Success screen. The browser pops up a message warning them it will repost, but most of them click Yes. This has given a dramatic skew to the records I am trying to keep. Is there any way to prevent a repost or block the Refresh/Reload buttons? This particular form is basically a Yes/No post, with no other data input or collected, that I am using as stats(mostly to justify what I'm working on to the head honchos). I understand users will still be able to back up and resubmit, but if I can make the jokers work a bit harder, I'm hoping they won't screw up my data as much. Does anyone have any ideas on how this can be achieved? I've thought of collecting IPs and preventing multiple posts from those IPs, but I was checking to see if anyone had a simpler/prebuilt mod already in place.


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Actually, this one isn't part of my actual database. It is a critique form (did this info help you - Yes/No) that is not does not require logging in to access. All it tracks is the Yes/No answer, so I can't really deny a post based on uid or duplicate info. The problem is that some joker will keep reposting their response and completely skew the data I'm trying to track on # of responses either way. I'm probably a bit out of the realm of the normal discussion here, but I threw it out hoping someone would have a solution. I could pull IPs and deny multiple posts from the same IP for $time, but several of my end users are coming through a firewall, so only one of them would be able to post a response then. I've been looking for a Javascript or cgi mod that would work, but haven't come across anything yet.

Grasping at straws,

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I really don't know about this. If anybody else has any info, it would be a great addition.

Are you requiring users to log in first? If so, you could set the key to the userid field, which would prevent them from adding two records. That's all I can think of for the moment.


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Re: Deny Reload/Refresh In reply to
Hello Kipt:

The easiest solution I can think of is this:
Before actually adding the record one goes through the database and check to make sure that there is no record with exactly the same field information. If there is something exactly the same, then the record will not be added. I realize that there might be 2 possible and valid records with the same field, so I am going to ask you how likely it is that two records will have exactly the same field information with of course different id's. If the chance is not too high, then good you can do it this way.

I will try to think of another idea if this does not work.

You have to realize that checking everything in the database before adding a record is going to incur an extreme performance penalty on your system.

Hope that helps

-------------------- Gossamer Threads Inc. ----------------------
Sun Djaja Email: sun@gossamer-threads.com
Internet Consultant

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Re: Deny Reload/Refresh In reply to

JPDeni has came up with an idea that is potentially very good. If you only want one person to add a record at one logon and not more than one, then JPDeni's idea is an extremely good one. However, if a user can enter two records or more, obviously there is no way you can do it since the id must be unique.

-------------------- Gossamer Threads Inc. ----------------------
Sun Djaja Email: sun@gossamer-threads.com
Internet Consultant