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Default Users

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Default Users
I need your help again for the best approach to the following:

1. I have installed DBman with the 'Validate Record' modification - no problems.
2. I need 'default' users to be able to create records?
3. Admin will validate the record - no problems with this item.
4. I need Admin to also create the user id and password for each record as it is validated ?
5. The validate email send to the default user will then contain the user id and password for that record, so that the user can modify the record in future with access via the user id and password.

PS. Not sure if this should be in the DBman Customisation section? If so let me know and I'll post it there.

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Re: Default Users In reply to
yes. this is a customization issue. I'll move the thread.

This would be a combination of the validation mod and the password lookup mod. (You wouldn't necessarily have to worry about the actual "lookup" part, but the password lookup mod includes generating a password and writing to the .pass file.

This would take a lot of thought. Smile
