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sorting problem

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sorting problem
i'm modifying some code that i found here awhile back. the main change is to pull this userids from the logfile instead of from the password file. but i see that my list is not being sorted. what's wrong please?
# modified to pull users from logfile instead of password file
my (@passdata);
open (PASS, "< $log_file") or &cgierr("error in view_log. unable to open log file: $log_file.\nReason: $!");
if ($db_use_flock) { flock(PASS, 1); }
while (<PASS>) {
next if ($_ =~ /^#/);
($sum_username) = split(/~/, $_);
unless ($i{$sum_username}++) {
push(@passdata, $sum_username);
close (PASS);

open (LOG, "< $log_file") or &cgierr("error in view_log. unable to open log file: $log_file.\nReason: $!");
if ($db_use_flock) { flock(LOG, 1); }
my @logdata = <LOG>;
close (LOG);

# changed for new log file format 1/7/2010
($who,$what,$clock,$when,$where) = split (/~/, $logdata[0]);

$date_start = $when;

$last_date = &get_date();

print qq|<table width="90%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" border="0">
<tr><td colspan="6">Summary between $date_start - $last_date</td></tr>
<tr><th>User</th><th>Logged On</th><th>Records Added</th><th>Records Edited</th><th>Records Deleted</th><th>Mass

my $count = 0;
my ($sum_add, $sum_mod, $sum_del, $sum_log, @summary);
foreach $sum_userid (sort(@passdata)) {
$sum_add = 0;
$sum_mod = 0;
$sum_del = 0;
$sum_log = 0;
$sum_mail = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#logdata; $i++) {
($sum_id, $sum_action) = split(/~/, $logdata[$i]);
if ($sum_userid eq $sum_id) {
$sum_add++ if ($sum_action =~ /^added record/);
$sum_mod++ if ($sum_action =~ /^modified record/);
$sum_del++ if ($sum_action =~ /^deleted record/);
$sum_log++ if ($sum_action =~ /^logged/);
$sum_mail++ if ($sum_action =~ /mass mail/);
$summary[$count] = { userid => "$sum_userid",
added => "$sum_add",
modified => "$sum_mod",
deleted => "$sum_del",
logged => "$sum_log",
mail => "$sum_mail" };

my @summary_sort = map { $_->[0] }
sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] || $a->[2] <=> $b->[2] }
map { [ $_, $_->{'logged'}, $_->{'added'} ] } (sort(@summary));

for ($i = $#summary_sort; $i >= 0; $i--) {

print qq|<tr>|;
print '<td>' . $summary_sort[$i]->{'userid'} . '&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
print '<td align=right>' . $summary_sort[$i]->{'logged'} . '&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
print '<td align=right>' . $summary_sort[$i]->{'added'} . '&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
print '<td align=right>' . $summary_sort[$i]->{'modified'} . '&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
print '<td align=right>' . $summary_sort[$i]->{'deleted'} . '&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
print '<td align=right>' . $summary_sort[$i]->{'mail'} . '&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
print qq|</tr>\n|;
print qq|</table>\n|;
i think the only things i changed were the name of the file to pull userlist (logfile instead of passfile) and the format of the file is delimited by tilde instead of spaces.

EDIT: i see now it's sorted by the 'logged' column in descending order. i want it sorted alphabetically in ascending order by the userid column.
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Re: [delicia] sorting problem In reply to
Stab in the dark - but what happens if you change:

map { [ $_, $_->{'logged'}, $_->{'added'} ] } (sort(@summary));


map { [ $_, $_->{'userid'}, $_->{'added'} ] } (sort(@summary));


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Re: [Andy] sorting problem In reply to
that did it! i also switched a and b in both places in the following line so it is ascending instead of descending:
sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] || $a->[2] <=> $b->[2] }

thanks again!
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Re: [delicia] sorting problem In reply to
Nice Angelic

Andy (mod)
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