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Sorry I'm just really happy because I've written some sexy code to contruct SQL queries and I thought I'd share my news LOL



sub foo {

# Build the query.
$query = 'SELECT ' . join (',', @$cols) . ' FROM ' . $table;

# Append the WHERE clause if it exists as a hashref.
if ($where) {
ref $where eq 'HASH' or $self->error ($ERRORS->{NOTHASHREF}, $where);
$query .= ' WHERE ' . join ($bool . ' ', map { $_ . '=' . $self->{dbh}->quote($where->{$_}) } keys %$where);

return $query;


Hehe, you can try it out with something like:

print foo('Some_Table', { Col1 => 'Val1', Col2 => 'Val2' }, ['Col1', 'Col2', 'Col3'], 'AND' );

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Re: [PaulW] Woohoo In reply to
Until you want to do Foo LIKE '%bar%', or Foo > bar. Or left joins, or functions.. fun fun fun! =)

Good start though!


Gossamer Threads Inc.
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Re: [Alex] Woohoo In reply to
It was only a snippet. I'm working on it now.

Please don't think I'm copying GT::SQL either because I really am not. That is a waste of time for me as I only get satisfaction from writing my own code. Angelic

Anyway I hope you can see from the example above that it is nothing like it.

I just shifted the order of the arguments so it now looks something like:

my $sth = $DB->select( ['ID','Name'], 'Forums', { SubCat => 0, ID => '1' }, 'AND' );

...but I can also do:

my $foo = $DB->select( ['ID','Name'], 'Forums', { SubCat => 0, ID => '1' }, 'AND' )->fetchrow_hashref;

....and so on as the select method returns $sth.

I find that order easier as it is in the order of the query.


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PaulW: Dec 4, 2001, 12:01 PM
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Re: [PaulW] Woohoo In reply to
No problems, I'm only trying to give you some tips now of things you will run into. May want to make sure your calling interface is flexible enough to handle it later.


Gossamer Threads Inc.
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Re: [Alex] Woohoo In reply to
I definitely appreciate any advice. I accept what you are saying - just have to get my thinking cap on about how to accomodate every possible query :)
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Re: [Alex] Woohoo In reply to
What are your thoughts on this?

It will now support queries like:

SELECT Cols FROM Table WHERE Col1='Foo' AND Col2='Bar'


SELECT Cols FROM Table WHERE Col1='Foo' AND Col2 LIKE '%Bar%'


SELECT Cols FROM Table WHERE Col1 LIKE '%Foo' AND Col2 LIKE 'Bar%'

Does the code look ok or messy? Hmm this should probably be in the perl forum now...

# Append the WHERE clause if it exists as a hashref.
if ($where) {
ref $where eq 'HASH' or $self->error ($ERRORS->{NOTHASHREF}, $where);
$query .= ' WHERE ';

if ($like) {
ref $like eq 'HASH' or $self->error ($ERRORS->{NOTHASHREF}, $like);

for (@{$like->{LIKE}}) {
$query .= ' ' . $_ . ' LIKE ' . $self->{dbh}->quote($where->{$_}) . ' ' . $bool . ' ';
delete $where->{$_};
$query .= join ($bool . ' ' , map { $_ . '=' . $self->{dbh}->quote($where->{$_}) } keys %$where);
else {
$query .= join ($bool . ' ', map { $_ . '=' . $self->{dbh}->quote($where->{$_}) } keys %$where);
$query =~ s,\Q$bool\E\s*$,,o;

Something like:

$DB->select( ['ID','Name'], 'Forums', { SubCat => 'Hello', Foo => '%bar%' }, 'AND', { LIKE => ['Foo'] } );

...would create.......

SELECT ID,Name FROM Forums WHERE SubCat='Hello' AND Foo LIKE '%bar%'

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PaulW: Dec 4, 2001, 1:02 PM
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Re: [PaulW] Woohoo In reply to
Forget that, it's crap - I've redone it.
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Re: [PaulW] Woohoo In reply to

Can I ask what the purpose of such a sub is? Wouldn't it be easier just to write out your query, instead of defining it and then getting a script to rewrite it. Surely this takes more time?

- wil
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Re: [Wil] Woohoo In reply to
Exactly what I was thinking. I am guessing its cause some DB's use other SQL formats so that you can make diff subs arrange it how you like and don't need to change the query? I don't have much experience with a lot of DB's.
Michael Bray
Post deleted by PaulW In reply to
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Re: [Michael_Bray] Woohoo In reply to
Well when your code becomes more advanced you realise the benefits.

When you have about 10+ modules most of which need to use SQL queries then you'll find that requiring DBI in all and having loads of SQL queries all over the place looks ugly/messy and is in fact _slower_.

Doing it this way keeps all SQL code in one central module meaning you can just require the $DB object into your other modules on demand speeding things up.

Just think, if you have 100+ queries in your entire script, preparing, executing and disconnecting every query would add about 300 lines to your script. Doing it this way requires 3 lines.

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PaulW: Dec 5, 2001, 2:24 AM
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Re: [PaulW] Woohoo In reply to
OK. No, I don't get this at all. Why would writing

$DB->select( ['ID','Name'], 'Forums', { SubCat => 'Hello', Foo => '%bar%' }, 'AND', { LIKE => ['Foo'] } );

be faster than writing

SELECT ID,Name FROM Forums WHERE SubCat='Hello' AND Foo LIKE '%bar%'


- wil
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Re: [Wil] Woohoo In reply to
Well errr because when do you ever just write:

SELECT ID,Name FROM Forums WHERE SubCat='Hello' AND Foo LIKE '%bar%'

....in a perl script Tongue

I think you'll find you need...

use DBI;

$dbh = DBI->connect( ... );
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT ID,Name FROM Forums WHERE SubCat='Hello' AND Foo LIKE '%bar%'");
while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array) {

I want my code to be professional looking, neat and organized, not in a big pile with queries and functions hiding all over the place. That would be impractical to manage and just ugh....
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Re: [PaulW] Woohoo In reply to
No. You can have all your connection routines in a sub, and then just pass the following line to the sub to get your results:

SELECT ID,Name FROM Forums WHERE SubCat='Hello' AND Foo LIKE '%bar%'

Why put it into a new data strucutre, just to untangle it at the other end? You're making more work for yourself for no reason.

- wil
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Re: [Wil] Woohoo In reply to
That is completely the opposite of reality.

Anyway don't have time to explain it to you. Gotta get my damn car serviced.
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Re: [PaulW] Woohoo In reply to
What car 'ya got?

- wil
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Re: [PaulW] Woohoo In reply to
Well in my PHP scripts I have a connection sub routine. I assign the db connection to $DB and pass that along.

so if i have a function that needs to do something I just require the $DB

function sample(){
global $DB;
$query = "SELECT Username FROM ${DB_CFG['Users']} WHERE Username = '$Username' AND Password = '$Password'";
$result = $DB->query($query);
$num_rows = $DB->num_rows($result);

print $num_rows;

while ($resource = $DB->fetchrow_array($result)){
print $resource['Username'];

// And so on.


Having it that format allows me to access the result in a variety of different formats. I can pass the result into num_rows or get the result in an array etc.

Its handy being able to passaround the $DB connection, but keeping the rest seperate is a lot easier.
Michael Bray
Quote Reply
Re: [Michael_Bray] Woohoo In reply to
>>Well in my PHP scripts I have a connection sub routine. I assign the db connection to $DB and pass that along.

so if i have a function that needs to do something I just require the $DB

Well thats exactly the same principal as mine.

I use:

use Loader qw/$DB/;

...to load the database object and use $self->{dbh} for the database handle.

>>Having it that format allows me to access the result in a variety of different formats. I can pass the result into num_rows or get the result in an array etc.

Mine will do the same......

my @array = $DB->select(['Col'], 'Table', { ID => 1 } )->fetchrow_array;


my $hashref = $DB->select(['Col'], 'Table', { ID => 1 } )->fetchrow_hashref;


my @array = $DB->select(['Col'], 'Table', { ID => 1 } )->fetchrow;


my $arrayref = $DB->select(['Col'], 'Table', { ID => 1 } )->fetchall_arrayref;


my $sth = $DB->select(['Col'], 'Table', { ID => 1 } );
while (my ($tags) = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
print $tags->{ID};

...much nicer IMO.

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PaulW: Dec 5, 2001, 4:40 AM
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Re: [PaulW] Woohoo In reply to
But your way has to do the query twice if you want to do a num_row and fetchrow_array.

My way should store the result in memory and allow me to access it in 2 ways from the one query. Not sure if it does store in memory actually... but I am fairly sure it does.

Michael Bray
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Re: [Michael_Bray] Woohoo In reply to
A num_row?

Is that a COUNT in php?
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Re: [PaulW] Woohoo In reply to

Count(*) is an SQL feature. mysql_num_rows gives you the ammount of rows in an SQL query. So you can say.

$query = "select username from users";
$result = $DB->query($query);
print "There where $DB->num_rows($result) results. They are:";


The actual function name is mysql_num_rows. I just made a basic DB wrapper I use for my scripts so I can easily switch to Postgres later on. Using count(*) would be faster if you only want the number of results - but I think this way saves me doing a query which is better.
Michael Bray
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Re: [Michael_Bray] Woohoo In reply to
You can do that with mine without extra queries. Using something like:

my $sth = $DB->select(['Col'], 'Table', { ID => 1 } );

..returns $sth. So anything you can normally do with $sth will work eg...



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Re: [PaulW] Woohoo In reply to
Oh OK. So basically what we are doing is exactly the same except for rearranging the query which I still don't get why you are doing it :-)
Michael Bray
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Re: [PaulW] Woohoo In reply to

Well, with perl using ->rows is not a reliable way to get the number of rows returned. From DBI:

Generally, you can only rely on a row count after a
non-SELECT execute (for some specific operations like
UPDATE and DELETE), or after fetching all the rows of
a SELECT statement.

For SELECT statements, it is generally not possible to
know how many rows will be returned except by fetching
them all. Some drivers will return the number of rows
the application has fetched so far, but others may
return -1 until all rows have been fetched. So use of
the rows method or $DBI::rows with SELECT statements
is not recommended.

One alternative method to get a row count for a SELECT
is to execute a "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ..." SQL
statement with the same "..." as your query and then
fetch the row count from that.


Gossamer Threads Inc.
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Re: [Michael_Bray] Woohoo In reply to
>>rearranging the query which I still don't get why you are doing it :-)<<

Because it means all the SQL code is kept in one module and it shortens the code as I don't need to write full queries. If I did it the way you are suggesting I'd have to write whole queries and pass them as arguments to the SQL module whereas this way I can just send the necessary arguments and the query is built dynamically.

It is also more flexible. Doing it your way (or Wil's) by passing the full query to your database sub like....

&somesub("SELECT Bar FROM Foo ORDER BY Bla LIMIT 1");

....how would you tell the sub to use fetchrow_array or fetchrow_hashref etc?

What if you needed to fetchall but wanted to format the data? ....it couldn't be done, or would sure take a lot of pissing about.

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PaulW: Dec 5, 2001, 5:33 PM
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