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search specific category fields

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search specific category fields

I'm trying to limit the search results to a field for Links called 'country', and a field for Categories also called 'country'. For example, I would like to bring up on the search results page only those categories that have France for 'country' field in the category table, and France for the 'country' field in the links table.

I'm able to include country=France in the search string and that gets me only those Links with France, but I still get all of the categories listed for other countries.

Does anyone know if it's possible, and what the syntax would be to also limit category results to those with the country field for categories = France?

Thanks in advance for any help or comments anyone can provide!


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Re: search specific category fields In reply to
What you should add/use is the CATEGORY search field codes, but reference the "country" field rather than the CATEGORYID.


Eliot Lee