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Man..these kind of idiots REALLY piss me off! Didn't the terrorists think it was enough with the people they killed in the twin towers, and now they need to blow up a club, where no-one was even expecting it! These kind of freeks make me sick! Crazy

Andy (mod)
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Re: [Andy] Bali... In reply to
and now they need to blow up a club, where no-one was even expecting it

Mmm it would kind of be pointless if they were expecting it.

"Hey, tonight's the night the terrorists are going to blow up the club....shall we go anyway?"
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Re: [Paul] Bali... In reply to
He was probably making a point of what some branches of the IRA do by telephoning a news agency or a police station before making a terrorist attack giving details of the attack to make sure the area is cleared of civilians in good time. Some only want to cause destruction and chaos, but not harm human life.

- wil
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Re: [Andy] Bali... In reply to
The death toll and images coming out of Bali really are shocking. And Al Qaeda cheers it and calls for more of the same.

These sorts of people aren't interested in human life, liberty, or peaceful co-existence. They seek death and destruction of all who do not ascribe to their doctrine - period.

How do you deal with somebody like that? You can't establish a dialog or negotiate which leaves little else but stomping on them so hard that they can't terrorize (murder) anyone else ever again.

Let us hope there are no further incidents, but I guess we all fear that there must be before it is all over...if it's ever over.
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Re: [ArmyAirForces] Bali... In reply to
They seek death and destruction of all who do not ascribe to their doctrine - period.

But isn't that what America and Britain are doing too?....we just don't see it like that because we are biased.
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Re: [Paul] Bali... In reply to
Simple answer, no. Our societies are pluralistic, with codified individual freedoms and liberties. Our very existence is anathema to them.
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Re: [ArmyAirForces] Bali... In reply to
We only believe our way of living is the "right" one because we are brought up to believe that and because society leads us to believe it.

Likewise Muslims have their own beliefs and are brought up to believe that is the "right" way.

Then there are what we consider to be extremist groups who have their beliefs too.

For anyone to say that other faiths are wrong, in my opinion, is likely to mean you are going against your own faith, especially regarding christianity.

You are basing your argument on your own personal beliefs, which has no bearing on the _absolute_ truth.

You can't say one faith is right and another is wrong simply because it goes against what you believe in. Well obviously you can but that doesn't make it right.

People can't seem to see that we are no different to anyone else. Many innocent people were killed in retaliation to Sept 11th, why do you consider that to be any more justified than the Sept 11th attacks themselves?

Are you going to say "oh well they started it?"

If the US people want peace as they claim, why are they still killing thousands of people. Do you really think that is how peace begins and war ends?

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Paul: Oct 14, 2002, 3:15 PM
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Re: [Paul] Bali... In reply to
Because I live in the real world. The notion that there is no right or no wrong, is not new and it is just as dangerous now as it was then.

Fortunately, we have elected leaders who can tell the difference and have the strength to act. And fortunately there were those in the 1940s who did as well.

Move our conversation through time to 1938 and I wonder if you would offer the same argument?
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Re: [ArmyAirForces] Bali... In reply to
Can't you see what you are saying is almost identical to what you are condemning?

"They don't believe what we believe, so let's wipe them out."
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Re: [ArmyAirForces] Bali... In reply to
And let me add that if a group of murders who believe Xylan from Planet X was the true savior of mankind, and attacked free societies in a similar manner our response would be the same.

Al Qaeda no more represents Islam than neo-Nazi skinheads in London represent Christianity.

And keep in mind that it is not just one attack. There is the original basement bombing of the WTC, the embassy bombings in Africa, the plots in the Philipines, the bombing of the USS Cole, the planned attacks for New Year's 2000, the plots in Egypt, Jordan, and yes the 9/11/01 attack against the WTC.

What reasoned person says, "Yes, you have the clear right to continue to murder us because we just don't understand your point of view?".
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Re: [Paul] Bali... In reply to
I could care less about what 'they' believe. That is what is to live in a democratic society that encourages pluralism; many ideas, many thoughts, many beliefs.

However if hypothetically, you and your band of thugs decide to start killing my family...I will defend myself and I will defend them.

You have no right to kill me because you don't like my ideas. But I have every right to stop you from killing me. That is a difference recognized throughout human history.

If I hold up my hand and yell, "Stop, can't we talk about this?"...and you stop, then great!

However, if that does not work and you continue toward me with your knife/gun/bomb/plane-load-full-of-people...what I should I do, lay down and mutter to myself, "well that's just what he believes" and thank you for killing me?

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Re: [ArmyAirForces] Bali... In reply to
I think Paul is jerking your chain to get a reaction.
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Re: [BeaverheadRiver] Bali... In reply to
I don't think he is, cause I agree with most of what he has said.
Michael Bray
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Re: [BeaverheadRiver] Bali... In reply to
Possibly, although it's poor entertainment.

I've TA'd a few PolySci 101 classes, and the position is not unpopular. They usually grow out of it when they start paying income taxes every year. Tongue
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Re: [ArmyAirForces] Bali... In reply to
A friend and I were just discussing this "equally valid point of view" this morning in reference to an article in the onion news magazine:

Click here for "Peace in Our Time!"

Are they still teaching enough history in school for this to be funny?

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BeaverheadRiver: Oct 14, 2002, 6:34 PM
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Re: [ArmyAirForces] Bali... In reply to
I should learn not to try and initiate a serious topical debate with someone who has...

Spam me and die!

...in their profile.

It just results in ageist comments and ridicule when I provide a stong argument.
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Re: [Paul] Bali... In reply to
>>>I should learn not to try and initiate a serious topical debate with someone who has...

Spam me and die!

...in their profile. <<<

LOL Laugh

This topic has really taken off... (excuse the pun Scott..heheh)

Andy (mod)
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Re: [Paul] Bali... In reply to
You've made a few statements as an apologist for Al Qaeda, but I doubt many would find it a strong argument.

The greater point is that your views and my views are tolerated within our societes. We can express our thoughts on the street corner, in our homes, the media, and through elections. You might get shouted down, but you can still express the viewpoint. No such freedoms under a world sought by Al Qaeda.

As to ageism, I plead 100% guilty. Many a doe-eyed idealist changes their views when they finally have responsibilities of their own. They start a family, have children, and purchase a home. There's nothing like having a young life or two completely dependent upon you to clarify a few thoughts like the existence of "right and wrong".
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Re: [Paul] Bali... In reply to

You have had a serious debate, but you have chosen a very hard debate position. And that is OK, because we all enjoy a lively chit-chat forum.Wink

But, your position kind of falls apart when you look at Saddam or bin Laden and try to imagine them as simply misunderstood teddy bears wanting nothing more than the best for their people. The basis of your arguement becomes there is no such thing as an autrocity, only differing points of view.

It also falls appart when you look at your position historically. Neville Chamberlain talked with and reached an agreement with another leader, whose views you have arguably deemed as "equally valid", and declared to the world he had achieved "Peace in Our Time" In looking at this history, you are left with the position that Neville's "achievement" was a huge "success".

Those are both tough debate positions and you should not be surprised when they are taken advantage of.

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BeaverheadRiver: Oct 15, 2002, 8:16 AM
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Re: [BeaverheadRiver] Bali... In reply to
I hadn't seen that one. You have to love the guys at the Onion. It's even better when a newspaper somewhere picks up their stuff and runs it as a real news story! How funny is that?

And no, they don't teach enough history....or hard sciences, critical thinking, civics, etc., etc., etc.
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Re: [ArmyAirForces] Bali... In reply to
Talk about pluralism:


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Re: [hennagaijin] Bali... In reply to
What a load of crock!!! Of course there is no opposition. Saddam and his government use scare tactics. No way anyone would oppose the "great democratic president" lest they be shot. No way all 11.5 million registered voters actually voted in favor of that bastard. Although with no opposition, what difference does it make?

I say we invade, blow his ass up, wipe out their terrorist army, and occupy Iraq until legitment government is created with legitament elected leadership.

Limecat is not pleased.
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Re: [fuzzy thoughts] Bali... In reply to
hmmm ... I say we set up a Gforum for the Iraqi people and use yogi's poll to see what the Iraqi people want. If not, it's not that easy to re-establish a government. If the people want help (somebody really needs to go underground and dig up this information) then I can agree but ... making the assumption that they want help is not too wise I'd say.

openoffice + gimp + sketch ... Smile
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Re: [QooQ] Bali... In reply to
It would be a bit more than that as a whole language change would be required for both GForum and the Poll Plugin.Smile

Anyway, the people of Iraq under the fearful control of Sadam would only say what he tells them too. With the exception of all those people he gassed of course.

The bottom line, historically the US pulls back their forces too early. Ask Patton, Truman and now Swartzkoph *misspelled I am sure*.

If we would have let Patton go north the cold war would have been much different. Same for Truman and the Koreas and of course our forces were told NOT to go after Sadam when we were already there and had global support.

The global community is wishy washy with their support. When it is good and it looks like we could waltz through the global community cheers us on and even sends in their boys. When it looks like a dog fight everyone sure changes their tune fast. Especially countries that try to sit on the fence.

Countries like having a check mark in the WIN column of their resume but don't like to fight to get it. These are also the countries that would be the first in line to critique the US for its actions and also the first in line to ask for its help when they get in trouble (money, resources or troops).

I am almost to the point that I think the US should let these nations fend for themselves and cut off the IMF in the process. Let them stand on their own two feet for a bit and then they will see how important we are to their economy and wellbeing.

Just my opinion of course (and a few million others in the US Tongue)

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Teambldr: Oct 17, 2002, 10:01 AM
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Re: [Teambldr] Bali... In reply to
From what it seems, it doesn't matter if it's fear or free will the result will still be the same. Most people will embrace what they're told.

It would be interesting to see the nations alone. What would they do...?

The more I look at it, the more I see the rest of the world as being jealous towards the Americans as geeks are towards Microsoft. I'll bet every geek wouldn't be upset to be just as rich as Gates. (Strangely enough, the idea of pulling the IMF draws parallels to the arguments in the anti-trust case)

But that's getting off topic. The bombing of that nightclub is tragic, and the victims were so young too. A friend of mine was in Bali just last year and I've tossed the idea around myself. It's scary to think how just being foreign marks you as a target for a vicarious attack.
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Re: [Aki] Bali... In reply to
Being white flying into Frankfurt 12 hours after a bombing with a jewish sounding name was pretty scary for me when I was 16.

@ polling
That's why I mentioned getting in and digging for the real opinions.

@ economics
hehe, I vote pull the plug on the whole world. Various countries take US money with one hand and with the other give the US the bird. I really want to see the UN to get off their fat bums and do something one way or the other.

openoffice + gimp + sketch ... Smile
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Re: [QooQ] Bali... In reply to
All I know is I don't want to be here when it all kicks off.
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Re: [Paul] Bali... In reply to
hey, you're welcome to come here for a while. one of my roommates just enlisted in the Army and will be starting basic training in January. I need someone to take over his share of the lease :-)

Limecat is not pleased.
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Re: [QooQ] Bali... In reply to
That is a very funny yet satirical visual QooQ. One hand with money and the other, the Bird!

Paul, nobody wants to be where a target is drawn on a map. We live about 2 miles from one of the largest ammunition bunkers in the southwest US. If it gets a direct hit we will not have time to sneeze before we are turned to charcoal. Basically the inner circle on a ground zero map!

The island there of course is much more difficult to defend than the US soil but the British have a kick ass Navy and a very strong Air Force. Virtually along the same lines as us (based upon the amount of coastline that needs to be covered as a percentage). But we have more than half our troops around the world helping other countries fight their wars and maintain peace (I think it was over 70,000 just in Korea for example).

The UK can take care of itself. And when the US and England stand united virtually no nation would consider taking us on (the exception of course is radical whatevers from countries that think killing people gets you into the Holy land).

So as I said, cut them off! Call in all the world debt and if they can't pay then take colateral. Whatever it takes. Let the world stand on its own without the US and England being their saviors for awhile. It would be interesting to see what they would do next!

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Re: [Teambldr] Bali... In reply to
Brian, whereabouts do you live? I'm assuming you're talking about the Radford Army Amunition Plant? I remember hearing RAAP is #4 on Russia's US targets list.

[edit]just mis-read your post.. you said "southwest", not "southeast".[/edit]

At any rate, bombing the RAAP would be a huge disaster.

Limecat is not pleased.

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fuzzy thoughts: Oct 17, 2002, 2:45 PM
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Re: [Teambldr] Bali... In reply to
The US and England united. Smile

I definitely like your idea for going back to late 1800's mentality of shutting out the world for a bit to do some inner reconstruction. The ramifications of this would be sooo huge, I just love the thought. Come on, nobody wants the US to play policeman. Many countries have graffitti scrawled on walls saying Army go home. Imagine that all of these little countries having to find some other sucker to do house cleaning for them. whoo, Teambldr your ideas are a bit radical but I love it.

I'm sure thought that the US would go through other reprecussions like high unemployment and such but if a public works compaign would be put in place I'm sure many of the young men who would leave the army would be useful to build parks, revitalize down town areas, be useful in patroling crime ridden areas, and what not ... in effect counter acting against high unemployment and a high count of food stampers.

hmmm, is the 21st century a time of the US taking care of it's own or of the US becoming the United Nations?

openoffice + gimp + sketch ... Smile