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Re: [Andy] One more time?
I guess i had it as a comma-list in a search-field and higher weight to search for.
But also i had data in a table and a counter for the size of the tags in the cloud, maybe by a cron or in real time, but there was also the search index with a counter?
And finally i remember to had something to move links into cats by the tags; and so i had also another search by checkboxing cats to search in.
Maybe i dream all this, so many years are gone.

I walk slow, while i have to write some text and write some code parallel to this project.
At the moment i take cats with a prefix sorted by "last_update" and fetch all threads with that prefix_id as links to the lsql saving the thread_id as foreign column for update instead of insert the next time.

In the same time i have to learn a new "template system" and fight with gulp & co;
it is a long time ago also. I really dont understand why nobody can fix this )(&$)="(/&$§=)8 into one program.
I have installed dreamweaver yesterday, just to find out, they can do sass, but no uncss - can you believe this in 2020? Probably they all have a wonderful life at the beach these rich people from Adobe. So i tried a lot of things in the same time; dreamweaver with gulp, phpstorm with grunt/gulp, Komodo to work directly on the server ... it is a good idea, that nobody can see how many windows are open, how many ways i try to find the best for me.


Is there any good rule how to resize pictures to the same size?
I guess i need 120*150; so i have to check the ratio of the source image; then resize it by with or height and crop top/bottom or left/right.

Sorry to bore you, just need a minute to talk ... and go back into code and harmony. :)

Last edited by:

Robert: Aug 19, 2020, 8:21 AM

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