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Products: Gossamer Links: Discussions: fetchrow_hashref undefined value at (EVAL 42) line 16: Edit Log

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fetchrow_hashref undefined value at (EVAL 42) line 16

I am getting the following error when using page.cgi as well as when I try and build pages.

Anyone with suggestions would be greatly welcomed. I am thinking an SQL error?



GT::SQL::error = Failed to execute query: 'SELECT * FROM glinks_Links WHERE (isTop = ?) AND isValidated = ? ORDER BY isTop ASC': Unknown column 'isTop' in 'where clause' $!: No such file or directory ------------------

A fatal error has occured:

Can't call method "fetchrow_hashref" on an undefined value at (eval 42) line 16.

Please enable debugging in setup for more details.
Stack Trace ====================================== Links (16346): Links::environment called at /home/links/admin/Links.pm line 787 with no arguments. Links (16346): Links::fatal called at (eval 42) line 16 with arguments (Can't call method "fetchrow_hashref" on an undefined value at (eval 42) line 16.
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Clint: Mar 11, 2017, 1:04 AM

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