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Re: [el noe] [NEW PLUGIN] CDN v1
I have to say at first when Andy mentioned this maxcdn site a little while back I didn't believe him, that a CDN could help a site much. But, I have always looked into speeding up my site and in fact when I came across the new gt site gtmetrix.com some of my pages, where over 90% already, since I would do about 80% of the suggested stuff on that site.

But since using the cdn a little over a month ago today. My traffic has looked like apple's stock over the last few years. So either something magically happened or the cdn is helping a lot. Whast also crazy is looking at stats at alexa... my search engine traffic is actually DROPPING, yet traffic is going up.

I think that using both maxcdn.com, and gtmetrix.com. along with andys maxcdn plugins, which made it pretty easy to modify the code on my gt forum and gt links.

I was also concerned on how to set it up, because i tried to use a "cloud" before and it was difficult. Using maxcdn, you can setup a cname such as cdn.yoursite-dotcom that then points to the domain that maxcdn supplies you when you create a zone. so you don't have to load any files they grab them from your site. You might just need to purge them if you change them.

If you think about it. I went from using one server in texas, to using 7 servers spread around the country. Yesterday I had 100% cache files served. Meaning that for most my css, images, js files my server didnt have to do a thing. whats also happening is now pages are loaded faster..

Think about when you hit a slow site.. and slow is a sec or longer these days... you leave and look for another.

I just hope now that gtmetrix.com is out GT will focus a little on letting us get a copy of the new forums.

Just wanted to thank Andy, maxcdn, and gtmetrix.com.

Last edited by:

carminejg3: Apr 2, 2011, 1:52 AM

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