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Re: [Gorospe] Ideas please

Please try this:

sub {

my $cat = $_[0];
my $limit = $_[1];
my $all_ids = $DB->table('Category')->children($cat);
push @$all_ids, $cat;

my $db_obj = $DB->table('Links','CatLinks','Category');
$db_obj->select_options ("ORDER BY RAND() DESC Limit $limit");

my $cond = GT::SQL::Condition->new('CategoryID', 'IN', $all_ids);
my $cond2 = GT::SQL::Condition->new('isNew','=','Yes','isValidated','=','Yes');
my $sth = $db_obj->select (['Links.*'], $cond, $cond2 ) || die $GT::SQL::error;

my @cats;
while (my $hit = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {

if ($CFG->{build_detailed}) { $hit->{detailed_url} = $CFG->{build_root_url} . "/" . $DB->table('Links')->detailed_url( $hit->{ID} ); }

if ($hit->{isNew} eq "Yes") { $hit->{isNew} = 1; } else { $hit->{isNew} = 0; }
if ($hit->{isPopular} eq "Yes") { $hit->{isPopular} = 1; } else { $hit->{isPopular} = 0; }
if ($hit->{isChanged} eq "Yes") { $hit->{isChanged} = 1; } else { $hit->{isChanged} = 0; }

push @cats, $hit;

return { rand_links_in_this_cat => \@cats }


Call with:

<%loop rand_links_in_this_cat%>
<%include link.html%>

Should do what you want =)


Andy (mod)
Want to give me something back for my help? Please see my Amazon Wish List
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Last edited by:

Andy: Jul 4, 2009, 9:22 AM

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