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Re: [Andy] SPAM in Links 2.0
Andy, thanks for your message, the code worked.

I thought of another idea whereby the SPAMMER doesn't reach the "Success" page, since I don't want them to think they are accomplishing their goals of posting SPAM irregardless to our displayed guidelines. With the current code, it relies on the email address being "i.ua", and then sends them to the success page.

Besides the currently installed and required CAPTCHA on the form, I'd like to ask a simple question with a text box (<input name="Question" value="" size="40">). The code within add.cgi will have a couple of variations of the correct word, i.e. ('word','Word'). Since our community speaks another language, only our users will be able to answer that specific question, even Google Translate won't be able to help them.

In this way, these SPAMMERs will not receive the success page and will have to search for many days or months for the English translation of the word, and if they happen to decipher it, I will change the question on the form and change the answer in add.cgi.

Andy, what do you think of this solution, is it possible?

Last edited by:

Zoro: May 20, 2009, 11:37 AM

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