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Re: [Andy] Fuzzy Search
Thanks Andy, how about passing it on the normal search and not in the advanced search? Here is my normal search code:


<form action="<%config.db_cgi_url%>/search.cgi">

<input type="text" id="searchbox" name="query" value="<%if query%><%escape_html query%><%endif%>" class="text" size="39" style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12pt" />

<select name="Categoria"><option selected value="*">Todas las Categorías</option>
<%loop selected_values%>
<%if checked%>
<option value="<%value%>" selected>
<option value="<%value%>">

<select name="Pais"><option selected value="*">Todos los Países</option>
<%loop selected_values%>
<%if checked%>
<option value="<%value%>" selected>
<option value="<%value%>">

<input type="image" SRC="/imagenes/buscar.gif" name="Buscar" value="Buscar" class="submit" />

Last edited by:

Gorospe: Jul 22, 2008, 7:48 AM

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