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Re: [Taki-x] Moving to new server instructions

Its not a simple task.

1) You have to compress the cgi-bin files (tar cvvf cgibin.tar *)
2) You have to compress the www files (tar cvvf backup.tar *)
3) Backup your database (mysqldump --add-drop-table -u=USERNAME -pPASSWORD DATABASE_NAME > backup.sql)
4) Download all these files locally
5) Uploads to your new server
6) Decompress them (in their correct folders!), with: tar -xof file.tar
7) Then, you need to run a `grep` on the files, something like:

Replace /old/ with your old path to the admin folder
Replace /new/ with your NEW path to the admin folder

perl -p -i -e 's|/old/|/new/|g' `grep -r -l '/old/' .`

8) Re-import your database, with:


Thats pretty much it - although I've put it in very simple terms =)


Andy (mod)
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Andy: Feb 21, 2009, 12:46 AM

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