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Re: [el noe] Call User_edit_profile in static mode ?
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As far as I know google only follows links but is not able to follow form submits.
That means if you have your d=1 during the login process google won´t get the dynamic pages.
BTW adding

<input type=hidden name=d value=1>

Google also follow links if you are surfing logged in and you go directly from there to google. It s my experience over years with onlineshops etc. (you can find url s with session ID s in google although session id s are disabled for robots...)
i also think that google can indexing sites that are surfed with a google toolbar.
And if the dynamic pages are not forbidden ( only allowed for logged-in users) then all pages will be spidered for sure.

But lets wait. The gossamer s team made such a good software with Linkssql. i am sure they will give more quality to the software in the future to keep a quality distance to the many growing open source CMS.
And give static built pages the functionality -maybe with ajax- to be a little bit interactiv, gives Linkssql a big step forward in front of the many different CMS systems.
i am although really satisfied with Linkssql. But i compare also with other systems. Pearl is for me not so easy to understund. But i think more and more that Linkssql need a time to understand the own system to configure. but if you learned this it gives many possibilities to make easy changes.
(only that i can t use the static pages if i want to know if a user is logged in let s me wondering...smile...)

But my nation is not resig-nation.

Anyway linkssql is a fine thing.




Last edited by:

manne: Mar 19, 2007, 12:06 PM

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