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Re: [Huckle] Alumni DB question
Check out the FAQ (maintained by LoisC) at www.redundantcartridge.com/dbman (for a whole bunch of mods)

You'll want to install a generic (plain) copy of dbman (from gossamer-threads) and get it working first. Then set permissions to "view all records" and "mod/delete own record only" in the db.cfg file. (If you install the basic script you'll see what I mean).

Then add the mod for Admin Approval (see the FAQ) of users.

The Alpha bar would come from the "search" page which you can modify to contain only the fields you want.

The links search could be generated by links and printed out on the page. Say you had a link to deal with Brad Pitt then you have links print a URL such as (example only): http://www.yourdomain.com/cgi-bin/db.cgi?view_records=1&last_name=Pitt and then you could say "Click Here to Search for Alumni - Pitt"

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Watts: Mar 7, 2007, 3:33 PM

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