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Re: [PerlFlunkie] NEW MOD: Modify.cgi password protection/autofiller
you are right... the solution i came up with (even though its two years later Crazy) is to have the email include multiple passwords and usernames for each title they have on file under the email. Replace both process_form and send_email in modify_ret.cgi with the following:


sub process_form {
# --------------------------------------------------------

($in{'Email'} !~ /.+@.+\..+/[/url]) and &site_html_modify_up_ret_failure ("You did not specify a valid email address.") and return;

# Let's check to make sure the link we want to update is actually
# in the database.
open (DB, "<$db_file_name") or &cgierr("Error in validate_records. unable to open db file: $db_file_name. Reason: $!");
$found = 0;
LINE: while (<DB>) {
(/^#/) and next LINE;
(/^\s*$/) and next LINE;
@data = &split_decode($_);
if ($data[$db_contact_email] eq $in{'Email'}) {
if ($found > 0) {

$u[$found] = $data[$db_user];
$p[$found] = $data[$db_pw];
$t[$found] = $data[$db_title];
$n[$found] = $data[$db_contact_name];
else {

$u = $data[$db_user];
$p = $data[$db_pw];
$t = $data[$db_title];
$n = $data[$db_contact_name];
$found = 1;
# last LINE;
close DB;
!$found and &site_html_modify_up_ret_failure ("Record not found.") and return;
if ($found) {
&site_html_modify_up_ret_success() and return;
sub send_email {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Sends an email to the admin, letting him know that there is
# a new link waiting to be validated.
if ($n =~ /^(\w+)\s\w+$/) {
$n = $1;
# Check to make sure that there is an admin email address defined.
$db_admin_email or &cgierr("Admin Email Address Not Defined in config file!");
my $to = $in{'Email'};
my $from = $db_admin_email;
my $subject = "Password retrieval for: $t";
my $msg = qq|Hello $n,|;
$found = $found - 1;
if ($found > 0) {
$msg .= qq|
Here are your Contact Names and Passwords for all your listings:

Company Name : $t
Username : $u
Password : $p
$number = 1;
while ($found >= $number) {
$msg .= qq|
Company Name : $t[$number]
Username : $u[$number]
Password : $p[$number]
} else {
$msg .= qq|
Here is your Contact Name and Password:
Username : $u
Password : $p|;
$msg .= qq|
found is $found
Please login here:

Links Manager.
# Then mail it away!
require "$db_lib_path/Mailer.pm";
my $mailer = new Mailer ( { smtp => $db_smtp_server,
sendmail => $db_mail_path,
from => $from,
subject => $subject,
to => $to,
msg => $msg,
log => $db_mailer_log
} ) or return undef;
$mailer->send or return undef;

Hope that helps :D

Vote Stinky

Last edited by:

security_man: Nov 26, 2006, 2:37 AM

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