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Re: [Alba] hiding empty categories

In subcategory.html If I add this, does not work

The code in subcategory I have is:

<a href="<%escape_html URL%>">
<%if RelationName%>
<%if Related%>@<%endif%></a> (<%Number_of_Links%>)<%if Has_New_Links eq 'Yes'%>
<span class="new-item"><span>nuevo</span></span><%endif%>
<%if Has_Changed_Links eq 'Yes'%> <span class="updated-item"><span>actualizado</span></span><%endif%>
<%if Description%><dd><%Description%></dd><%endif%>

And to make this work, I changed to:

<%if Number_of_Links '>' '0'%>

<a href="<%escape_html URL%>">
<%if RelationName%>
<%if Related%>@<%endif%></a> (<%Number_of_Links%>)<%if Has_New_Links eq 'Yes'%>
<span class="new-item"><span>nuevo</span></span><%endif%>
<%if Has_Changed_Links eq 'Yes'%> <span class="updated-item"><span>actualizado</span></span><%endif%>
<%if Description%><dd><%Description%></dd><%endif%>


In Reply To:
<%if Number_of_Links '>' '0'%>
<dt><a href="<%URL%>"><%Name%></a>. </dt>

It won't stop the pages building but they won't be listed on the parent category pages.

Last edited by:

tenoch: Nov 21, 2006, 9:19 AM

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