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Re: [brewt] HOWTO: Using File Columns

I have a problem with the global.

1) If the column FileColumnName is empty, the global gives an error.

A fatal error has occured:
Can't call method "File_URL" on an undefined value at (eval 55) line 3.
Please enable debugging in setup for more details.
Stack Trace
Links (29458): Links::environment called at /links/admin/Links.pm line 750 with no arguments.
Links (29458): Links::fatal called at (eval 55) line 3 with arguments
(Can't call method "File_URL" on an undefined value at (eval 55) line 3.
Links (29458): Links::__ANON__ called at GT::Template::_call_func line 791 with arguments
(Image1, 6603).
Links (29458): GT::Template::_call_func called at /links/admin/templates/luna/compiled/modify_success.html.compiled line 499 with arguments
(GT::Template=HASH(0x87fce60), view_img1, 1, 0, Image1, 6603).
Links (29458): GT::Template::parsed_template called at /links/admin/GT/Template.pm line 565 with arguments
Links (29458): GT::Template::_parse called at /links/admin/GT/Template.pm line 158 with arguments
(GT::Template=HASH(0x87fce60), modify_success.html, HASH(0x871a8dc)).
Links (29458): GT::Template::parse called at /links/admin/Links.pm line 452 with arguments
(GT::Template, modify_success.html, ARRAY(0x87fcb48), HASH(0x871a8dc)).
Links (29458): Links::user_page called at /links/admin/Links/SiteHTML.pm line 306 with arguments
(modify_success.html, HASH(0x88aeb2c), HASH(0x871a8dc)).
Links (29458): Links::SiteHTML::__ANON__ called at /links/admin/GT/Plugins.pm line 133 with arguments
(HASH(0x88aeb2c), [undef]).
Links (29458): GT::Plugins::dispatch called at /links/admin/Links/SiteHTML.pm line 27 with arguments
(GT::Plugins=HASH(0x83ab040), site_html_modify_success, CODE(0x8672814), HASH(0x88aeb2c), [undef]).
Links (29458): Links::SiteHTML::display called at /links/admin/Links/User/Modify.pm line 166 with arguments
(modify_success, HASH(0x88aeb2c)).
Links (29458): Links::User::Modify::_modify called at /links/admin/Links/User/Modify.pm line 32 with no arguments.
Links (29458): Links::User::Modify::handle called at /links/admin/GT/Plugins.pm line 133 with no arguments.
Links (29458): GT::Plugins::dispatch called at modify.cgi line 26 with arguments
(GT::Plugins=HASH(0x83ab040), handle_modify, CODE(0x82ea348)).

2) The condition does not give any result.

<%if FileColumnName%>
<img src="<%filecol_url('FileColumnName', $ID)%>" alt="" />

The use of DUMP indicates that the column FileColumnName is empty in modify_success.html.

You have an idea ?

I use Gossamer Links 3.2.0

Thank you for your assistance.


Last edited by:

Oyo: Sep 25, 2006, 6:49 AM

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