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Re: [MJB] Importing users decline error
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Have a look at This Thread. It may help.

Hi, yeah, I actually did search this time before asking and did read that thread. It says something about
The declined users were saved to private/tmp/error_import

But I don't get any error message saying the declined users sere saved anywhere, and just in case, I looked through all of the protected directories for community to see if there was any sign of an error report file. But I haven't come across any error import or any other error file from community.

I'm using community with it's own database (it's still on the same localhost as my Links installation, but links is using a database named Data and the community is using a database called community. Would this have something to do with the problem of not importing the users from my links database?

Does it need to be on the same database that my Links installation is on?

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kamidan: Aug 21, 2006, 4:13 PM

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