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Re: [fuzzy logic] Block all but registered users from clicking links?
I tried it, but perhaps I didnt do it right because when Im not logged in, I can still access the link and I dont get the error message.

Im using jump.cgi to access the link

I packaged up what you wrote as a pre plugin and installed it. and I am using the jump.cgi

There is an error though in the plugins pm file such as this:
Number found where operator expected at LoginB4Download.pm line 45, near "1" (Missing semicolon on previous line?) syntax error at LoginB4Download.pm line 45, near "1" LoginB4Download.pm had compilation errors.

And heres what i pasted in.

sub pre_handle_jump
{ if ($USER) { return @_;
} else {
print $IN->header();
print Links::SiteHTML::display("error", { error => "Please Login to download this file." }); } }

And when I view the plugins edit after installing, it is showing this that I chose handle_jump and PRE:
handle_jump (PRE)

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kamidan: Aug 16, 2006, 10:41 AM

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