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making 2 col on home page
I can`t making 2 col on home page and other.
use links sql 3.1.0 and yahoosubcat plugin
where problem?

home page:
<%loop category_loop%>
<%~set splitmod = $row_num % $split%>
<%~if row_num == 1 or splitmod == 1 or split == 1%><dl><%endif%>
<%~include subcategory.html%>
<%~if row_num == $category_loop.length or splitmod == 0%></dl><%endif%>


#home dl, #category dl {
margin: 10px 0px 0px 0px;
width: 49%;
float: left;

where need change? pls help

Last edited by:

halahan: Apr 30, 2006, 9:35 AM

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