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Re: [Hargreaves] Help making global

Not nit-picking, but... that will probably give an error; (didn't test it, but from previous globals, where I left this out by mistake, it gave syntax errors);

return $table->select('payments_amount' => $cond)->fetchrow;

...should be wrapped with { }

return $table->select( { 'payments_amount' => $cond } )->fetchrow;

Also, you need to specify what to grab.. i.e;

return $table->select( ['payments_amount'] , { 'payments_amount' => $cond } )->fetchrow;

Actually.. thinking about it, this may be better;

sub {
my $table = $DB->table('Payments');
$table->select_options("ORDER BY payments_amount","LIMIT 1");
return $table->select( ['payments_amount'] , { payments_linkid => $_[0] } )->fetchrow;


Andy (mod)
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Andy: Dec 7, 2005, 10:06 AM

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