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Re: [brewt] Argh, Help! Dynamic URLs overriding hard coded URLs
Well, at least 1 year ago, I already complained to Alex, against using clean_output solution in Links.pm, but at that point I had no enough reasons to support my opinion, just the speed overhead, what the clean_output is causing with the regexp match.

Now there is another reason, why the clean_output function usage is bad... Shocked

IMHO, the clean_output should be not used.
I believe, constructing the URLs at the point where they are needed, is the best solution,
and does NOT make any overhead by parsing the full webpage content as the clean_output does...

Reference URLs:
Post 1: URL generating
Post 2: [BUG] in clean_output()
Post 3: dynamic_preserve still not implemented

Best regards,

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webmaster33: Dec 5, 2005, 9:16 AM

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