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Re: [pugdog] Need help with Sort by distance
Ok, I will attempt the temporary table. I have a few questions right off the bat...

This 'temporary' table... is it a physical table that exists or is it temporary as in ram?
If it is a real table say named links_temp, and I actually copy data into it while doing a search, what prevents 2 concurrent searches from overwriting each others temp data?

I start here... This will give me a list of all zipcodes (from main ZipCode db) within the specified distance.
sub matching_zips {
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
my ($query, $unit, $dist) = @_;
my @output;

my $zipcode_db = $DB->table('ZipCodes') || return $GT::SQL::error;
my $osth = $zipcode_db->select({ ZipCode => $query })->fetchrow_hashref;

my $olat = $osth->{Latitude};
my $olon = $osth->{Longitude};
my $sth = $zipcode_db->select;

while (my $link = $sth->fetchrow_hashref)
my $temp_distance = distance($olat, $olon, $link->{Latitude}, $link->{Longitude}, $unit);

if( $temp_distance <= $dist)
push (@output, $link->{ZipCode});

return @output;


Easy enough... Now I select ALL links that match ANY of the Zip Codes from above
my @zips = matching_zips($query, $unitcode, $dist);

my $link_db = $DB->table('Links') || return $GT::SQL::error;
my $sth = $link_db->select(GT::SQL::Condition->new('Zip' => 'IN' => \@zips));

I need to dump all these links into a 'temp' table here and add a column for 'distance'.
I could use an Example Please :-)

Now cycle through these links filling in 'distance'. No comparison needed we know they are all within distance already.
my $temp_db = $DB->table('temp') || return $GT::SQL::error;
my $sth = $temp_db->select;

while (my $link = $sth->fetchrow_hashref)
my $temp_distance = distance($olat, $olon, $link->{Latitude},$link->{Longitude}, $unit);

Update each row with $temp_distance????;

Once temp table is completed, Do I still call 'query' to add the paging options?
or do I have to roll my own paging? I can add the toolbar, but don't understand how to grab the 'next'
page of links on a subsequent request for the next page.

This would work? If so I can finish from the end of this snippet onword
my %filter = (
mh => $args->{mh},
nh => $args->{nh},
sb => $args->{sb}, # Can Now use Distance here
so => $args->{so},
ww => 1

my $temp_db = $DB->table('temp') || return $GT::SQL::error;
my $temp_sth = $temp_db->query(\%filter);
$link_count = $temp_db->hits;
my $results = $temp_sth->fetchall_hashref;

Please let me know if this sounds right and fill in any blanks that you can :-)

Cacheing would probably be a good idea too :-)

RGB World, Inc. - Software &amp; Web Development.

Last edited by:

rgbworld: May 31, 2005, 12:45 AM

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