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Re: [brewt] Login weirdness
According to 2.99.0 -> 2.99.1 luna template set diff. There are only wrapper differences.
When you actually get to the content, the diffs show this:

<div class="crumb"><%Links::Utils::format_title($main_title_loop, separator => $crumb_separator, no_escape_separator => $no_escape_crumb_separator, include_home => 1, link_type => 2)%></div>
<h2>Successful Sign Up</h2>
@@ -29,8 +28,11 @@

The area I am trying to check is where the @@ symbols are.
I have
<%~if Validation%>
Thanks for signing up, an e-mail has been sent to you with a validation code. Once you receive it, you'll need to enter a <a href="<%config.db_cgi_url%>/user.cgi?validate=1">validation code</a>
You have now successfully registered. You may now <a href="<%config.db_cgi_url%>/user.cgi?Username=<%Username%>">log in</a>.

I am not overriding this template (signup_success.html)

So lets review...
When a new user successfully signs up for an account, the get a message that states:

"You have now successfully registered. You may now login."

The problem is:
1) They ARE logged in.
2) The login/register is still in the top right corner
(it should say logout and have logout icon)

Switching to any other page corrects the "login/logout" text and icon.

Your reply
both your issues have been fixed (one being remove the link since you're already logged in, and the 2nd one being the javascript to change the link).

I can just delete the link like you said, but the login/logout icon is still wrong.
Where is this javascript?

I have re-uploaded the entire luna template set from the installer
I also re-uploaded utils.js to static directory.

I have made sure(again) that all changes to templates (that I am overriding) have been updated.

Now I am a little concerned that the templates out of
glinks-3.0.1.tar.gz are completely updated.

As far as i am concerned this is still broke.


I find this in 2.99.1 -> 3.0 for
+<%~-- If your site is statically built, then the login status will always say 'Login/Register'. This javascript replaces it with 'Logout' if the user is logged in. --~%>

Because my site is dynamically built, I deleted the java script from include_common_head.html
So, either the comment is wrong? or it is still a bug in dynamically generated sites.

I put the java script back in and it fixes the icon.

1) the comment is wrong. The javascript is needed even for dynamic sites.
fyi, I am using rewrite rules to look static
2) The template "signup_success.html" should be updated without the "login" link.
fyi, I was not overriding this template. now I have to.

RGB World, Inc. - Software &amp; Web Development.

Last edited by:

rgbworld: May 8, 2005, 1:10 AM

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